thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

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Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Post by S']['U »

f0xL3g3nD wrote:I don't know how many times I have to say it, I don't care STU.
Yes, I was trolling you, and yes I also wanted to see if you were interested in Cafe.
Not only because I wanted to ask, but other [Cafe] members did as well, you are loyal and devoted, but honestly a complete cry baby. You act as if the internet has the same rules as democracy and you also get way out of hand when someone hurts your feelings.
For the record: I only get "way out of hand" when I'm being treated unfairly.
...and this issue is not about me.
f0xL3g3nD wrote:I myself have a lot of rough edges and I just quite frankly, don't give a shit what you think. So dig deeper and tell everyone something new about me. Your opinion equals a grain of salt in my eyes.
Someone sounds butthurt.
Rolo asked for opinions, so I gave mine. I don't care what your opinion of my opinion is.
...and I'm not the least bit interested in "diggging" for info on anyone.
f0xL3g3nD wrote:Move on STU, enjoy your piloting. Maybe one day after you have exposed everyone and you only get to run over 3 admins, feel proud.
Not likely.
Clearly you still won't or can't take responsibility for your actions, and instead you need to blame me for "misunderstanding" your intentions.
If your "trolling" was really meant as some kind of "test" of my loyalty, I'd say I passed with flying colors ...just not in your favor.
How can you expect me to be loyal to someone who is either a forum-saboteur, or is purposely deceiving me?
Either way, you lose.

BTW: In case you didn't notice, I was in favor of having your server ban lifted.
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Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Post by virus »

f0xL3g3nD :) wrote:
Not only because I wanted to ask, but other [Cafe] members did as well, you are loyal and devoted...
I was the one who initially wanted to seek your membership, because I liked your piloting skills.
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Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Post by '][']-[RiLL3R »

Virus, I can pilot all over S']['U's face. :) I will be your pilot.
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Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Post by virus »

'][']-[RiLL3R wrote:Virus, I can pilot all over S']['U's face. :) I will be your pilot.
Acknowledged! I was thinking of creating large maps to encourage apc/lpc/hpc usage and would like for it to be a norm in matches one day. This going to be awesome.
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Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Post by '][']-[RiLL3R »

Sweet, lemme know when you make one. :D
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Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Post by S']['U »

'][']-[RiLL3R wrote:Virus, I can pilot all over S']['U's face. :) I will be your pilot.
On what do you base that?
I don't recall seeing you you piloting an APC, but if you did, then you weren't skilled enough to get my attention.
...and I seriously doubt that anyone can match my skill at precision bombing.

You're so full of shit.
I hereby challenge you to prove the ridiculous trolling crap that you just typed.

I'd like to see you do this:


Throwing bombs inside the base 3 times in a row while circling it sideways.

This is not just "luck".
Several people here can tell you that I throw bombs inside doorways easily, accurately and often.

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Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Post by justR »

yeah you accomplished so much in that clip...

:refocuses thread on fox, not people trolling stu:
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Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Post by '][']-[RiLL3R »

I never did much bombing, just running people over. I remember going one on one with you though, and you raged quit, because I kept getting you with my door.

I was Cloud.

Fox has done a lot for this community, he has made custom Tribes and has given them out to many people that wanted them. Hell, he has even took requests from people and did what they requested.
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Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Post by f0xL3g3nD :) »

I've tried my best to promote Tribes as much as possible since I have started playing.

However, Bo'sdad took care most of the people I introduced, them being ignorant of a server tyrant, they got banned because they were unaware of the rules. However since that asshole is finally gone, the community has a chance. It's hard to convince people to play a 15 year old game, even harder doing that when they have been banned lol.

But all in all, I still host T1 downloads for the public

take care.
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Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Post by S']['U »

'][']-[RiLL3R wrote:...I remember going one on one with you though, and you raged quit, because I kept getting you with my door.
I was Cloud.
This is pure bullshit.

I have never "rage quit" because of someone killing me with an APC. It just doesn't happen that often.
The only time it did was recently with Puppetmaster, and he can tell you that rather than "rage quitting" because of it, I sent him the demo.

I quit once because Tigga was making his whole game all about camping and sniping me on the airbase as soon as I jumped into my bomber.
If I can't play, then I won't's that simple.
That's not "rage quitting", that's just not wasting my time entertaining a server troll.

I do notice who's good at APC kills, and Puppetmaster is quickly becoming one of the best.
Black Sheep{OZ} is also pretty good at it.
You haven't even caught my attention.

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