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Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 4:01 pm
assassin...I wasn't posting for myself. I was posting something that I overheard between players in game while obs'n them. Yeah, sorry, maybe should have made a new post on what I brought up, but it was on my mind at the time and I didn't want to forget any of it.

Now...this is for myself. I've seen new players join trying to learn the mod, but with players already on and knowing the mod, and what armors, and deployables do....the new players don't stay on long enough, due to consistently getting killed. So they drop and some don't return. They try another server, like LT, and due to not having to learn a bunch about what's being hosted, they continue to play something easier to learn. I've seen many of times when a newbie is on, get's placed in a jailhouse, and they have no clue what's happening. They try to get out, but don't understand the jailhouse. So they drop from the server, and usually don't return. If they do return, it's due to either someone told them more about the mod, and they now understand they have a lot to learn, or other server's just don't have anyone in them and Anni does, so they reconnect and try again.

As for the autofunction...assassin, if you re-read what I posted, I did mention as you relayed "legit" players even BK'ing accidently. Which is the reason I relayed if you BK "too many times" something happens. A "legit" player as you call it, will only have a few BK's in game, but someone doing it on purpose will have multiple BK's in which the server will see this and action taken. What this does is make an admin's job who is playing in game, easier, or due to them playing, might make a mistake by kicking someone.

Example: Troll joins, starts BK'ing immediately, non-stop, server see's this...they are immediately blinded, frozen, or stripped from all weapons for the remainder of the map (if any of these are in place, a "legit" player would know this, and understand this can happen, but they only have a couple of BK's listed that are time separated in the game, not showing a consistent BK'ing). Now they can't BK anymore. What do think they will do? They will drop from the server and try to rejoin and BK again. They rejoin, the server see this happening again, and they are able to do some damage, but the server see's it again, and it happens to them all over again. need for an admin to take the time to watch messaging in the chat, or move to obs to watch these people. The server does it for them, and they can continue to keep playing. Once these trolls keep seeing this, they now know they can't get away with consistent BK'ing on the server, due to the server automatically putting a stop to it. Then hopefully, they don't join the server anymore to try. Problem solved. You don't have to do anything to IP's.

Now, as for your statement about teaching someone how to do certain things in game. When have you honestly seen that happen these days? Due to the smaller community now, most people join cause they want to play the game, not spend time teaching others, like was done back in the older days. The most I've seen is someone in open chat say something quickly to someone on how to do something, that's it. I remember back when an experienced player would actually tell one or more people to meet them in an empty server and "show" them certain particular's they can do in game, even better ski routes. They would even relay their own secrets they do while they play the game. You don't see this anymore being done.

And as for just playing on the "main"'s better to play on ANY server that is up "supporting" the game, keeping it ongoing, no matter what it's hosting. I relayed in the past that I was a Tribes lifer, and will support the game as long as it's still running.

Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 11:25 pm
by assasin
KILROY wrote:assassin...I wasn't posting for myself. I was posting something that I overheard between players in game while obs'n them. Yeah, sorry, maybe should have made a new post on what I brought up, but it was on my mind at the time and I didn't want to forget any of it.

Now...this is for myself. I've seen new players join trying to learn the mod, but with players already on and knowing the mod, and what armors, and deployables do....the new players don't stay on long enough, due to consistently getting killed. So they drop and some don't return. They try another server, like LT, and due to not having to learn a bunch about what's being hosted, they continue to play something easier to learn. I've seen many of times when a newbie is on, get's placed in a jailhouse, and they have no clue what's happening. They try to get out, but don't understand the jailhouse. So they drop from the server, and usually don't return. If they do return, it's due to either someone told them more about the mod, and they now understand they have a lot to learn, or other server's just don't have anyone in them and Anni does, so they reconnect and try again.

As for the autofunction...assassin, if you re-read what I posted, I did mention as you relayed "legit" players even BK'ing accidently. Which is the reason I relayed if you BK "too many times" something happens. A "legit" player as you call it, will only have a few BK's in game, but someone doing it on purpose will have multiple BK's in which the server will see this and action taken. What this does is make an admin's job who is playing in game, easier, or due to them playing, might make a mistake by kicking someone.

Example: Troll joins, starts BK'ing immediately, non-stop, server see's this...they are immediately blinded, frozen, or stripped from all weapons for the remainder of the map (if any of these are in place, a "legit" player would know this, and understand this can happen, but they only have a couple of BK's listed that are time separated in the game, not showing a consistent BK'ing). Now they can't BK anymore. What do think they will do? They will drop from the server and try to rejoin and BK again. They rejoin, the server see this happening again, and they are able to do some damage, but the server see's it again, and it happens to them all over again. need for an admin to take the time to watch messaging in the chat, or move to obs to watch these people. The server does it for them, and they can continue to keep playing. Once these trolls keep seeing this, they now know they can't get away with consistent BK'ing on the server, due to the server automatically putting a stop to it. Then hopefully, they don't join the server anymore to try. Problem solved. You don't have to do anything to IP's.

Now, as for your statement about teaching someone how to do certain things in game. When have you honestly seen that happen these days? Due to the smaller community now, most people join cause they want to play the game, not spend time teaching others, like was done back in the older days. The most I've seen is someone in open chat say something quickly to someone on how to do something, that's it. I remember back when an experienced player would actually tell one or more people to meet them in an empty server and "show" them certain particular's they can do in game, even better ski routes. They would even relay their own secrets they do while they play the game. You don't see this anymore being done.

