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Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:47 pm
by S_hift
I think the map rotation is getting better but I think we need to keep a defualt rotation called OpenCall4 that consists of maps made by all of the active veterans (obviously serverside only maps)

You guys wonder why the average player base doesn't get any better? Its because you're not supposed to cater to their demands. They're the ones who should be required to learn how to win, not use lame tactics and tricks implemented by a third party to gain the upper hand.

if you had people like scarecrow and warcon turking it up on stock annihilation do you have any idea what would happen? They would realize that shit doesn't work and they would stop doing it.

Instead that shit rewards with free points from farmed turrets and stuffing their teammates indoors so that they can't get out on the field. Which by the way only helps the person who farmed turk defense by giving their turrets more to shoot at.

I'm not saying that the mod needs an overhaul, I'm saying it just needs a minor bit of tweaking to get it right so that EVERYONE is happy. Not just the veterans or the noobs.

Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:59 pm
by S_hift
A way to perfectly balance annihilation

- Add the LOS bug fix (yes nerf the particle beam)
- nerf deployables by -5 max damage
- nerf vuclan by -5 max damage
- nerf phase disruptor explosion radius to match the ACTUAL blue area
- nerf minigun to over heat via energy drain
- nerf railgun to use energy while retaining the fire rate
- tweak laser rifle to send damage to target in proportion to the energy reserves. Change the beam back to laser pulse instead of blue_blink4
- increase explosion damage of baby nuke launcher (I should never be able to survive a nuke in heavy armor even while shielded)
- give cham 3 beacons instead of 5 same with necromancer.
- Make air base max damage 50
- Give an ammo count to jailer gun and make it a touch to activate weapon based on LOS and distance. (handcuffs as ammo at 15 count).
- Require a player to redeploy a jail if the jail is destroyed
- Require a player to repair the airbase solar panels to bring back power to the stations
- Nerf spawn shields to 3 seconds and deactivate on ALL fire not just plasma rifle but any kind of weapon fire & ammo dump.
- make the flame thrower a cooler looking weapon. Reminds me of the old 1.31 particle beam with its uncreative weapon image.(purely aesthetic)
- Bring back old troll armor with its happy hoppiness

Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:12 pm
by justR
S_hift wrote:I'm saying it just needs a minor bit of tweaking
lol then you post that giant list

Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:25 am
by S_hift
that list is a bit of minor tweaking.

Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:24 am
by DaJ4ck3L

Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:42 am
by DaRk
People are not getting better cause they are 'catered' to S_hift. In fact, I can name quiet a few people who have improved over the months/years and very few that haven't. They may not picked up on the mod as fast as rolo, you, me, and some others. We're human, making us social learners. Which means we learn best from one another. Most of these players don't learn from being raped and being called 'fucking noob.' With learning also comes willingness to learn and the fact that we dont all learn the same way, speed, or have the same motivations. I learned mostly from observing a range of players, with a few things being learned on my own. I also have experience in many related mods (renegades, shifter, meltdown, havoc, etc). I was able to test and perfect a lot of these thing through pub games. I took nearly a year before I took the time to learn anything but engineer and angel. Think about when you first played me near 2 years ago and how it is to play me now. Warcon is hardly on to be able to improve much. My motivation has always been to get better and to perfect a mod. I have always become one of the top players in the mods I have focused on. That being said, some players don't get better because they prefer to occupy a certain niche or for various reasons. Some will never be good at strategy, use/learn certain armors, or be on par with most players. That is a fact we all have to live with.

#vygotsky #pavlov #skinner #dewey #bandura #bloom #gardner #piaget #erickson #bruner #maslow
#sorryforthebook #midnightsnack #ineedsleep

Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:50 am
by DaJ4ck3L
Yea like dark it also took me probably 2 years to be able to play vs the best in this mod. When (S1) was formed in 05, Wicked was probably the only one out of us that was just insanely good from the start. Testimony aka Hotair was also pretty good at the start too. LaZy aka Wizard had already been playing the mod, same with DX. And most of us were good, but not great. By 07 we were the best titans hands down. 2010 was probably my peak point (had mastered all armors at this point, and not just titan), when I played my best, and that was 5 years into the mod. Keeping in mind we were all vets to the game, and it still took us a bit of time to get use to this mod.

Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:54 am
by S_hift
I guess you're right. btw crow why did you delete my thread?

Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:55 am
by DaJ4ck3L
no, i put it back. lol to the pixel chaser.

Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:58 am
by S_hift
lol indeed, I'm surprised I got it working rather decent. This is just to inform people like knight and runtime.

I see some improvement in runtime btw since I actually reached out and I'm starting to help him learn the mod I think he has a lot of potential hes just ignorant to a lot of the capabilities within the mod.