Veronica is the new "fish"

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Re: Veronica is the new "fish"

Post by OldGuy »

This isn't a court of law. And hearsay is a third party. A witness is first party. Witness testimony isn't hearsay since it's first party. I'll just leave it at that.
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Re: Veronica is the new "fish"

Post by OldGuy »

DaRk wrote:Veronica plays off hearsay. She's gotten away with it in the past. Plays the villain when no one is watching, then plays victim when she's caught.
Playing the villain includes lies and deceit.

Case in point. A while back, I had been playing for a couple of hours. I got bored so I decided to get something to drink so I left and came back in under a smurf. Dark was there and Veronica started railing about him and his admin and how he had been abusing admin that game. But here's the thing. I had been there in obs under a smurf. Dark never said a word and never did any admin things. And she never said a word about Dark while I was there under OG. As soon as I left and came back, she started her accusations. That's first person witness. I don't much care who believes it. I saw it happen with my own two eyes.
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Re: Veronica is the new "fish"

Post by LunaticChick »

So if no "hearsay" then "second hand gossip" ... does that work? I think it could work ...

I and no one else has anything like chat logs, screenshots or videos to corroborate what you are saying. So forgive me for using the word "hearsay" since you must know something about the law. However, it's the process of proving what you are accusing of her of that is my concern, not the outcome. Surprise, I'm not being biased!! Just show me the BEEF! And I don't mean what you are thinking, spare us.
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Re: Veronica is the new "fish"

Post by OldGuy »

THE BEEF IS.... multiple people witness these things. I'm sorry shes smart enough to outsmart admins by being little miss innocent while they're around. You've seen multiple FIRST HAND accounts. There is your "proof".
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Re: Veronica is the new "fish"

Post by OldGuy »

Apparently nobody gives a rats ass. It figures. And oh, by the way, tonight we saw you acknowledge her complaint about bonner setting an air base so "I can't place it". When in fact, after it was destroyed, she placed hers EXACTLY where bonner had placed his. And that's a mild example of her lies and deceit.

Honestly I don't much care what you or anyone else does about it. I have my solution. I just give her the silent treatment and let her rage. But I will by damn keep calling her out here on it.
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Re: Veronica is the new "fish"

Post by LunaticChick »

Yes I said, anyone can do that ... and it's true so what? It could have been anyone who set up that AB but boner set it up so it's in "retaliation"? Ok so now we need to have a list of ppls who can and can't set up ABs? I give a fuck OG! But you gotta prove your case as far as I am concerned which I haven't seen with the dreaded "evidence" that proves your case. Do whatever you need to do ... prove your point ...
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Re: Veronica is the new "fish"

Post by Forke »

Oldguy, you complain in-game, you complain out-of-game. Post the screenshots. Otherwise, everyone should move on.

I get annoyed when Veronica quits when her(his?) air-bases get destroyed, but I don't waste my valuable time logging on to a forum to write long posts about it. Go for a walk or something. Get the endorphins flowing.

Sad that I have to log in to defend unfounded character assassination.
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Re: Veronica is the new "fish"

Post by S_hift »

I never had a problem with her. She does try to get under my skin every now and then but i have a kid and a gf so im kind of used to it lol. A lot of her nonsense can be thwarted off with basic logic or just chatting back amd talking shit.

Simply put try talking shit back. Thats what the chat is there for anyway. Girls a good at it. The only thing they can do is strike your insecurity and hope for a reaction. She doesn't know shit about me so theres no ammo for her. She seems like she has borderline personality disorder or something. Maybe bipolar.
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Re: Veronica is the new "fish"

Post by OldGuy »

Ok, here's the deal. If we're going to all play this silly court evidence game, then how about this. No complaints whatsoever and no criticisms whatsoever are valid without said video evidence. All prior complaints, criticisms, etc. are then heretofore null and void because none were accompanied by said video evidence. Nothing I say and nothing any of you say are true unless accompanied by said video evidence. Does that about wrap it up for all of you?
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Re: Veronica is the new "fish"

Post by AnniDv6 »

That has always been implied, but I guess it's time to make the generic BEFORE YOU POST thread and sticky it. You wouldn't go to a technical forum and ask for help with a computer issue without posting the relevant information so I don't know why people think they can come here and waste peoples time, either. Everyone has been trying to politely tell you this. Tribes comes with its own recording feature in game and creates .rec files, it has it's own screenshot system that outputs screenshots as well into a temp folder.
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