And as for just playing on the "main"'s better to play on ANY server that is up "supporting" the game, keeping it ongoing, no matter what it's hosting. I relayed in the past that I was a Tribes lifer, and will support the game as long as it's still running.
I know you weren't posting it for yourself and I said the above for who ever you posted for.. Anni is like this for a long time.. There is a lot of things to learn for anyone who is new and something about destroying a jail isn't going to be hard if they see someone do that.. That's how everyone adapts here, they watch how other people play and try to do the same thing.. That's the main reason why most of the players are using invisibility nowadays...
As for the base killing autofuction, if youve played this game at present you would know what I'm talking about.. Let's assume that NEW players don't know what is going on and they place a nuke turret in the place where there is a lot of d already.. All it takes is one peak from the enemy and boom, everything gets destroyed and the autofunction will already be triggered... It's not just one or two, it will be all of them. It doesn't have to be new players either, even old players keep a nuke turret sometimes in a flag room and others won't see it and keep d for the flag which will be worthless later.. There are many scenarios similar to that..There is a reason why there is no autofunction to do anything to base killers eventhough the problem is there for years.. And I'd you've watched the base killer, before you destroys, he will pitch the cover down before destroying the turrets so even if you trigger a autofunction, you can't do anything to him when he pitches d..

And yeah you saying you support any server that is up but do you know that this server is running a mod which is 4 or 5 years old? None of the updates are here because it's the BACKUP server... That's why I said it's better to play in the real server and treat backup as backup once the real server is up.. Most of the problems related to defense for the so called new players will be solved..

And unless they learn themselves or they see what others doing, they won't stay in anni and it's been like that for years.. I haven't seen anyone who is new to anni at present and didn't like the mod and going to base forever.. Yeah they drop but they don't stay in base forever after that..

Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:40 pm
Well...a "legit" player shouldn't setup a nuke turret inside their own base destroying their own defenses? They already know the mod. If a "legit" player is doing this, I don't consider them "legit".

True, a newbie might setup a nuke due to being new to the mod, but it's very unlikely with all the other stuff they have to learn about the mod, and if they did, and the server auto reacted to it, seeing it as BK'ing. They now have "learned" something about the mod, and know not to do it again, or one or more of their teammates might react to what they did in chat.

Yeah, I hear you on the pitchfork with the time it takes to remove turret coverings to destroy the turret. The server won't see the time delay as purpose BK'ing. This is when an admin needs to be involved, and I'm sure something will be said in chat by the teammates.

I know how old this mod is...I'll remind you that I started playing this before the game was released as a beta tester back in 1996. I'll also remind you that I'm probably the oldest player still playing this at 50 yrs. old, and have given my support financially not only to this mod, but many others. The main server has been down hard for almost 4 weeks now, and the issue hasn't been found as to why, but being looked into. The back-up server(s) may not have the most current updates, but even in the main server, I still see "legit" players complaining about how defenses can be over stacked for use and should be more limited. This has been a complaint I've seen for years, not just a few months.

I didn't say at "present" new players were joining the mod and then going to another server, like LT to play. I said I've seen this happen, due to the new player seeing what the mod is about and not wanting to stay in it to learn or play it, due to "legit" players consistently killing them and they are not able to do anything due to not knowing the mod. They drop, may or may not come back, but try other servers, and as an example, I used LT, due to not having to learn too much to play on the server. So they stay playing something in which they don't have to take a bunch of time to learn.

Currently most servers are not very active, except for Anni, LT, and RPG servers, but even LT is having issue's now due to setting them up as "Pick-Up" servers, and even locking them using a password to gain access to them. This type of setup deters some players, new and old, and they look for other servers to play on. These server usually only have the same players on them consistently, and don't invite any new activity to them, killing any chances of new players, if people are looking for something new to do. I've even see on the back-up server in which "legit" players were questioning Owner on why the Dallas back-up server is locked, but never seen him reply back as to why?

Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:46 pm
by Owner
I did say why and i have no problem saying why Dallas Server is locked. Because people were complaining about spikes in ping and lag at times. So i took my magic stick and my brain and looked for a better hosting data center. And im proud to say i found one that produces almost no lag or spikes and the ping is much lower for the players. And that location is central Chicago. And in the very near future the Dallas server will go offline. I hope this clear up a lot of confusion.



Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:53 pm
Thanks Owner! I did hear that, but you relayed that to me in Obs, and when a few asked you in game play, you didn't respond till after the map ended and most dropped, it was a late night.

Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:54 pm
by Owner
Ahhh alrite i must of went afk or fell asleep, watching netflix xD Happens a lot hehe.

Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:55 pm
Yeah, right, Netflix, more like Pornflix.....ROFL!!!!!

EDIT: Ah....sorry Owner, should have relayed this was a J/K statement. No offense bro!

Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:58 pm
by Owner
Nah don't need that. I was chosen to be a godfather to my sister unborn daughter which will be born at the end of this month. So NO! no porn for me.



Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:59 pm
Oh hey, CONGRATS!!!! And give my CONGRATS to your sis!

Re: Black Sheep/Bawb

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:01 pm
by Owner
Thank You!! I will!!

