[Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by DXSTRYR »

First of all; you should know the difference between the ass of a man, or woman you've been staring at Douchwaters ass for over a decade. You even went to visit him in real life and in the photo's you took, you looked as happy as a new bride on the morning after her honeymoon, with the exception of getting a sunburn on a rainy day cause you're so lilly white.

You should get out more and leave the homoerotic downloads alone for a while.

Secondly: I know you have no clue what you are talking about in mostly every subject you comment on, but the pictures of my name on his GF's ass were received as an offering so that Echo could become a recruit for (S1) (The best clan to have ever graced this mod). Echo begged me for years to join my clan and I always refused him cause hes a clan hopper. So I told him "I will consider your recruitment if you write my name on your gf's ass". I did this cause I figured any self respecting man would never do such a thing. Well he did and I told him "After careful consideration, your recruitment is denied".

Get your story strait Plebbinoia, but then again, your're so fagged up and crooked I cant expect you to get anything straight.

perrinoia wrote:Well, I wouldn't put it past either one of them to put on a pair of ladies panties and write, "I love DX" on his own ass... But it definitely wasn't a girl's ass... That was clearly a man's taint, hidden behind those panties.
Such a faggot.
Sinister wrote:Only a true faggot would pay that close attention to that.

Bingo brother.

Don't know who you are, but you are on target.

His reply's have more to do with wishful thinking then they do with truth. Like all faggots he just wants you to see the world through his eyes and in his eyes all he covets is young men's taint. That's why he wants to dress me and Echo up in panties in his depraved fantasies. To a homosexual, to turn everyone gay is the highest honor and achievement, he wants to follow in the footsteps of the gay man that converted him at a young age, the one that took him into his bedroom, oh so long ago. He wants to make Douchewater proud. Oh; of course he will come out and label you a "homophobic" then immediately go back to talking about taking dicks out your mouth. Make no mistake these homosexuals are completely disgusting and subversive and seek only to destroy you for being a "breeder", or convert you by causing you political harm if you very naturally find what they do and stand for repulsive.
Last edited by DXSTRYR on Thu Mar 10, 2016 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by Firelord »

Haha oh man. I remember the sharpie incident. What's up DX.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by DXSTRYR »

Sup Firelord. Add me to steam. DXSTRYR aka Trump 2016

Firelord wrote:Haha oh man. I remember the sharpie incident. What's up DX.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by perrinoia »

DXSTRYR wrote:First of all; you should know the difference between the ass of a man, or woman you've been staring at Douchwaters ass for over a decade. You even went to visit him in real life and in the photo's you took, you looked as happy as a new bride on the morning after her honeymoon, with the exception of getting a sunburn on a rainy day cause you're so lilly white.

You should get out more and leave the homoerotic downloads alone for a while.

Secondly: I know you have no clue what you are talking about in mostly every subject you comment on, but the pictures of my name on his GF's ass were received as an offering so that Echo could become a recruit for (S1) (The best clan to have ever graced this mod). Echo begged me for years to join my clan and I always refused him cause hes a clan hopper. So I told him "I will consider your recruitment if you write my name on your gf's ass". I did this cause I figured any self respecting man would never do such a thing. Well he did and I told him "After careful consideration, your recruitment is denied".

Get your story strait Plebbinoia, but then again, your're so fagged up and crooked I cant expect you to get anything straight.

perrinoia wrote:Well, I wouldn't put it past either one of them to put on a pair of ladies panties and write, "I love DX" on his own ass... But it definitely wasn't a girl's ass... That was clearly a man's taint, hidden behind those panties.
Such a faggot.
Sinister wrote:Only a true faggot would pay that close attention to that.

Bingo brother.
Don't know who you are, but you are on target.
His reply's have more to do with wishful thinking then they do with truth. Like all faggots he just wants you to see the world through his eyes and in his eyes all he covets is young men's taint. That's why he wants to dress me and Echo up in panties in his depraved fantasies. To a homosexual, to turn everyone gay is the highest honor and achievement, he wants to follow in the footsteps of the gay man that converted him at a young age, the one that took him into his bedroom, oh so long ago. He wants to make Douchewater proud. Oh; of course he will come out and label you a "homophobe" then immidiately go back to talking about taking dicks out your mouth. Make no mistake these homosexuals are completely disgusting and subversive and seek only to destroy you for being a "breeder", or convert you by causing you political harm if you very naturally find what they do and stand for repulsive.

Not gonna lie, that was hilarious...


PS: I've actually visited Bongwater (AKA Seth) 3 times, now.

I have no photos of the first visit, as I did not bring a camera, nor did I have a camera phone, yet.
We went to a disgusting dive of a strip club where your mom tried to convince each of us to pay her for a lap dance while shoving her cottage cheese ass in the other's face. Then we drove 2 hours to meet his crazy girlfriend, who later became the mother of his children, and then his crazy ex. He also introduced me to a few of his friends who used to play Tribes.

