Arena 2.0

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Arena 2.0

Post by BlackSheep »

What do you want to see?

What don't you want to see?

I am in the process of making this (and trying my best to surpass the original) but of course, all of your opinions are important if I am going to make everyone happy.

So... tell me your likes, tell me your dislikes, any ideas that you may have. Chances are some of these things will be implemented.
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Re: Arena 2.0

Post by item9 »

remove the plasma rifle from arena. annihilation Disc, a nerfed vulcan that does only 0.1 max damage per round, and a thumper that wont premature ejaculate in midair unless you mid air someoen with it.

or instead of a vulcan, use a hyper blaster. That way its energy dependent and people wont use it too much.
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Re: Arena 2.0

Post by JeSuS »

Here are mine

-I want actual ren weapons(blaster, chaingun, and disc) and ren boost. The boost are different from anni and there is only 3.

-A king of the hill tourney kinda thing. All against each other and last one standing wins.

-Outdoor maps possibly from arghs duel

-How about a ctf kinda duel. 5 sec spawn delay after death untill flag is captured

there is 4 off the top of my head
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Re: Arena 2.0

Post by Armageddon »

Sorry for the question but is this the "Arena" inside of Annihilation or a pick-up of the old Arena mod?

If it's the mod i have a few suggestions, since i also was going to pick it up at one point, but didn't :(

LifeTime Stats - Serverside. Tracks just about anything you want it to kills/deaths/suicides/total points all stored on the server.
Server ranking - Based on the system above it draws a list based on k/d + points

Those 2 systems have already been made by worstaim & I(Mostly worsty lol) and if you do want something like that i'd gladly give'em to you. Thats something i really would like to see in all server honestly.

New arena modes would be a nice change.

VIP mode, where one player from each team is given a flag at random and your goal is to protect them while trying to stay alive and kill the other teams VIP.
Admin picked elimination mode, Allow an admin to set how many times a player can respawn during a round. So it's not always 1 death and out.
Dodge ball mode, All players spawn with nothing. Every weapon is at the center of the map and ammo is xxx feet back from the center. Players spawn and have to race to the middle and find a gun, then rush back to get ammo for the weapon. Much like dodge ball.
Vehicle Arena, simple enough. Your weapon is a scout, dogfight it.
Select weapon mode, admin is able to set the only useable weapon. Say a whole round with only blasters.
Death Trap mode. Each player spawns with 3 turrets and a Grapple beam(No dmg or enery drain) and a knockback launcher(No dmg) and your objective is to pull and push your enemy into the range of your turrets to kill them.
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Re: Arena 2.0

Post by DaRk »

Armageddon wrote: LifeTime Stats - Serverside. Tracks just about anything you want it to kills/deaths/suicides/total points all stored on the server.
Server ranking - Based on the system above it draws a list based on k/d + points
I like this idea, and it should not be to hard to script. We might have to modify it how the user ID is set. Basing if off of IP would not be reasonable as some people's ISPs run as DHCP. Registering a name, as currently BR does, I believe would be effective enough. To be able to display these stats via webpage would be nice as well. I also believe basing it solely off of k/d points would be extremely misleading. People who play arena more would end up with more points, thus even if the worst player who played arena regularly would be ranked above a more skilled individual. I think using a kill-death ratio along with a minimum amount of attempts.
Armageddon wrote: Dodge ball mode, All players spawn with nothing. Every weapon is at the center of the map and ammo is xxx feet back from the center. Players spawn and have to race to the middle and find a gun, then rush back to get ammo for the weapon. Much like dodge ball.
WTF is this? The Hunger Games? hehe

Armageddon wrote: Death Trap mode. Each player spawns with 3 turrets and a Grapple beam(No dmg or enery drain) and a knockback launcher(No dmg) and your objective is to pull and push your enemy into the range of your turrets to kill them.

I made a suggestion similar to this, to rolo awhile back, but for normal game play. Instead of a gun, making it a turret with set area range (obviously longer than laser turret range).

Overall, really nice suggestions that would make things more interesting.
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Re: Arena 2.0

Post by BlackSheep »

Good ideas, I am definitely going to implement some of these things.

