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thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:21 am
by justR
I know the general public's opinion doesn't decide these things, but I wanted to see what everyone else (besides admins) thought about fox's seemingly permanent ban from the public BR server.

My own personal thoughts should be obvious since I am making this thread, but I don't want or like Fox being banned. Sure, he has done some things that make him an obvious shithead, and anyone playing with him probably thinks he can be a douchebag, (he can) but really, a permanent ban? Keep in mind tribes is dead enough as is, and the player pool is more likely to decrease rather than increase. I am pretty sure no one likes playing on empty servers, or 2vs2 pubs. While this is a slight exaggeration, give it time, eventually it'll happen so why fast forward to that point by stuff like this?

Not to mention people in clans are starting to get very excited about competition happening yet again, which was my entire goal to begin with. Keeping Fox banned more than likely kills off [Cafe], which would be a 5th clan capable of regularly playing scrims vs everyone else. And before anyone starts with the "he's not banned from priv server" bullshit (hehe Crow), the guy is not going to be active and play tribes if he can only play scrims once or twice a week for an hour if he's lucky. He will just move on to other games, and I would do the same, as most people would.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents. tl; dr, fu etc.

oh yeah, almost forgot...

So have a heart, thanks!


Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:32 pm
by Puppetmaster
I think he was banned due to the threats on BR, not sure though.
If that was the reason, then I think it's reasonable for a permaban.

Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:39 pm
by S']['U
I (for obvious reasons) am against server-banning anyone for offenses committed on or against this forum.
I think a forum-ban for him would be a more fitting punishment.

I also believe in second chances, otherwise I wouldn't be here now myself.
Of course, it really helps that no one is trolling me here like they used to.
It seems everyone here has grown up a bit since then.

Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:13 pm
by f0xL3g3nD :)
You really didn't have to post this.

I know what I did was wrong, but honestly it was all in good fun when it came to trolling S']['U, however he resulted to being a tattle tale.
More importantly, I barely play tribes, considering I am banned from BR, but also because I am busy working.
Yes, I would more than likely play a couple hours in the night just because i have played since 98.
But if trolling one person, kills my career, so be it.

Me being banned has not killed [Cafe]. It has just killed [Cafe] for Tribes, although Virus and Anthrax still play (who are also founders of Cafe) it will always be in Tribes, I suppose without me, but I still lurk our servers or arghs from time to time. My server recently had a hick up and it will be back up and running in a couple weeks. Sorry for those who liked the ModX server, but grimreaper may throw another one up. Idk...

But more than likely I will never attack the BR server, just because I may not like it, doesn't mean I have to ruin everyone elses fun.

As a Clan Founder I do apologize for looking like a fool behind closed doors, I suppose it's a lesson learned on maturity. Also I apologize for Happy Modding a few months back, I do promise I didn't do it for very long, and very rarely. But when I was unbanned I never turned it back on, I took it out of my config, the only reason I had it was for VX, which is more useful than a problem.

But all in all, it has been a good 16 years, and I hope to maybe one day return. Even if I am not allowed back, time will come around and I will eventually be back :)

Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:31 pm
by JeSuS
per post by an owner admin, the ban was because several players were attempting to kill BR. I dont know the whole story but it is being discussed in the admin section. So i would say give the admins a couple of days to talk about and you will have an answer as soon as its made.

Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:33 pm
by S']['U
Ghost wrote:...We are a democracy right?
f0xL3g3nD :) wrote:I know what I did was wrong, but honestly it was all in good fun when it came to trolling S']['U, however he resulted to being a tattle tale.

But if trolling one person, kills my career, so be it.
Now you claim that you were just "trolling" me, but in the same conversation you were also trying to recruit me.
Does that make sense?
Like I said before, you have some very strange recruiting tactics.

A clan leader needs to be someone who's trustworthy, not a devious saboteur that "trolls" potential clan members.

Your mistake was assuming that because of my (at the time) unresolved issues with DukeofHardington, I was willing to be an accomplice to your "activities" and would be an easy target for recruitment.
You were assuming that I'd take your side against BR, but unlike you, I have scruples.

I don't regret my decision to expose you, and in the end, maybe you'll learn something from this incident.

Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:26 am
by Puppetmaster
STU is so pro, y'all.

Back on topic, I talked to the admins and they are willing to let Fox back on the server if he donates to a LGBT non-profit in S']["U's name.
I think this is a fair way to make amends.

Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 4:17 am
by DaJ4ck3L
Nice sig STU.

Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:01 pm
by f0xL3g3nD :)
S']['U wrote:
Ghost wrote:...We are a democracy right?
f0xL3g3nD :) wrote:I know what I did was wrong, but honestly it was all in good fun when it came to trolling S']['U, however he resulted to being a tattle tale.

But if trolling one person, kills my career, so be it.
Now you claim that you were just "trolling" me, but in the same conversation you were also trying to recruit me.
Does that make sense?
Like I said before, you have some very strange recruiting tactics.

A clan leader needs to be someone who's trustworthy, not a devious saboteur that "trolls" potential clan members.

Your mistake was assuming that because of my (at the time) unresolved issues with DukeofHardington, I was willing to be an accomplice to your "activities" and would be an easy target for recruitment.
You were assuming that I'd take your side against BR, but unlike you, I have scruples.

I don't regret my decision to expose you, and in the end, maybe you'll learn something from this incident.
I don't know how many times I have to say it, I don't care STU.
Yes, I was trolling you, and yes I also wanted to see if you were interested in Cafe.
Not only because I wanted to ask, but other [Cafe] members did as well, you are loyal and devoted, but honestly a complete cry baby. You act as if the internet has the same rules as democracy and you also get way out of hand when someone hurts your feelings.

I myself have a lot of rough edges and I just quite frankly, don't give a shit what you think. So dig deeper and tell everyone something new about me. Your opinion equals a grain of salt in my eyes.

Move on STU, enjoy your piloting. Maybe one day after you have exposed everyone and you only get to run over 3 admins, feel proud.

In other news,
I bought a 98 Oldsmobile. And it's pimp.

Re: thoughts on unbanning f0xL3g3nD

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:34 pm
by '][']-[RiLL3R
f0xL3g3nD :) wrote:
S']['U wrote:
Ghost wrote:
f0xL3g3nD :) wrote:
In other news,
I bought a 98 Oldsmobile. And it's pimp.
Pics please. :mrgreen: