Turtling issues on the server.

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Turtling issues on the server.

Post by Maniac »

Lots of people want to turtle the flag in the airbase. it's getting old. and today was another. I'm just gonna start reporting it. today was KingofAllNoobs, and he then went on a TK kick once i freed the flag up. then started name-calling. he says he has a recording of it all too in his own defense. but, you watch it and tell me what you see if he shares his side of things.
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Re: Turtling issues on the server.

Post by AnniDv6 »

Turtling as in his flag was already at his base and he has the enemy flag and is just hanging out in the airbase? Yeah, that can be annoying. Sometimes it's better to not capture until your team builds up some flag D, but there's a difference between that and just running amiss with the enemy flag all match.

By the way the Air Strike Pack on Chameleon Armor is a very good anti-airbase weapon. You can use the Airstrike from a pretty good distance and even use it while cloaked by the Chameleon Beacon. Simply aim at the bottom of the air base and hold until the airstrike fires. Titan OS Missiles and Builders Suicide Droids are also supposed to be anti-air base weapons, although I admit they are kind of weak in the current build compared to older Annihilation like 1.31.
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Re: Turtling issues on the server.

Post by Azul »

Its a valid strategy. Look for ways to beat it, there are several.
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Re: Turtling issues on the server.

Post by AnniDv6 »

I have thought about adding a max hold time for the flags before. I think the reason I never did was because I didn't want someone who worked really hard clearing defense to get a flag to randomly have a flag drop and be returned and have them not really understand why. Maybe we could add a few messages like warning the flag will drop in X time. Also someone might just drop and re-grab the flag over and over which is pretty annoying.

I am open to any other anti-turtling ideas or flag limits etc. if you have any Maniac
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Re: Turtling issues on the server.

Post by Maniac »

The flag drop and pick up is a trolling thing sometimes, flooding chat and triggering the audio at an annoying rate. I think the only thing to really stop it is admin interference.
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Re: Turtling issues on the server.

Post by perrinoia »

@AnniDv6, the problem with auto flag dropping scripts is that a @Maniac already pointed out, that is already an annoying tactic simply to antagonize the other team.


What if the timer only resets when the flag departs base... Then it won't matter how many times it was dropped and picked up in the field...

Here's how I would code it...

Step 1) When a flag is added to the mission or returned to base, I would clear %this.AwayFromBase property.
Step 2) When a flag is picked up,

Code: Select all

if (%this.AwayFromBase == "") %this.AwayFromBase = getSimTime();

Code: Select all

schedule("if($MaxAwayFromBase < getSimTime() - "@ %this @".AwayFromBase) Flag::checkFlagsTime(%this, -1, 0);
Step 3) Profits
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Re: Turtling issues on the server.

Post by Maniac »

This needs to be fixed. Boogeronforehead keeps flag griefing.
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