This was forwarded to me....

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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by Loghead »

first of all, ecko was unbanned quite some time ago, second, stu had a vote to get unbanned and it was in favor of him. not taking sides or anything but he should be unbanned and maybe all of this will stop? ya think?
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by Loghead »

Admin: man
Admin: bo finally saw the vid
S']['U: ?
Admin: hes heated lol
S']['U: LOL

QUOTE (Bo'tard)
yes, stu is still banned. I like how he always targets me for his bs. the majority of the owners decided to ban stu for good.

But the majority of the admins want me unbanned.
From what I've heard, YOU are the only admin that has a stick up his ass about me.
Everyone knows there is NO REASON for my ban except for your petty little personal grudge.

QUOTE (Bo'tard)
I was just the one that caught him sneaking back in like a lil coward. Im sure Ill catch him again.

WTF are you talking about? You haven't caught me "sneaking back in the server".
I was back in the server a month ago, but I certainly wasn't "sneaking back in like a lil coward." I used my own name and I informed every Admin I came across that I had a new IP and was still officially "Bo-Banned".
During that time I recorded over 50 demos.
Several dozen players and at least 5 admins saw me and my announcements about still being Bo-Banned, yet no one informed you.
Even your pet server-troll Fish saw me and said nothing.
Does that tell you something?
Get a clue.

If you banned someone thinking it was me, then you're a fucking idiot that banned an innocent player who's now a casualty of your blind and reckless ban-happy obsession to fuck me any way you can.

QUOTE (Bo'tard)
stu is perma banned like ecko and one or two others.

Ecko is not banned. Neither is perrinoia. I believe I'm the ONLY person banned from BR right now... Banned for gloating at you. That truely is a serious offense that outweighs anything those people have done.
Get real.

QUOTE (Bo'tard)
if he is back in the server, at least this keeps him from spamming the chat log for 30 minutes and doing it in all caps.

You banned me for gloating at you for lying about Fish smurfing as WigBro:

QUOTE (Bo'tard)
he has the balls to post a vid, but he wont come out in the open.

QUOTE (Matt Fox)
ftw, he wont come out in the open, cuz hes banned :/ vgb

Brave words from someone who knows I'm banned from BR Forum and can't "come out in the open" If I posted ONE FUCKING WORD on your precious forum, it would be deleted immediately... So tell me, WHO'S REALLY THE FUCKING COWARD?

QUOTE (Bo'tard)
Ill just run ip traces and find the one where he lives. I remember where he lives and his old ip's, it wont take long.

Have fun with that. LOL! You really need to get a real life.

QUOTE (Bo'tard)
Thats so strange that stu would forward a perfect stranger this vid. especially since you are new to the forums too. hmmmmm, smells like a coward !

What's strange? That my supporters out number yours by at least 20 to 1?
Or do you think it's odd that one of my many friends feels he has to create a smurf account to post my video, out of fear of your ban-hammer?

Notice how people feel the need post disclaimers to you?
QUOTE (TXRedneck)
That's Awesome! (No ill intention to bo'sdad...

QUOTE (Striker)
No offense to Bo, but it was funny...

Everyone FEARS you because of your immature, unreasonable and psychotic behavior.
They FEAR that you will take punitive action against them for laughing at my video.
Don't kid yourself. They're not being respectful.... They're just AFRAID OF YOU ...because they've seen first hand that you permanently ban people just for mocking you:

Everyone kissed Hitler's ass least to his face. Then they plotted to kill him.
You're a fucking joke, and you're too stupid to even realize it.
Now your stupidity is forever immortalized on YouTube for posterity to see, and you will forever be known in Tribes history as the dumbass Chimp-Hitler-Admin of BR Server.
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by Loghead »

message from stu ^^^^^
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by Striker »


Jk bro. ;)
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by TXRedneck »

hmm I'm not afraid of bo'sdad nor do I have a reason to be. If I'm punished, banned or w/e for an opinion it's no problem I'd be gone and wouldn't return.

There's a win-win here. All it takes is a global mute (not team chat) in the Admin functions and problem solved. Better yet; rather than having someone voted to be muted make to where everyone can individually. Isn't that already there? Like ignore or not listening etc...?

This game is too far gone for things like this to be on going. We're all that's left and a couple more players leave each week/month. The rapid decline in the player base over all is a true tell tell sign of that. There are many more leaving than new players joining. Time to put away the petty differences and move forward as a whole.

We can't even get 32 people from this community to participate in a Ladder. There used to be 32 people in the server(s) at almost any given time. (Wake Up Call) :|
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by agitator »

Haha, I was going to post Stu's response here, but Loghead beat me to it. Oh well, it's just a matter of time before this thread is locked/deleted....

And I'll add my voice to the chorus of people pointing out the irony of calling someone a "coward" while banning them from all possible interaction with you.
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by bo'sdad »

Loghead wrote:first of all, ecko was unbanned quite some time ago, second, stu had a vote to get unbanned and it was in favor of him. not taking sides or anything but he should be unbanned and maybe all of this will stop? ya think?

ecko was never unbanned, and niether was stu. get your facts straight. also, stu has been banned several times from the server as well as the forums. why do you think he's not in here speaking up ? ( as stu )

this is exactly the type of drama stu loved to cause. if you wish to fall into it, you are welcome to do so. as for me, he isnt worth the time or trouble.
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by Lawlz »

You guys all fail to understand why Stu was banned. Sorry but we're not here to babysit some cry baby all day. I understand Tribes is losing players, but there are some people who just shouldn't come back. And he's one of them.

The ignore / mute function isn't enough for us, nor was it enough for him apparently. No one likes seeing post after post about, "harassment," that he brought upon himself. I can easily go find at least 18+ topics where Stu has done nothing but complain about X amount of things.

Agitator and Loghead, what would you two do in a situation like this? (Not that either of you even really play the game lately. Can't say I do either.) I'd really love to know. Because eventually, Stu would turn on the two of you if you were administrators as well. Not only was he given a million chances with Bong (Granted Bong was retarded in the end apparently...)
but he still continued to be a jackass even after he was given a clean slate.

/end story

Edit: Also on a side note, I like Stu outside of Tribes, just not in anything of Tribes relation.
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by Matt Fox »

Lawlz, I love you .... you speak so wise =)

We need to stop fighting, arguing like little babys.

And play what's left of this game, kk buh bye thanks
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by Rasta »

Well, Stu asked me to post it, as he wanna be able to respond topics about himself.


Do you know how I can tell that you didn't watch my video?

Because you have no clue that the topic here is my SERVER ban, NOT my Forum ban.

Do you know how I can tell you never read my response to Bo?

Try to learn the topic of a thread BEFORE you post in it.

Congrats. You just surpassed Cat3000 for "Most Pointless Post in This Thread".

I'm complaining about my SERVER BAN for mocking Bo.
I don't give a crap if I'm banned from this boring forum.

Matt Fox, you're just as clueless as Lawlz. DUH!

FYI: I was forum-banned for objecting to admins posting disrespectul, smart-ass remarks about me on my threads after they had been locked and I was unable to defend myself. (More cowardly behavior from the forum admins here.)
...And then they wonder why I don't respect them.