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Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:16 pm
by perrinoia
Seems like the two of you have a lot of beef with each other, but I promise you, no one else gives a shit.

We've got enough drama on our plates, with HM accusations against admins with aliases, lemon vs crow, ecko vs crow, crow vs obamacare, me vs NFO servers...

So when it comes to Kilroy vs 2Strong:

Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:19 am
by DaJ4ck3L
hahaha, i think the dispute vs both lemon and ecko have come to a conclusion. both instances were quite amusing, and a fun challenge of mental debate. though ecko pretty much laid it out for me up front. lemon took time to work on. at a stand still for now, but probably ongoing i imagine. i would be happy to let him be peacefully undisturbed in future; if he can do the same for me though.

Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:23 am
by perrinoia
Fat chance.

Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:33 am
by DaJ4ck3L
yea probably true. :idk:

Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:55 am
by The Boloblur
DaJ4ck3L wrote:being the voice of something. i like both kilroy and 2strong. both i have known for a long time now, and both i have a some respect for. granted i have known 2strong much longer, as he was here when i got here in 2005, and active. might not of been 2005 exact year, but i know him from the old days of anni. very few that are still with us from this time. i watched him climb his way up through the pb ranks, and have always had a little appreciation for him.

in this situation though i will stay out of. i'm sure you 2 can get it resolved.
I remember those old days. I started right around 2005, and I remember 2Strong and Killroy and both were good players. I really wish to see more of us old school players around, I miss playing the game with you guys. But, I am glad to be back now.

Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 8:47 am
Well, 2Strong, first off let's get something straight. I wasn't trying to take over PB, and now your accusing me of doing that like Bos'dad did? Where the hell did this come about? What crazy shit has gotten into your head. You were gone for OVER a year and then came back and tried to do this and that without knowing what the hell was ongoing in the Tribes Community. All I was trying to do was to try to help you understand what was currently happening. You blew things out of proportion, not I. Even after a bunch of PM's to yourself, you still kept ongoing. Then you went even further by posting a poll? All my replies to that were about you reading what I was trying to relay to you to get you caught back up with what was currently happening. S@ND even re-hosted a server with him staying in it himself 24 x 7 without NO one ever joining it to play on it. All I did, was relay this to you due to you asking S@ND to host a server, without you already knowing he did already with no action. I wasn't threatening towards you till you started certain posts in the forum accusing me of this and that, and I was continuously denying your accusations towards me and what was left of the active group in PB. Your accusations on the PB forum would put you in a court of law for perjury.

The only reason I have something against you right now, is you decided to perma ban me from the forum, without any really good reason, except the reason in your head that I was trying to take over your spot? Go back, read the post and if you kept all the PM's I sent to you, and you will see those were not my intentions. I've stated this many times, I was only trying to get you up to date on the current happenings due to you being away for OVER a YEAR! If those were my intentions, don't you think I would have approached S@ND for a leadership ranking? The only reason I asked him for a rank after all those years was due to asking him to take over the roster from him and to build it up like it should have been. Meaning, I had to add myself, and it wouldn't look right if I added myself without a ranking, which is why I asked him for one. I didn't care if he gave me a grunt ranking, I still would have shown it on the roster, due to being proud of being with the group I was representing for all those years. Did you notice after what you did to me, that some members started leaving PB? Ever wonder why? Cause of what you did to me after you returned being away for over a year, and what I was doing for them while you were gone. I wasn't trying to take over PB, I was trying to take CARE of PB while you were away! PB WAS my online family for all those years! Now, I try to support ALL of the Tribes Community by donating monies to try to keep forums and servers ongoing. I'm not as active as I would like to be anymore, but I try to do my part as an old veteran and love to the game.

Look, I'm no young spring chicken in this game, I'm probably the oldest player being 45 years old with a very, very good job. Why the hell would I want to try to take away a gamming position from you? I had one in LM as a leader, and resigned from it, due to not being able to play an active role due to my job duties, and told Spyder to give it to Perrinoia. Look 2Strong, I don't know you personally, but I had respect for you till this little incident between us.

EDIT: You know, trying to get through to you, is like Crow trying to get through to Lemon :hbeat:

Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 11:04 am
by perrinoia

Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 11:38 am
You telling him or me? Cause if your telling me, your mistaken...I was replying to something that was asked to me here on this thread, as I am doing again. Don't you find it interesting that his own clansmen are now asking questions to me in another forum? Due to him banning me without being able to respond to any of his after post's, after the banning from the PB forum. If you check the PB forum and the poll that 2Strong put up, it never state's as to why, and pretty much the selections given were all against me, even Max questioned the poll:

Open Your Heart To Us - was the title of the poll

2Strong is my truest love
Kilroy has never really turned me on
Neither (count's as a vote for 2Strong)

If I offended anyone, I apologize, but I will take a stand for myself instead of being slandered. As I'm sure anyone of you would. I just find it strange for as long as 2Strong has had posting permissions on this forum, much longer than I, he doesn't keep up with them, or the relations within the community.

EDIT: Ok, maybe you weren't gone for a over a year, more like 6 or more months, but during that time you were on maybe once or twice, but upon your return you relayed to a member of PB that you moved out of your parents place. In which they told me. If you did that, how could you have been out for almost 20 years? That was why when I checked your IP addy, it was the same, and that was why I came to the conclusion I did. There's no way your older than I for being out of your parents place for almost 20 years.

Here people, this is what started it all. I only asked him to clarify a post asking S@ND to host a server, but this was right after S@ND just dropped a server he was hosting when no one joined it to play on it. ... f=1&t=4819

Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 3:30 pm
by 2Strong
People are old by now, and know how easy it is to copy and paste only the parts of those conversations that make your case. Why don't you post the stuff you wrote about removing me from leader before all the other things that you post followed? I´ll tell you why, because you are a Coward ass.

What part of "stop slandering me around the forums just because you played the wrong hand and lost" do you not understand?

I am not getting into an essay response about what you say. I am not going to pick apart your long posts line by line to prove that you suffer from some kind of victim syndrome. I just wish you stopped because I am not always around to rebuke the false stories you tell around the web and, aside from being quite cowardly, is a real waste of time.


Re: HM is authorized?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 4:24 pm
Copy and paste? I'm giving them a link that still exists on the PB forum that started all this, what the HELL are you talking about? The copy and paste part was the poll you started. Here, here's the link to the poll on the PB forum, everyone can check for themselves: ... f=1&t=4866