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Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:33 pm
by S']['U
'][']-[RiLL3R wrote:S']['U, you need to really act your age.
Even Cat was smart enough to know when to quit posting.

Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:13 pm
by BlackSheep
Everyone should act like adults and get along with each other, this is why nobody takes this game seriously anymore.

Everybody (practically) wants the game to cater to their own desires instead of what is good and fun for everybody (the majority). Admins enforce personal preference with their powers, and the rest either complain or take out there aggression passive aggressively (by trolling, bking, spamming, boosting, trying to crash server, starting flame wars, etc..) Even stating this here, if I were to address some of you specifically, would leave me at risk of getting banned or causing another drama fest with somebody. The politics here need to stop, or at least gain some type of morality past that of a bunch of high school kids.

1. Get Along
2. Start Working Together
3. Focus on the FACT that if you don't change your attitudes that the game will die.

The game is left in our hands and look at what we are doing... Be productive and lets focus on doing positive things for the community. This bullshit is dragging us down

If you don't think so:

To me that should raise alarm. This game is 15 years old, with no type of support what so ever except for a couple small things that we have been doing. Past that, our influence has not been one that promotes growth of the game, we need to change this and that begins with changing our attitudes. We are all a team, we are the last fucking tribers.

Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:29 pm
by virus
BlackSheep wrote:Everyone should act like adults and get along with each other, this is why nobody takes this game seriously anymore.

Everybody (practically) wants the game to cater to their own desires instead of what is good and fun for everybody (the majority). Admins enforce personal preference with their powers, and the rest either complain or take out there aggression passive aggressively (by trolling, bking, spamming, boosting, trying to crash server, starting flame wars, etc..) Even stating this here, if I were to address some of you specifically, would leave me at risk of getting banned or causing another drama fest with somebody. The politics here need to stop, or at least gain some type of morality past that of a bunch of high school kids.

1. Get Along
2. Start Working Together
3. Focus on the FACT that if you don't change your attitudes that the game will die.

The game is left in our hands and look at what we are doing... Be productive and lets focus on doing positive things for the community. This bullshit is dragging us down

If you don't think so:

To me that should raise alarm. This game is 15 years old, with no type of support what so ever except for a couple small things that we have been doing. Past that, our influence has not been one that promotes growth of the game, we need to change this and that begins with changing our attitudes. We are all a team, we are the last fucking tribers.
Well said.

Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:42 pm
by f0xL3g3nD :)
virus wrote:
BlackSheep wrote:Everyone should act like adults and get along with each other, this is why nobody takes this game seriously anymore.

Everybody (practically) wants the game to cater to their own desires instead of what is good and fun for everybody (the majority). Admins enforce personal preference with their powers, and the rest either complain or take out there aggression passive aggressively (by trolling, bking, spamming, boosting, trying to crash server, starting flame wars, etc..) Even stating this here, if I were to address some of you specifically, would leave me at risk of getting banned or causing another drama fest with somebody. The politics here need to stop, or at least gain some type of morality past that of a bunch of high school kids.

1. Get Along
2. Start Working Together
3. Focus on the FACT that if you don't change your attitudes that the game will die.

The game is left in our hands and look at what we are doing... Be productive and lets focus on doing positive things for the community. This bullshit is dragging us down

If you don't think so:

To me that should raise alarm. This game is 15 years old, with no type of support what so ever except for a couple small things that we have been doing. Past that, our influence has not been one that promotes growth of the game, we need to change this and that begins with changing our attitudes. We are all a team, we are the last fucking tribers.
Well said.
I second that.

Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 5:11 pm
by JeSuS
your right we want to try and conserve this community as much as we can. But if someone attempts to destroy the community that we are trying to keep alive, what shall we do with that person? That is a question for you guys to ponder.

And we arent doing this because of the person, if you guys recall a few others did this and they were banned forever. Eventually a few were allowed in after time, but that is all it takes...TIME

Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:31 pm
by f0xL3g3nD :)
It would be one thing if I actually did attack the server, but nothing happened. At all.
It was a conversation with S']['U, and I wasn't being serious.

I'm not trying to convince you to unban me, I am just stating the obvious.
Nothing happened to the BR server.
Tribes is all yours.

Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:02 pm
by JeSuS
f0xL3g3nD :) wrote:It would be one thing if I actually did attack the server, but nothing happened. At all.
It was a conversation with S']['U, and I wasn't being serious.

I'm not trying to convince you to unban me, I am just stating the obvious.
Nothing happened to the BR server.
Tribes is all yours.
i mean listen to that, im in no way trying to be a dick here so I dont want anyone to take this and reverse what im trying say. I understand that you didnt do anything to affect the server. But why do it in the first place. Here you want to be unbanned from the server you brought you wanted to take. I know im gonna probably get in trouble for this but there a admins who dont want to ban you(and others) forever. I cant obviously say who but you have to understand that an attempt still an attempt. Here let me use a scenario for you... Look at all those baseball players who got suspended for drug enhancement. They could have, might have, or didnt but they still are going to be remembered by that.

Like I said, not trying to be a dick but point out the situation.

Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 6:13 pm
by f0xL3g3nD :)
I didn't even make this thread about getting me unbanned.

Yeah, it sucks my 15 year Tribes One career has came to an end. But I would rather not play in BR, than to play with a bunch of hypocritical drama queens.
I've let you guys piss me off enough, and I'm tired of it. Even if what I did happened to be set aside, and I were to be allowed back in but I gotta keep on my p's and q's ... But the same problems that has always been around, will still be there, then it will just happen again. So why the hell keep on spinning the wheel of repeated events and just move the hell on. I don't like half of you, and when there is a very small community, that is very very sad and hard to even want to play without trolling you noobs.

The only people who honestly give me a good game is
S_hift, Perrinoia, S@ND, Geovoni, St0ned, Crow, Puppet, Tigga, Frank, Beavis, Scarecrow, 2strong, thriller, virus, and rolo.
Generally if one of those 15 weren't online, I wouldn't even bother connecting. S']['U always was a good guy when it came to teamwork, but in words and general forum talk, you're an uptight tattle tailing cry baby. And when I used to wreck your air bases and block them so you can't access, you would always switch to my team so you can continue to fly, because you knew that me being on the other team you would not beable to have fun flying because I would constantly fuck you up. But knowing that I am on your team would eliminate the possibility of me fucking with you because it would break rules and you would cry about that sissy.

So basically, I do not give two fucks. The community is better off without guys like me, S_hift and DX, because we just chase all the noobs off anyway. Why do you think Tribes is dieing? xD

I'll see you n00bs in my crosshairs. IP's are a dime a dozen.

Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:06 am
by NaStY
Spoken like a true Douche bag.

Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 2:13 pm
by JeSuS
dam, not a good thing to post on your end... Good luck then