(Long post below, wanted to make sure that I responded to everybody)
item9 wrote:remove the plasma rifle from arena. annihilation Disc, a nerfed vulcan that does only 0.1 max damage per round, and a thumper that wont premature ejaculate in midair unless you mid air someoen with it.

or instead of a vulcan, use a hyper blaster. That way its energy dependent and people wont use it too much.
The Arena will be interchangeable to different game types. One of the game types that I am making is called "Pickup Mode". When Pickup Mode is enabled inside of the Arena you will be allowed to select your own spawn loadouts, as well as a few other things... as far as changing the default mode to this - I would rather keep it as close to basic spawn armor setups as possible.
JeSuS wrote:Here are mine

-I want actual ren weapons(blaster, chaingun, and disc) and ren boost. The boost are different from anni and there is only 3.

-A king of the hill tourney kinda thing. All against each other and last one standing wins.

-Outdoor maps possibly from arghs duel

-How about a ctf kinda duel. 5 sec spawn delay after death untill flag is captured

there is 4 off the top of my head
I plan on incorporating other mods in the future. (rolo had suggested paintball to me yesterday) these will come, however we are working with a limited amount of item slots. Until we can find somebody to update the 1.40 .exe into allowing mods (1.40 has no item slot limit). The Last Man Standing game type is a great idea, and will be added to the list of game types that I plan on adding. Along with CTF game types. We are still trying to get the maps from Argh's server so we will see what comes of that.
Armageddon wrote:Sorry for the question but is this the "Arena" inside of Annihilation or a pick-up of the old Arena mod?

If it's the mod i have a few suggestions, since i also was going to pick it up at one point, but didn't :(

LifeTime Stats - Serverside. Tracks just about anything you want it to kills/deaths/suicides/total points all stored on the server.
Server ranking - Based on the system above it draws a list based on k/d + points

Those 2 systems have already been made by worstaim & I(Mostly worsty lol) and if you do want something like that i'd gladly give'em to you. Thats something i really would like to see in all server honestly.

New arena modes would be a nice change.

VIP mode, where one player from each team is given a flag at random and your goal is to protect them while trying to stay alive and kill the other teams VIP.
Admin picked elimination mode, Allow an admin to set how many times a player can respawn during a round. So it's not always 1 death and out.
Dodge ball mode, All players spawn with nothing. Every weapon is at the center of the map and ammo is xxx feet back from the center. Players spawn and have to race to the middle and find a gun, then rush back to get ammo for the weapon. Much like dodge ball.
Vehicle Arena, simple enough. Your weapon is a scout, dogfight it.
Select weapon mode, admin is able to set the only useable weapon. Say a whole round with only blasters.
Death Trap mode. Each player spawns with 3 turrets and a Grapple beam(No dmg or enery drain) and a knockback launcher(No dmg) and your objective is to pull and push your enemy into the range of your turrets to kill them.
All excellent ideas, I would love to take a look at yours and Worst's server ranking and statistic systems. I was planning on adding something along these lines after the Arena was in a more completed state. It would be awesome to have you as a part of the development team, even if it was just for conceptual things or beta testing. (since I noticed that you are coding FireSiege right now)

Hit me up sometime, my xFire is SacramentoXXL and my eMail is, I can send you my cell # if you PM me. :D

DaRk didn't seem like you really needed a response but thank you for your input

edit: Arm, the Arena is a separate place where you can play & fight during a map in Annihilation. It has its own maps and game types, originally it was just for spawn dueling but we are expanding on that right now.
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Re: Arena 2.0

Post by Armageddon »

For the stats I'll throw a package together on my next day off, it'll require edits to game/player/item but nothing major. It's almost plug and play since it was designed for multiple use, Worstaim is amazing at looking at my stupid ideas and making them brilliant and universal.

As for anything else i'm always around nights for testing/help/etc, glad to help where i can.
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Re: Arena 2.0

Post by Beavis »

I went to this server the other day. It's a no Drama server? I was in there maybe 2 min then kicked for no reason. I was smurfing but still.
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Re: Arena 2.0

Post by Owner »

Tell Worstaim hi from me.


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Re: Arena 2.0

Post by BlackSheep »

Beavis wrote:I went to this server the other day. It's a no Drama server? I was in there maybe 2 min then kicked for no reason. I was smurfing but still.

Yeah man sorry to hear about that, the person who kicked you also took the time to delete the logs from our FTP. Everyone that had access has been removed and we are making sure that this doesn't happen again.

You're more than welcome to come play, we don't support that type of activity in our server and apologize that this happened
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