[Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by Erowid »

DX's version of history is just like his videos, highly edited. He needs to remind people what a douche is in on the forums so they ignore how horrible he was in game.

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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by {LS}RePublic »

GL with the scrim guys, not gonna be there when it goes down. Ecko was already questioning if he should show up Lol.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by perrinoia »

Of course EcKo should show up.

He may not be a good admin, but I'm pretty sure he's a good player.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by Firelord »

Last time I checked, Tribes is just a video game. Bringing up 8+ year old stuff that happened on a video game? Is real life that unfulfilling? Setting up scrims has always been such a pain due to people always getting so weird. Let's just play and have fun. My god this thread is stupid.

Also, is the scrim at 8 pm Eastern or Central?
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by perrinoia »

You're right... This is exactly why I don't like playing in clan matches. I wanna forget that one time I did participate, but then this dickwad comes back and reminds me.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by DaRk »

Firelord wrote: Also, is the scrim at 8 pm Eastern or Central?

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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by DXSTRYR »

perrinoia wrote:You're right... This is exactly why I don't like playing in clan matches. I wanna forget that one time I did participate, but then this dickwad comes back and reminds me.
My first post in almost 6 years was to fuck with Mike aka Echo. Someone I consider in much higher regards then you and that's saying something considering how poorly I think of him.
I certainly did not ask about you, nor mention you, you are nothing to me.

You are the one that chimed in with your homosexuality and pedophilia, talking about men's asses and men's balls/taint trying to put your homo-erotic fantasies on all of us. When Nightmare chimed in, its nice to see he grew up some and at least can distinguish right from wrong now.

Then; when a Man comes in and exposes you, you start crying and looking around for sympathy like a battered bitch.

Typical faggot, starts shit he cant handle then cries about it for everyone sympathy.

Asphyxiate yourself, do the world a favor.
Last edited by DXSTRYR on Sun Mar 13, 2016 9:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by DaJ4ck3L »

alright, looks like he's enjoyed his stay long enough. good bye dx.

this user has been banned from forums.

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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by DaJ4ck3L »

DXSTRYR wrote:
DaRk wrote:You sound like a wonderful guy. 10/10 would hit with a speeding bus.
You couldn't even handle the steering wheel you fucking weakling you puny, pathetic nothing.
They would have to lower the hydraulic lift just to get your fat ass on the bus and once it got going you'd have to take motion sickness pills, or anxiety pills, or both because you are so small and pathetic.
The only thing "Dark" about you is your wit and your future.

But lets be honest, to hit me with a bus, you'd have to possess some skill at driving and you possess no skill at all excpt for how quickly you can unbox a carton of twinkies and shove em in your fatty face.

Dont fuck with me boy. When you trying to figure out what a pitchfrok did i was raping players, teams, severs and clans.
i actually ignored most of dx post, but read this one because someone reported it. funny how first he calls you fat, then small, and then fat ass again. which one is it? :clap:

he's banned now though.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by DaRk »

I wonder how many times he edited that. Wasn't the original.
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