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Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:16 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
speaking of which, oz is about to come up on the 10 year anniversary in annihilation. i know it was in 2006 when we all left S1 to form OZ.

Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:23 pm
by perrinoia
Congrats on the anniversary...

PS: I like how quick you back peddled on that accusation...

Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:45 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
lol most know my history with hm, but i like to tell the story from time to time. :lol:

also as explained in the owners section, 1.41 gives an accurate reading on if a player is clean or not. :P

and thank you. more than likely will be the best clan i've ever been a part of, and i'm glad to be experiencing this 10 year anniversary. i will rep oz till i die.


ps: tree and erowid both going on the 16 year anniversary in oz btw. as they were both a part of the OZ that was formed in ultra ren.

pps: i personally feel as though anni OZ was founded in 2005, when all of us ultra ren players at the time were making the switch to annihilation. even though we wore the tag of S1, we had all formed a bond at that point.

Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:56 pm
by perrinoia
Y'all having an official meetup to celebrate?
If so, are friends of the clan invited?

I like to travel and meet people who play Tribes, even if they are a bunch of wiggers.

Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:58 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
me and tree hang out sometimes. maybe one day we set something up. if you ever came through houston though we would meet up with you and hang. get some drinks or something.

Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:21 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
not a bad idea though. i'd be down for a bbq or something in some state that close to us all.

Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 7:16 am
I still wish someone would tell me who the hell it was when I first came back and started anni... When I came back after quite a few years off, prior to 2012. (it's early still need my coffee and the brain isn't fully engaged but..), I came into the server and it was OZ, I was freaked and excited because the only clan I was ever in was "Blizzard of OZZ" {OZZ} and our leader was {OZZ}Crowley. When I got into the server I asked around and someone replied and they knew some of the names of our other members... {OZZ}Hiroshima, {OZZ}Crash, It's early like I said and there were others obviously but I'm drawing a blank right now. They actually came out with the names before I mentioned them and they KNEW... Since that time I've found no one that claims to remember. I was so excited to think I might find some of my old buds that I played with, we weren't the best, kind of rag tag and were some VERY good players for the time but as a team we didn't do all that much. I was HO mostly and very good with placing a mortar round.. once put one in a interceptor that was flying and at quite a distance too, sure it was part luck but it was what I was aiming for! Hiro was an excellent HO and reminds me a lot of Erowid. I loved the mortar and never really got into dueling all that much, my ping was always kind of high (when I first played tribes it was on dial up and sucked) and as we all know that makes a big dif. So I focused on HO which I could get by on with that ping somewhat. There are days I think that just had to be you guys but you haven't ever replied to my queries on the matter and so ..... ? We had fun and some laughs but it was in the late years of T1 and it was already dying off.

HM... and other cheats... Happy Jump (was the only ski script I could find when I first came back) and ski scripts have always been accepted simply for the reason that you will go through some keyboards banging on the space bar repeatedly and so it was very widely accepted. Otherwise there were many other cheats that were not, (redmines, bighead, etc.) I may not be the best but I give my best and expect yours without cheats, if you cheat to overcome others skills it's just unsportsmanlike plain and simple and does NOT make you a winner and if no one else catches you at it you will know it wasn't your best that beat me or others. Play within the accepted rules and hone your skills to become great at what you do, don't ever use cheats because if you're caught it's hard to live down. People may accuse you when you are at your peak of play but again you will know if it's because you're a finely tuned tribes killing machine or a cheat. It's your choice.

Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:48 am
by perrinoia
Wow, thanks for sharing your PTSD flashback with us, SGT.

I've used HM 3 times...

First, to see how it worked, find out if I could detect it as a server host.
Second, because I forgot to turn it off.
Third, because I was playing at someone else's house who had it installed (I was not happy).

I was also surprised to see that there was already a player named [df]Perrinoia configured on that machine.

That's Jesse (AKA [df]Odisgrey) watching me realize there's no fog, in 2007.
Photographer: Seth (Jesse's younger brother, AKA Bongwater).
Other player: Craig (I forget his Tribes name... [df]C-Money, maybe)

Trevor (AKA [df]T-Bone), David (AKA [df]Satan), and Ashley (AKA [df]Sasshley) were also there, behind Seth, eating pizza.
Ashley was pregnant with Seth's second child, at the time, I think.

Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 3:19 pm
by 2Strong
KILROY wrote:That's your opinion and your entitled to it. You have more leadership abilities than he.

I'm not talking about the amount of players in the Tribes Community. There are more than enough to fill a few servers these days.

What I am relaying, is that 2Strong came back after being away for over a year, relaying he moved out of his parents place. When I checked his IP, it's still the same, which confirms he DIDN'T move. Upon his return, he was telling S@ND to start up a new server. In which S@ND was already running one server. I relayed to 2Strong why S@ND shouldn't waste his time, money, and resources to host something in which something else that was being hosted was not even being used already. This is when 2Strong started off with the argument pretty much relaying what he says goes, due to S@ND giving him that right and that he lead's not myself. I wasn't trying to out rank him, I was just relaying the situation of the Tribes Community due to him being away for as long as he was. He started the feud, I was just trying to get him up to date as a courtesy of him being away for as long as he was.

Look Destroid, I already manage 300 people daily. By the actions of how 2Strong acted, I would not only have written him up with my company, I would have suspended him, and upon his return if he continued, which he did with this issue, I would have fired him. Don't tell me he knows how to lead, he never did upon myself joining the group, which I relayed to S@ND in many PM's in the past, and still does not. Like I said previously, you have more leadership qualities than he.

EDIT: Not only was this relayed to S@ND via PM's, but also personal e-mails, and myself talking to him directly over a few phone calls in the past.

You big Penis. Will you stop talking shit about me? All you say are lies and everyone knows it. I have been living on my own for about 20 years now, just to start off with your first lie.

Everything else you say is either mixed up with someone else´s story or a result of your paranoia. By the way, the clan is in excellent shape since you left. Most of us keep in touch on our Facebook clan page which is PRIVATE and hidden from your crazy accusations and threats to pull down people´s internet.

I personally despise everything about you, but I never talk about you to anyone and I wish you did the same. I am really tired of chasing after your bull shit on all forums. Just a few weeks ago I had to do the same thing on LM forums. All you do is copy paste the same shit all over the internet.

Just get over it buddy, get on with your life. You played the wrong card and lost. You were stupid to think you could take over, the same way Bosdad did. You cannot amend what was done, only learn from it and do better next time if you have any intelligence left in your head.

Unfortunately, I give it less than a 1% chance that you will take the best advice anyone gave you. I suspect you will go with the 99%.


Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 6:27 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
being the voice of something. i like both kilroy and 2strong. both i have known for a long time now, and both i have a some respect for. granted i have known 2strong much longer, as he was here when i got here in 2005, and active. might not of been 2005 exact year, but i know him from the old days of anni. very few that are still with us from this time. i watched him climb his way up through the pb ranks, and have always had a little appreciation for him.

in this situation though i will stay out of. i'm sure you 2 can get it resolved.