Yellow stone

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Re: Yellow stone

Post by perrinoia »

<!>KILROY wrote:It's a shame that one person gives many a bad name...
This is true, but at the same time, he was their leader. You have to ask yourself if he did it behind their back, or if he preached that lifestyle to the whole group, and they were OK with it.

I don't know all of the details, but I do know that it wasn't an isolated case. This type of thing happens all around the world, and it's usually associated with religious extremists of some variety...

In any society where they shun modernism, you can find young girls forced to marry old men, but at the same time, you can find 3 girls tied up in the basement of some nut job in Ohio, too.

Would a neutron bomb make it better or worse? I dunno, but I do know I wouldn't be able to play Tribes anymore...
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Re: Yellow stone

Post by perrinoia »

I must admit, though... If a neutron bomb went off, I might shave my neck beard, go outside, and meet a girl.
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Re: Yellow stone

Post by Real »

<!>KILROY wrote:Not if you look at the lifestyle of older Mormons. I used to know many of them in my past, but yes Amish are included.

Actually the villages are small enough you don't need motor vehicles for transportation which is why they use carts and wagons that are drawn by animals. Both live a simple, but a hard life, but Classic Mormon traditions believe in having more than one wife. As for Amish, they also live a simple life of hard work also.

As for Warren Jeff, he's the former president of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) and was convicted of rape of minors and sentenced to ten years to life in Utah, but the verdict was overturned due to bad jury instructions, but was extradited to Texas to face charges of sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault of children in connection with a raid of the FLDS Church's YFZ Ranch in 2008, and sentenced to life in prison plus 20 years, to be served consecutively in Texas. It's a shame that one person gives many a bad name, and he is paying the penalty.
FLDS is not mormon, they are the crazies that split off from the mormons. The reason I'm sticking up for it is because I have a best friend who is mormon and have known many of them who have helped my family out when I couldn't be there and really needed it.
perrinoia wrote:I must admit, though... If a neutron bomb went off, I might shave my neck beard, go outside, and meet a girl.
without tinder? what impossible
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Re: Yellow stone

Post by DaRk »

You are right. FLDS is not Mormon. Everyone I know who is Mormon (which is a lot, considering I live in the middle of it. Pocatello, ID) does not claim the FLDS and does not want to be associated with them, in any way. It is more than just Warren Jeffs, but the whole culture he and his father made. It's not just one person (stop watching Fox News). Guy deserves what he received. They were light in my opinion. Bad jury instructions are not excuse for this guy.
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Re: Yellow stone

Post by perrinoia »

Real wrote:
perrinoia wrote:I must admit, though... If a neutron bomb went off, I might shave my neck beard, go outside, and meet a girl.
without tinder? what impossible
If I line my pockets with aluminum foil, my phone should survive a neutron bomb, so I'll still have tinder, right?
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Re: Yellow stone

Post by KILROY »

Well I apologize for the FLDS Mormon statement. I'm not familiar with the whole incident, besides what was posted here, and what I read online. I myself, attended a Mormon Church when very young, and knew many Amish when I was in Pennsylvania for almost 5 years. Both parties are very hard workers and greatly respected by myself.
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Re: Yellow stone

Post by perrinoia »

Well, I think the majority of Mormons are good people, but the whole religion is a joke.

They collect millions, possibly billions every year, and what do they spend that money on? Charity? I haven't heard of any Mormon charities... Have you? No, they spend it on building super malls to make more money and pamphlets so they can go door to door and advertise their religion.

It's not just the Mormon religion, though... I find pretty much every organized religion is organized by a bunch of greedy assholes who don't live up to the standards they preach. The current Pope is alright in my book, but every Pope before him was a scumbag, particularly the last one.

How can you sit on a fucking throne like that, surrounded by so much wealth, while preaching the holy word, whether you think it consists of one, two, or three books... It's just fucking wrong. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's one of the 7 deadly sins, isn't it? That's some old testament shit, so even Jews and Muslims should agree on that.

Shit, the only religion that even comes close to practicing what it preaches is Buddhism, and then you see this shit:

Those guys aren't practicing what they preach, they're practicing to be circus performers, so they can live a rich lifestyle.

This is why Atheism is growing faster than any religion...
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Re: Yellow stone

Post by DaJ4ck3L »

big love
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Re: Yellow stone

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