Black Sheep/Bawb

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Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Post by KILROY »

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Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Post by S_hift »

I'm probably gonna get a lot of shit for this but I don't care. My gf deleted tribes and all i have to do is download a 2.5 gb uncompressed configuration of my original....

So yeah ANYWAY..... Crow and Bawb where beefing because Bawb did quite a bit of coding and was never given any credit for it. I'm going to use this term VERY loosely and say that "supposedly" AND according to Bawb and other people (whom i'm not going to mention because they will just deny it or lie about it), said that all Crow really did was use their code (which apparently they actually wrote and or searched snippets of and rewrote) and "ported" it over to Annihilation. Imho that is legimitely all annihilation is and there really isn't such thing as "original code."

I'm not denying that there are several key components added to annihilation that Crow made himself because that would be a lie. Not to mention an arrangement of admins who still keep this thing running. But that's beside the point.

To show how angry he was Bawb got shitfaced and used the server host to clone several copies of the mod via the same ip address (just different ports obv). Also he sent several copies of the beta mod to all his buddies (this was the one with all the cool secret admin shit).
This is where things went from 15 to 100.

after that the server message started to contain the words "<ip adress here> is a fake server!" and it still does lol

From a third person perspective I think crow was going to add blacksheep into the credits but the mod was unfinished and broken (and probably still is lol). He is listed on the credits and has been there for a while now.

Bawb was acting really vindictive and started being a douche bag because he thought crow was power tripping and wasn't giving him the credit or space to mod freely as he thought he deserved.

ps. I really miss tribes and I really need to work on my grammar and punctuation.

pps. "fuck i dropped my carls jr" - blacksheep

ppps - No one person owns the mod, or tribes for that matter. It's a collective of people and it starts with us.
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Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Post by assasin »

S_hift wrote: My gf deleted tribes and all i have to do is download a 2.5 gb uncompressed configuration of my original....
But but why did she delete tribes :stu:
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Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Post by AnniDv6 »

Thanks for the recap. I knew some of that, but that outlines everything pretty good. His name is in the credits in game, but it doesn't say much. It also doesn't even list some of the main people that made Annihilation in the in game credits, so there's that. Make us some more maps S_hift

I created a credits file by looking through the files for when people made // notes and this is the credits for annihilation that I was able to gather:
Development Team v0.0 - v2.0
{-o-} Sevnn:
-Primary Coder
-Provides all the coding and programming required to make Annihilation work
-Fixes all the bugs and does all the dirty work when it comes to the coding
-Hosts Annihilation I server when it is available
- Producer
-Responsible for all production elements.
-Updated and hosts the website

{-o-} Raven:
-Mod design/Media production
-Designed the website
-Develops and tests new items for further releases
-Public relations
-Verifies gameplay balance

{-o-} DarkVoid:
- Secondary Coder
- Codes all admin scripting and bug hunting
- Ensured that play is fun for everyone

- Technical Director
-Responsible for coding the Annihilation Mod Project.

- Art Director
-Responsible for all artwork production.

- Designer
-Responsible for various aspects of design.

- Designer
-Responsible for founding the Total Annihilation Mod Project.
-"Started Total Annihilation mod, which was developed into today's Annihilation mod."

Development Team v2.0 - v3.0
- Technical Director, Primary Developer on versions 2.0 through 3.0
- Responsible for coding the Annihilation Mod Project.

Development Team Legendz v.4.0-6.0+
- Legendz Annihilation, Arena, Legendz Admin.

-Wrote Anti-Crash code for Annihilation (AntiCrash.cs) and several other server protections
-Created the Player Profile system with DaJ4ck3L
-Various bug fixes such as OS not being destroyed properly sometimes, deployable cats variables never being cleaned up etc.
-GameBase::setAutoRepairRate(%player, 0); // Bitches changing armors to try to keep their auto repair rate. - Kigen
-function remoteMenuSelect more anti crash anti troll server protection code
-Fixed the Tribes 1.8 crash bug related to elevators.

- Changed player ignore from a global message to a private client message so players wouldn't be notified when someone blocked them.
- Changed pitchfork to have better welding functionality such as players being able to weld blast walls in place and not being able to move team-friendly or admin welded items
-Changed the pitchfork boost message from a global message to only tell the two players involved and admins.
-Jetting players auto-release from being held by pitchforks to make it easier to escape team mates from boosting you when you don't want it.
-Reduced maxEnergy of Shockwave gun from 45 to 25
-Wrote the new Repair Kit code that checks if LOS Object is friendly and damaged, or if self is damaged before using. This saves you from using a repair kit unless you are damaged or looking directly at a friendly damaged item.

TE Noxwizard:
-Wrote the random mission change code
-Wrote the functions for giving points for repairing "CriticalInfrastructure" such as Generators, Base Turrets, Base Sensors etc.
-Wrote the power function messages used to display broken or fixed generator .bmp pictures in bottomsprints when a teams generators are destroyed or repaired.

Dr. Arsenic, aka "Bob", aka "8B-<-< {OZ}":
- Helped DaJ4ck3L create the Arena.
- Made the deployable Jail Towers destroyable.
- Worked on the function buyItem(%client,%item) Loadouts.

<!> Death666^:
- 2011-2015 Mapping/Editing Server Maps
- 2015-2020 Editing the mod and Mapping
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Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Post by AnniDv6 »

I cleared some of the old bans. If anyone sees Bob in game tell him to come to the forums.
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Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Post by KILROY »

First off, good to see you S_hift! And Ghost posted a download from his personal folder here on the forums in the Technical Assistance area. Get back on so we can kick your arse! :sarcasm:

And thanks for giving a summary on what happened to those who didn't know.

