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Re: Santa's naughty list!

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 1:37 am
by S']['U
SGT ROCK wrote:I just don't see how anyone using a known cheat can feel any kind of damned accomplishment by doing so. Like that makes you a winner... wth???
They're not doing it to feel like "winners".
They do it to dominate other people, much like a school-yard bully.
They get off on the fact that they're ruining the game for people who are there to have fun and not just be cannon fodder for someone's hax.

They're not there to play the game any more than this guy was:

Ghost wrote:
justR wrote:In Ganjakiller's semi-defense, at least the guy admits it and doesn't try to hide the fact he uses it, which is better [in my opinion of course] than the fucks who deny it yet blatantly use it.
That's worse in my opinion. He does not care about the consequences or try to hide/deny it. That is a cheater who is too far gone to save and should probably never be trusted. I mean if it truly is against the rules and he doesn't give a shit than doesn't that make him a cheating douche as opposed to just being a cheater?
Any prick that is proud of the fact that he cheats is not worth keeping in the community and will not be missed.
Ban them.
If anyone is worried that this will decrease the player-base, just keep this in mind:
I will not join the server if I see that MeepImaSheep is playing... there's no point to it.
I'm sure there are other people that feel the same way.
These cheaters are already decreasing the player-base.

Re: Santa's naughty list!

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:10 am
by S']['U
PoisonousFish wrote:
Ghost wrote:That guy is too black, all I see is teeth and popcorn.
Not to worry,
...later he became a white woman:

Re: Santa's naughty list!

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:39 am
by SapoIV
I Focking agreed.. I rather play with two guys than with 4 cheaters... Its not fun at all..
plus drives away the good players.. Yeah I know I kicked many in the past , not sorry .. I hold my head high.. above water..
wait..I am a Bull Frog yeah , that is it...

Ohhh that is not right !!!!!

ps.. STU .. that was cool flying with you today ..well. I was doing all the hitching on your planes.. but it was awesome ..
awesome time in the server today ... :) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Santa's naughty list!

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:40 am
by PoisonousFish
this thread is so lol.

Re: Santa's naughty list!

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 3:47 pm
by Jegue
justR wrote:I didn't remove Ingrid from the list Jegue, I said I have my suspicions, along with many other people, but not sure enough of it to put them on the list. Shift did show me a recording of him/her using hm when he/she played as <!>Anonymous (no not supposed hm, most definitely using hm) so if it was used then... more than likely that habit didn't stop.
That was looooong ago, still in the old forums, and it was not proved to be HM. I wont even start a 2011 thread again. Shes not in <!> anymore but still my friend :|

Re: Santa's naughty list!

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:10 pm
by justR
Well regardless she's not on my list Jegue, I watched her quite a few times before recruiting her and never saw anything. <-- you can judge for yourself I guess, if that's the same video you're talking about?

p.s. Destroid swore that ingrid = prototype (true? not that I knew prototype)

Re: Santa's naughty list!

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 12:41 pm
by justR
* Added BottleRocket - lots of cheaters I've forgotten since they haven't played in a while/don't play often (and he's one of them)

The player master blaster is on the watch list if anyone cares to demo him and check

Re: Santa's naughty list!

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 4:09 pm
by justR
*Added Forke

Re: Santa's naughty list!

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:00 pm
by lil Tigga {OZ}
Lawlz wrote:Damn this is a good read.

Half of you suck, and resort to cheating; then get pissed when called out.

Long live Tribes!

p.s. Happy Holidays!

Re: Santa's naughty list!

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:55 pm
by Beavis
justR wrote:gg nice video Ghost. In Ganjakiller's semi-defense, at least the guy admits it and doesn't try to hide the fact he uses it, which is better [in my opinion of course] than the fucks who deny it yet blatantly use it.
That's really the only reason I didn't do anything he was honest. got to respect that.
But he still cheats. (vote) if you think we can afford to lose another member in this community.