Getting bigger games going!

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Getting bigger games going!

Post by Ozzie »

So something I’ve noticed on the BR server lately is that games aren’t going on in the evenings many times because people all log in at different times... I’ll be hanging out in the server and one or two players log in and stick around for a bit, then leave because theres no game going on, then 5 minutes later one or two others log in, then leave after a bit, and the cycle continues for a few hours. I think it might be a good idea to establish a time for whoever wants to play to login each day, like maybe 7:00PM CST or something, so enough people login at the same time for a good game to start up. What do you guys think?
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Re: Getting bigger games going!

Post by (=SK=)Zorak »

That time should work for me usually, but I can't ever say what my schedule is gonna be like unfortunately. Would be nice to get a lot of people in at once though. The other evening I was playing and it was fairly busy, so that was nice
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Re: Getting bigger games going!

Post by AnniDv6 »

This is why I don't mind people sitting in observer. Just join the server and go in observer and then check back every once in awhile and see.

You can also use this website to check the servers
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