Second, thanks AnniDv6 for helping out in this matter.

Third, I was on for quite awhile last night, and was hearing things from players complaining about this and that in game due to another player on the opposite team using it against them. I tried to relay to each player that they needed to join these forums and to post changes they would like to see to the Annihilation mod, due to current coders requesting this to see about what type of changes might happen in the future. Unfortunately, none seem interested in registering on this forum.

I did catch a few complaints, some don't like the jailhouse, but some do, but don't like how long you stay in it, also most don't like the way you can setup laser turrets close to the jailhouse and when someone leaves it, they are instantly killed by the multiple laser turrets that were setup. They complain it's just too easy to gain kills in game and is an unfair advantage. Some say there should be no turrets allowed to be placed near the jailhouse.

Another complaint was the use of invisibility by armors. Some in which they can go under the map and appear near the enemy base to do any damage they can in that armor.

Base Killing (BK'ing) is always an issue, especially when you have a troll doing it in game to upset the current players trying to play the game, but even an experienced player has to do this every so often depending on the situation they are in. Maybe we should set up something in which you BK so many times something happens to you automatically. Like auto jailhouse, blind, freeze, etc. If you continue to do it, showing you are doing this on purpose, you are stripped of all weapons for the remainder of the map, or be kicked.

Another complaint I can remember, was being able to stack so many defenses to use in an area, and it should be limited. They say the game is Capture The Flag, not Fortify.

The last I can remember, was having smaller maps to play on, in case there aren't a large group of people on playing.

With having multiple server's hosting the same mod, maybe we should try a new mod and see how things work. Like a Capture & Hold in which you take over a certain area and have to defend it from the enemy and gain points as you hold it. Gain so many points and you win the map. Or even some called Keep Away....first to the flag, grab, start gaining points as others try to kill and take it away from you. You could even make this with 2 teams and 2 flags, in which you don't have to touch the flag to gain a point, but the flag if touched by the team that owns it is returned to it's starting position, and if your team has the enemy flag it starts gaining points and you can hand it off to another teammate to continue to gain points, but if killed, the enemy can return it to it's starting position. You can still use bases, with armor changing, and defenses. Team Keep Away.
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Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Post by S_hift »

AnniDv6 - you forgot to mention that Perrinoia fixed the martydom bug and the necromancer glitches. Along with many other "bugs" that where purposely placed into the old edits of the BR annihilation edits. but yeah just sayin lol :P
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Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Post by BlackSheep »

I have returned!!! Thank you all so much for your help getting my account reactivated! My cell number is 916.420.6997 feel free to text/call me any time.

Kilroy I can help with all the above issues but coding without the mod is way more difficult and time consuming. I am happy to help with permission from the people who are in charge of the mod - lots of my code is already in Legends. I am happy to provide my support
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Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Post by KILROY »

Ghost wrote:@Kilroy I think you mean Dark posted his download not me.
Oh yeah, thanks for the correction Ghost, sorry DaRk about that.
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Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Post by assasin »

KILROY wrote:First off, good to see you S_hift! And Ghost posted a download from his personal folder here on the forums in the Technical Assistance area. Get back on so we can kick your arse! :sarcasm:

And thanks for giving a summary on what happened to those who didn't know.

Second, thanks AnniDv6 for helping out in this matter.

Third, I was on for quite awhile last night, and was hearing things from players complaining about this and that in game due to another player on the opposite team using it against them. I tried to relay to each player that they needed to join these forums and to post changes they would like to see to the Annihilation mod, due to current coders requesting this to see about what type of changes might happen in the future. Unfortunately, none seem interested in registering on this forum.

I did catch a few complaints, some don't like the jailhouse, but some do, but don't like how long you stay in it, also most don't like the way you can setup laser turrets close to the jailhouse and when someone leaves it, they are instantly killed by the multiple laser turrets that were setup. They complain it's just too easy to gain kills in game and is an unfair advantage. Some say there should be no turrets allowed to be placed near the jailhouse.

Another complaint was the use of invisibility by armors. Some in which they can go under the map and appear near the enemy base to do any damage they can in that armor.

Base Killing (BK'ing) is always an issue, especially when you have a troll doing it in game to upset the current players trying to play the game, but even an experienced player has to do this every so often depending on the situation they are in. Maybe we should set up something in which you BK so many times something happens to you automatically. Like auto jailhouse, blind, freeze, etc. If you continue to do it, showing you are doing this on purpose, you are stripped of all weapons for the remainder of the map, or be kicked.

Another complaint I can remember, was being able to stack so many defenses to use in an area, and it should be limited. They say the game is Capture The Flag, not Fortify.

The last I can remember, was having smaller maps to play on, in case there aren't a large group of people on playing.

With having multiple server's hosting the same mod, maybe we should try a new mod and see how things work. Like a Capture & Hold in which you take over a certain area and have to defend it from the enemy and gain points as you hold it. Gain so many points and you win the map. Or even some called Keep Away....first to the flag, grab, start gaining points as others try to kill and take it away from you. You could even make this with 2 teams and 2 flags, in which you don't have to touch the flag to gain a point, but the flag if touched by the team that owns it is returned to it's starting position, and if your team has the enemy flag it starts gaining points and you can hand it off to another teammate to continue to gain points, but if killed, the enemy can return it to it's starting position. You can still use bases, with armor changing, and defenses. Team Keep Away.

Easy solution is to teach people how to destroy jails.. Autofunction like the above for base killing wont end well coz most of the time even legit players accidentally destroy others D. I think admins being there to monitor is enough since there are a lot of admins right now and kicking the basekiller is better than banning them. Also keep in mind this server runs an old legendz where many of the updates death released arent present like weak deployables and all. Its better to play in the real server once its up..
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