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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by TXRedneck »

I like STU, but if it wasn't clear enough from the get go that the verbal vomit was too much to take; then maybe a different game is best. This isn't worth the time and effort bud. All in all; no-one or nothing is going to change the way the servers & forums are run. My suggestion would be try Base or Renegades. ;)
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by Scud »

Good post Longhorn. The irresponsible "owners" of the last living Tribes One Annihilation server are going to do nothing but run this game farther into the ground with their bans and high-and-mighty attitudes. I'd say they're the reason I've not been around, but really it's just because half the time there's not enough people to get a game going anymore.

What was that Lewis Black quote.. Something about how after 9/11 people are STILL worried about gay marriage rights. Kinda similar here. The T1 world is falling apart and the highest priority to the admins is maintaining their petty prides by saying No is No and That is That. Buncha prick cowards. Hope I see half of you lame admins in Tribes Ascend so I can proceed to smash faces.
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by Striker »

STU, why does it matter to you if people you only know in a virtual world ban or insult you from something that is going to be gone within the year? You fail to realize that your complaining is as petty as the admin abuse. You say you hav no respect for the Admins, but do you have respect for anybody? People like Shadow and Lawlz have fought tooth and nail to defend you but you bite them in the ass anyways. To gain the respect you so desparately want you must first give it, which you fail to do.

Show some respect by leaving the community so the rest of us can enjoy the game while it's still here.

Thank you and have a nice day.

*sits and waits for STU's insults*
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by '][']-[RiLL3R »

People need to stop stressing their selves out over a game.

P.S. I say unban him and give him another chance.
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by '][']-[RiLL3R » ... As far as I saw it, Bo he wasn't disrupting anyone's game play but the people that made it as that (You and Mr.Smith)

^Just my opinion. :D
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by Loghead »

after his ip changed no one cared about him being there except fish and bo. and thats because they just dont like him. ide say the communty doesnt care if he is back. un ban him and just end all of this.
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by Lawlz »

Rasta wrote:Well, Stu asked me to post it, as he wanna be able to respond topics about himself.


Do you know how I can tell that you didn't watch my video?

Because you have no clue that the topic here is my SERVER ban, NOT my Forum ban.

Do you know how I can tell you never read my response to Bo?

Try to learn the topic of a thread BEFORE you post in it.

Congrats. You just surpassed Cat3000 for "Most Pointless Post in This Thread".

I'm complaining about my SERVER BAN for mocking Bo.
I don't give a crap if I'm banned from this boring forum.

Matt Fox, you're just as clueless as Lawlz. DUH!

FYI: I was forum-banned for objecting to admins posting disrespectul, smart-ass remarks about me on my threads after they had been locked and I was unable to defend myself. (More cowardly behavior from the forum admins here.)
...And then they wonder why I don't respect them.
Well first off, I did watch the video. I just didn't feel like responding to you on Xfire. (Plus I was in the middle of playing in The Community when you tried talking to me.)
Your, "server," ban isn't just for mocking Bo. It's for being a general pain in the ass. You can't just simply mute someone, you want every other person banned and will stop at nothing until everyone but you is practically banned from the server.
Sorry, but for your age; you obviously need to grow up, and learn that this is just a game. When you come back with an actual respectable attitude, (Which is highly unlikely.) then maybe things will work out in your favor better.

You're like one of those kids in an elementary school who if someone calls hims a moron you cry to the teacher, then pout about it if things don't go your way. Except you do more than just pout, you bitch and moan about it all day until eventually you lead the trolls back to you. Which all in all ends up causing you to pout even more, and to be a disrespectful, spiteful person. I personally don't care why you're banned, or why you think you're banned. All I know is you're banned, you're annoying, you're disrespectful, and personally, tribes is obviously a lot more enjoyable without all of your constant drama.

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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by RairLogic »

STU's video was more for a funny purpose and does not help any case of STUs. STU is very annoying, especially when he complains to people who are supposed to deal with complaints. STU is very disrespectful, especially to admins who beat around the bush and never do anything about his complaints in the first place. And Tribes is way more fun without STU because Tribes is for Blonde Hair and Blue Eyed people, oops i mean people who play differently and troll short fused people.

What am i saying? People complain he doesn't help but he does, he has a vid, and it is fun and that is why people play Tribes. His complaints involve proof making it easy for admins to do their job but they ignore or provoke others.

There was a vote on this and to unban STU's side was very much in the lead. Its the admins that want an easy job on this server who want STU gone. If the admins don't want him on and players are fine with it, then the admins are thinking of themselves instead of the server's players.

Not all players may want STU back but in Multiplayer Games, not all players are liked. You could mute STU on offenses you see him do but also listen to his side.... STU could infact just remove his chat box from his game. He should not use caps and he should not complain in-game because no one will listen and people will troll him. Bo could be a loving admin who is friendly with the players, pays 35 dollars a month to keep the server up, and go on the forums and not see his name everywhere. Bo could be but people see him as the worst admin in the server, maybe if he had more sympathy and not the main chooser of STU's fate ( according to you, everyone decides it but your always the face that says it and its not right if only you are the one saying this stuff) then maybe you could be a great admin. You are just so active in everything STU. I say "you" meaning Bo is reading this part lol.

Anyway, i won 2nd Place a in Chess tournament in my state's capitol for my grade! oh yeah
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by '][']-[RiLL3R »

RairLogic wrote: Anyway, i won 2nd Place a in Chess tournament in my state's capitol for my grade! oh yeah
Congrats. 8-)
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by LunaticChick »

What is your message there Rairlogic?

"And Tribes is way more fun without STU because Tribes is for Blonde Hair and Blue Eyed people, oops i mean people who play differently and troll short fused people."

Is that a racist opinion of yours of white supremacy?