Base Cloak

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Base Cloak

Post by Erowid »

Seriously?? How is this even fair in any way at all. Name one other game that would allow a mechanic to only affect one of the clients and not another without calling it a cheat. The base cloak needs to be removed from the mod unless everyone is going to be on equal footing running openGL.

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Re: Base Cloak

Post by Fixious »

Well in that case I guess we should remove Necro's and Cham's ability to go invisible, too.

Isn't there a way to force OpenGL? I seem to recall reading about that years ago. Honestly, it's 2014. If you can't handle OpenGL in Starsiege: Tribes, get a better computer. Even on-board GPU's can handle it.
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Re: Base Cloak

Post by dawn »

:ttup: agreed
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Re: Base Cloak

Post by S']['U »

I'll admit to switching over to software mode a few times when I've been repeatedly shot down by cloaked rocket turrets. :blush:
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Re: Base Cloak

Post by Ninetails »

I think base cloaks should be modified to be used offensively rather than defensively. It should not be allowed to be deployed in your own base but in the Enemy's base. It will confuse your enemies about the positions of items in their base lol. Meh just pop in a Teleport in the enemy's base and a base cloak next to it and you can be dropping players into their base without them knowing where from xD
Just my 2 rupees :P
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Re: Base Cloak

Post by SGT ROCK »

He's certainly got a point. I've seen it going on many times. They take out your radar and you can't get out of the base hardly for the ghostly snipers. You do the ghost thing and they still pop you coming out the door. What chance do you really have against something you can't see and when you use the tactic they still see you. Cheap move or not it seems to be the thing to do at times as it happens a lot. Sometimes I think putting up several sensors helps but... Requiring open GL to play might cause us to lose a few players but like you all say most everyone should be able to use it these days. I dont' care for the BC either, you can't see your own shit and it really slows up setting D, just makes it harder. Best used after good D is set but then again some can still see the cloaked D as you say. Need a fix to this really, not just that it annoys some of us but if new players come in and come up against that tactic they may think... "What's the sense in playing a game where they see you but you can't see them ?"
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Re: Base Cloak

Post by Fixious »

There was talk, either here or on the official Anni forum, about making it so it can't be near your own flag. I really don't like having a base cloak in my own base, and I admit to killing it a few times because of how annoying it can be. I see it used much better when placed in an air base. Either lower its range by like half (or even more), or just disable it entirely within a base.

Or you can get creative and create some sort of deployable that 'jams' the cloak.
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Re: Base Cloak

Post by SGT ROCK »

Fixious wrote:There was talk, either here or on the official Anni forum, about making it so it can't be near your own flag. I really don't like having a base cloak in my own base, and I admit to killing it a few times because of how annoying it can be. I see it used much better when placed in an air base. Either lower its range by like half (or even more), or just disable it entirely within a base.

Or you can get creative and create some sort of deployable that 'jams' the cloak.
Angel armor used to have some sort of " see all " option or pack or ...??? WTH was that, I used it a few times and never saw all of anything...?
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Re: Base Cloak

Post by f0x »

remove everything but Titan and Builder and all your invisible issues are solved
browneyes wrote:lol he must be hardcore player.
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Re: Base Cloak

Post by DaJ4ck3L »

I remove it and be done with it.
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