any smokers out there ??

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any smokers out there ??

Post by bo'sdad »

not you frank I mean cigarettes
I have tried to quit smoking several times in the past. about three weeks ago I tried the new electric cigarette, it works great and there cheap as hell. they even have a pot flavor for frank !
you still get the nicotine but not all the other bad stuff. and you can step down the nicotine especially if you fill your own cartridges. I can make enough stuff to go a month for about 25.00 , as apposed to 160.00 with my old cigarettes. so I was just wondering if you guys had tried this and what you thought about it.
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Re: any smokers out there ??

Post by Erowid »

I've tried the gum, patches and chantix before; however, none have worked well for me. I have heard those e-cigs hurt your lungs something fierce. I am still willing to try anything though.

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Re: any smokers out there ??

Post by bo'sdad »

when you buy the pre packaged one's , they suck, but you can refill your own cheap and get better stuff. I have smoked for over 33 years, 1 1/2 packs a day. and had no trouble changing to these at all. I can post links to places to buy ciggs and re fill stuff. it's easy and cheap

you can even use your pc to recharge them ,, great for playing tribes. LOL
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Re: any smokers out there ??

Post by JeSuS »

Fuck that get a hookah(flavored tobacco). Shit has flavor and last for an hour lol
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Re: any smokers out there ??

Post by bo'sdad »

e smokes last all day , and no tobacco. which means no tar
tabacco has over 300 carsinagines, e smokes have 0
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Re: any smokers out there ??

Post by JeSuS »

hookah is just tobacco, molasses, and natural flavors lol
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Re: any smokers out there ??

Post by <!>Cat 3000 »

i eated that in gum.. a friend gived me... BUT I HATE SMOKE!! That kills...
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Re: any smokers out there ??

Post by Loghead »

i roll my own cigs. 19 bucks for 3 cartons including tubes. i smoke less because i have to roll them but i still weeze. i was thinking about starting that e-cig but i didnt know if you still got the same effect from them. let me know in a week how it is after a while.
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Re: any smokers out there ??

Post by PoisonousFish »

switch to amphetamines, much better. =)
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Re: any smokers out there ??

Post by NaStY »

I smoked cigs for 12 years, I didnt feel like walking to the PX on post in Iraq so i said after this pack I'm done. I havent smoked since thanksgiving day 2005. I learned that the numerous times I quit I always set up a date to be my last day of smoking. It gave me enough motivation to quit for a few weeks and that was all. I've tried the patches, zyban and nothing worked for me. So i decided to quit cold turkey outta the blue and for some reason it worked. Out of all places to quit smoking I did it in a war zone.
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