This photo is from my second visit, when a whole bunch of us [df] members got together. From left to right, [df]Odisgrey, [df]Bongwater, [df]Perrinoia, [df]Satan, and holding Seth's belt like a cock hungry whore, [df]Ashley. We went to another strip club on this visit, and Seth's pregnant girlfriend (Ashley) took the stage for a dance competition and lost.

And this photo is from my last visit, which was for Seth's wedding to his lovely bride, Andrea. His brother (Jesse) and I decided to tease an actual homosexual tribes player, named Brian, by posing for this photo together... He loved it.

Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of when I visited Brian, although I did bring a camera and take photos, but it was before I had a facebook account, and I've lost them. He invited me to some dance at his college and tried to convince me that girls dig gay guys, so I should pretend to be gay... Then introduced me as his gay friend to every mildly attractive girl we saw, and attempted to grope me to prove it. It was equally uncomfortable as it was funny.

I've also met <!>Pandora in real life, during one of my many migrations to and from the south. She and I had lunch at some restaurant/bar near her home town, in Pennsylvania, as I was driving through.

Also, I should mention that I fucked none of those people, nor did I desire to fuck any of them, except Pandora... We hardly spoke during our lunch because I turned into an autistic moron at first sight.

Fun memories...

It's a shame you haven't met any Tribes players in person, since your personality is so off-putting, no one wants to meet you...
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by DaJ4ck3L »

sounds pretty fun honestly perr. ive hung out with a few tribes people as well in OZ.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by DaJ4ck3L »

and lol, df ashley. bong told me all about those fun adventures with bricks upside the head lol. he even showed me pictures, but man it happens. not everything can be perfect in life. i heard he's doing pretty good with his new girl.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by DXSTRYR »

perrinoia wrote:
" your mom tried to convince each of us to pay her for a lap dance while shoving her cottage cheese ass in the other's face. Then we drove 2 hours to meet his crazy girlfriend, who later became the mother of his children, and then his crazy ex. He also introduced me to a few of his friends who used to play Tribes.

It's a shame you haven't met any Tribes players in person, since your personality is so off-putting, no one wants to meet you...

Notice the obvious disdain for women.
I bet his Tribes friends are all faggots like you and he.
I have no desire to meet any of you and as far as the few people in this game I respect, I turn them down when they ask to meet me.
Gaming is a pass time for me.
What I am proud of however is all the people that out of nowhere Email me and thank me for what I gave them.

A lot of the guys that were in my clan were your typical teen's, Unsure of themselves and suffering from low self esteem because in most cases they came from broken homes.
Every once in a while I will get an email thanking me for teaching them to have faith in themselves and for nurturing their self confidence.

My favorite letter was from (S1) JINX if anyone one remembers him.
He thanked me for convincing him he could do better and as long as he believed in himself he could accomplish anything.
You see Jinx's hands used to shake when he would fight anyone he considered better then him. I noticed it once when <!> Redneck was smurfing in (S1) server and I was observing JINX fighting him. He couldn't land a shot. So I jumped in and raped <!> Redneck out of the server, which was normally what I had to do in those days when <!>, TE and WAR kids came to beat up my members and try and put (S1) down in an attempt to make my members leave.
After the match I talked to Jinx about it and he confided in me that he gets nervous and his hands shake.
After our talk we went and found Redneck back in <!> server so we snuck in under alias's and I coached JINX's and he got his first real fight against Redneck and to his surprise he kicked his ass.

Years later after JINX stopped playing Tribes i got an email from him thanking me for being "Like a Father to him".
He said that without me and the things I taught him he never would have asked out the girl he was marrying, he never would have gone for the job he wanted or the promotions that followed. He thanked me for teaching him he could achieve as long as he believed in himself and he attributed all the things in his life he loves having been due to my instilling in him self confidence when no one else in his life at the time believed in him.

You can keep your cheap whores, domestic beers, cock rings and anal fisting, Plebbinoia.
I'm happy knowing I effected real change in younger players that they carried with them into adulthood.

Faggots like you Plebbinoia wanna turn FPS communities into online dating sites. I am surprised Chris Hensen hasn't asked you to sit down yet.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by DaRk »

Such angst. Good sound pack material here. =)
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by perrinoia »

I don't have disdain for women (plural). Just the one who bludgeoned my friend with a child's toy until he was gushing blood from his head, on Christmas day, in front of her parents and children.

When I first met her, we picked her up from work, and drove her home to her mom's house. Upon entering the house, we discovered sticky notes everywhere... On the door knobs, light switches, mirrors, faucets, toilet knobs, etc... Each sticky note declared the mother's love for her daughter. I turned to Seth, in front of Ashley, and said, "Run... If she ain't crazy yet, she will be..." Ashley replied, "What? I think it's sweet..."

Seth didn't listen. He had to learn the hard way.

His wife is awesome, though. She woke me up with a Snapchat, the other day... She had some kind of rabbit nose, ears, and eye makeup overlay, and when she opened her mouth, it looked like she was puking a rainbow.

I was definitely the most frightening thing I've ever seen, in the process of waking up. And then I had a very productive day.
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Re: [Shoutcast] PICK UP'S LIVE!!!!

Post by DaJ4ck3L »

good story perr.
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