I miss Bo ...NOT

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Re: I miss Bo ...NOT

Post by virus »

f0xL3g3nD :) wrote:Were you the type of kid who flew paper airplanes while being obnoxious to every single person around you to look at the paper airplane while you threw it across the room, only for it too be a half a centimeter off and it takes a hard right, nose first straight onto the floor and bends, bends I tell you, and then you cry, and anyone who laughs is known as a bully, and everyday you tell people about this bully, even when you grow old (as you are) and you see that person in the world, and you tell everyone around you about his past, what he has done, and why. Then people will forever know that person as that, because you wouldn't let it die. I also assume that each afternoon you would be seen walking with a scooby doo lunch box, only to find a mayo and cheese on rye with a two week old banana. And you would try to get other people to trade lunches with you, and all the people did was laugh at you, so you would go to the janitorial areas and make as many paper airplanes as you could, tried to master the motherfuckers, but you never could master such a greatness. All Authority and Law shall now be set aside for the glorious cry baby death pilot. And then you will be happy. I'm sorry if you're actually reading this entire thing, such poor grammar and no paragraphs may be hard on your old ass eyes. But seriously, stop fucking crying and starting shit all the time, even when nothing is happening to you, you have to stick yourself into the center of attention on a 15 year old game.. It's pathetic you even still go on about Bo, considering he is fucking gone, but nooooo, just can't let it die. Instead of getting bored of flying all the time and having to come up with ways to start drama or be a baby, why dont you pick some other armors and actually get good at tribes, theres more to flying and mortar spamming, more things to do then sit on a computer and come up with ways to be a slithering little cocksucker. One of these days Tribes One will be dead and gone STU, and you will have nothing but your paper airplanes, with the same crooked angle on the left wing.
Damn, fox, tell us how you really feel. Hahaha
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Re: I miss Bo ...NOT

Post by JeSuS »

S']['U wrote:
JeSuS wrote:leave it alone
Funny....that's almost exactly what "Mr Smith" told me when I was trying to warn people that Wig Bro was Fish. Image
JeSuS wrote:make another thread if you want to see proof...
No thanks. I see no need. Image
JeSuS wrote:This shouldnt have even been posted. Everybody move on from this topic
Quite right.
Everybody should listen to Mr Smith. He likes to keep people ignorant of the truth. Image
oh no, he knows one of my smurf names from almost a year ago. What will I ever do with myself. STU seriosuly, drop it. For christ sakes man, think outside the box for once. leave it the fuck alone. I dont know how else I can say it so you will understand. God my 4 year old knows better :roll:
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Re: I miss Bo ...NOT

Post by S']['U »

JeSuS wrote:oh no, he knows one of my smurf names from almost a year ago. What will I ever do with myself.
JeSuS wrote:STU seriosuly, drop it. For christ sakes man, think outside the box for once. leave it the fuck alone. I dont know how else I can say it so you will understand. God my 4 year old knows better :roll:
Now that most of the corrupt BR administration is gone and I've regained some respect in the community, I felt the time was right to clear my name and reputation.

As an accomplice to that corruption, I can understand why this thread offends you.

BTW: I said I was done here. Now who couldn't "leave it alone"? Image
Last edited by S']['U on Wed Oct 02, 2013 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I miss Bo ...NOT

Post by virus »

I know Bo was the one that kept me out of BR when I made my way back to Tribes, but I also know that it wasn't his fault. I was mistaken for a nuisance, and he made a firm decision to lock me out. He was stubborn about letting me plead my case, but he was decisive. After it all cleared up, playing with Bo wasn't anything at all. He never greeted me, and I never rubbed the issue in his face. No one needs that. The more players we lose, the faster it fades. Enjoy the game.
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Re: I miss Bo ...NOT

Post by justR »

Normally I usually agree that the more players we lose, the faster it fades. (See my threads on unbanning players.) However, Bo was driving players away from the mod/game. He drove me away from playing in the server at all, so there is one example, you make two, Stu makes three. Driving him away vs him driving 3 players away. Self-explanatory. I read those previous threads about your situation, it was Bo's fault, another example of Crow having to pull Bo's head out of his own ass. (Thanks Crow!)

Fuck Bo. He's a fucking douchebag. He's a fucking idiot. Fuck that cocksucker.


/end thread
/rolo telling how he really feels
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Re: I miss Bo ...NOT

Post by virus »

Let's play Tribes!
Oh and... Thanks, Crow.
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Re: I miss Bo ...NOT

Post by JeSuS »

a fucking accomplise to that corruption, STU you are a fucking dumbass. Seriously I had nothing to do with anything and only attempted to help you but in your stupidity get carried away. Im done, pointless in trying to explain anything to a dumbass old man
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Re: I miss Bo ...NOT

Post by S']['U »

JeSuS wrote:a fucking accomplise to that corruption, STU you are a fucking dumbass. Seriously I had nothing to do with anything and only attempted to help you but in your stupidity get carried away. Im done, pointless in trying to explain anything to a dumbass old man

All I did was warn people ONCE that WigBro was Fish and you went ape-shit on me.
It's obvious all you and Bo wanted was for me to shut-up about it.
I was not "making a scene", YOU were.
I was only objecting to being told to "shut-up" for several minutes for telling everyone the truth once.
Then both you and Bo continued to lie about it.

I would call that "being an accomplice".
Last edited by S']['U on Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I miss Bo ...NOT

Post by JeSuS »

look there is the same message im trying to relay to you know. JUST STFU AND PLAY TRIBES!!! How hard is that to comprehend, noone cares anymore. So what if i did not know who one player was, get the fuck over it... Like i said before, my 4 year old knows better
Last edited by JeSuS on Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I miss Bo ...NOT

Post by S']['U »

JeSuS wrote:look there is the same message im trying to relay to you know. JUST STFU AND PLAY TRIBES!!!

(I knew I'd be using this again, I just didn't expect it to be so soon.)

As I said before, I was done here.
...but then you had to start it up again.
Please don't reply.
This is an argument you can't win.
I'm not trying to start new trouble here, I just wanted to clear up the past.

Response to your edit:
JeSuS wrote:How hard is that to comprehend, noone cares anymore.
Wrong. I do.
JeSuS wrote:So what if i did not know who one player was...
Yet you were soooo sure I was wrong.
I find it hard to believe that two BR admins couldn't recognize his IP, but I could.

I apologize to anyone who feels like I'm beating a dead horse with this thread.
In my search for video clips for my next video, I've been going through some old demos that have inadvertantly dredged up some bad memories and reminders of injustices that were done to me.
I was treated very badly for a long time, and I thought it would be easier for me to put it all in the past if I was finally able to "clear the air" so to speak.
Except for Bo and bongwater, I'm not holding any grudges, and I'm certainly not trying to start trouble.
There I just some things that I felt needed to be said.
That's all.
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