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S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 5:35 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
Crow wrote:Main point being with this. Shift only wants what shift wants. The community would riot if this happened. If it were up to you, this game would of been dead quite some time ago. You take into account 0% of what the community wants, or what is better for the majority of the players. This is the worst part about our community in the past. People don't take into account what the majority of the population wants, or how changes would really impact the game play / server population. I played a map just now, to where it would of been impossible to kill this one D spot on the map without LOS sniping.

Any massive change to the mods core functions, would be a huge impact on how the players would react to it. This mod version (Legendz) has been created over several years of 100s of players feed back. No offense plas, but this is probably one area that even you lacked in since my time coming into anni. Most of the edits you have done since then were based on your personal preference, or that of someone like DXSTRYR, who might I add hold no respect in our community. People always have opinions, but they never ask what the server thinks about these opinions. One reason our community still thrives, and is still widely active to this day, is because I do personally go through the server and ask each and every player before making any change that would effect game play. I get feedback from the community before doing anything that would drastically change things. I even brought up this topic again, the LOS sniping, and I can assure you it had no support, except for Shift.

All changes done to the mod were approved of by the community before being set in place. I have more experience at a higher skill level than any active (and probably unactive at this point, as this is my 10th year playing in this mod) player in annihilation. I think this experience that I have has also helped me over the years when deciding what changes needed to be done. Of course making sure I clear any changes with the majority of the community before setting them in place.

I see a lot of people (who are not really a part of the community) say, unbalanced this, and unbalanced that, but this mod version that we use has been worked on since the days we hosted it in the (S1) server, and has evolved since then over time. It has been used in many competition games, and has been discussed several times with some of the highest skilled players to ever grace this mod. It has been reworked several times to fit the needs of the casual pubber, as well as the competitive elite that plays in it.

One thing I would of loved to see more of in annihilation is more collaborations together to get things done. But because of reasons stated above this has never really happened.

Anyways, that's just crow's two cents on the subject. :cat:

Shift wrote:I guess you didn't read the title.

"client side particle beam fix"

I would like to patch MYSELF from being able to exploit the LOS bug.

By the way, I highly doubt the community would "riot" even if you did fix the bug. Where are they gonna play LT? Yeah right lol

The most that would happen is people would just adapt to the changes and learn that if the beam don't hit, then it ain't legit. As much as an advantage this gives me, why would I want to be called a cheater for shooting someone through a solid object?

I think what the problem isn't about what I want. I think its more about what you want. Afterall if you didn't want it in the server in the first place, it wouldn't be there right?

Heres what I think; you want the mod to be as easy as possible, noobed down to the point where basically anyone can pick it up and just have fun right away. That way you can continue to establish influence and superiority among the Annihilation community.

I think my biggest problem with the server is the fact that how much is put in to reward noobish behavior. Like I'm actually noticing the retrogression of my own skill because I've had to dumb down my tactics to camping and shooting inanimate objects.

These are a list of changes, and obviously people would like them because it makes the mod so love easy.
- 5 Second spawn shield
- Removal of exploding bodies (so that armor kits can be easily picked up after killing an enemy with turret killer instead of standard fire)
- Increasing the damage of Vulcan and reducing the spread (which was already a very powerful weapon already)
- 1.31 rapid fire railgun without energy drain(obviously over powered)
- Troll armor replaced with Titan armor code to make Troll easier to rocket jump
- One armor kit repairs a station to full use

The fact of the matter is the only reason why people like the changes, is because this is the only populated Annihilation server on the list. I guarantee if you changed your server to "The Land of Oz" people would just go right back to that high ping reject server.

If you read the logs you would see how many people actually feel the same way I do about certain things pertaining to the mod. I'm just patiently waiting for the day you add weapons factory in the tab menu for that final nail in Annihilations dick shaped coffin.

So be honest with yourself before you start throwing insults at me. The community has NO love CLUE on what it actually wants or needs. It just needs a leader figure. At least you've done that right. Now all you need to do is whats best for the longevity of the mod, not what Crow likes.

ps. this doesn't mean we're not friends, it just means I think you're being selfish about the balance of the mod. This has nothing to do with me. Well a little bit, but I've explained that part.
what you guys think? the subject in question was the los sniping on the pbeam.

source thread: ... =2&t=13031

Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 5:49 pm
by Fixious
Meh. Anything that gimps the plasma beam gets my support (against players, at least...), and fights against HM. Other changes have been brought up over the last few weeks/months that I agree with, such as reducing the huge splash radius of the Phase Disruptor.

Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 5:58 pm
by justR
haven't read crow's post yet, but Fixious you realize that changes like that actually further increase the skill gap between good and bad/average players?

edit: was implying the phase disruptor changes

Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 6:08 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
Yea, all the changes he listed would make D stronger, Titan stronger, and Rape stronger. Classic anni 2.3-3.0, where Titan was king of all, and anyone who didn't play titan became a dominant titans bitch in the map.

Though the one thing in classic anni, nothing but the blast wall was viable for D. now we have platforms / jpad / force fields / crates with the same health as blastwall. These items use to be killable with a 10% charge. Probably one reason why LOS sniping is a must in this generation. Not for killing players, but for Killing D.

Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 6:10 pm
by justR
idk about the los changes, but I don't recall anyone saying "yeah this spawn shield is awesome!" but I do recall plenty of people complaining about it on forums (multiple threads made) and in server

I also think the minigun and vulcan are way too OP and newb-friendly, but at the same time if you dumb those down then it increases how OP the sniper weapons are (when they already are OP) so idk the answer to that

but yeah Shift has zero clue about what anyone other than Shift wants but he's working on it. At the same time Crow is the one coding so is allowed to have his own creative touch to what's in the edit

Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 6:15 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
justR wrote:idk about the los changes, but I don't recall anyone saying "yeah this spawn shield is awesome!" but I do recall plenty of people complaining about it on forums (multiple threads made) and in server

I also think the minigun and vulcan are way too OP and newb-friendly, but at the same time if you dumb those down then it increases how OP the sniper weapons are (when they already are OP) so idk the answer to that

but yeah Shift has zero clue about what anyone other than Shift wants but he's working on it. At the same time Crow is the one coding so is allowed to have his own creative touch to what's in the edit
im going to be honest rolo, the only people who came to me crying about spawn shields were the good players. every mediocre / lower skilled player i asked begged me not to remove them. at some point im going to write the code so when you shoot plasma they drop.

even you stated you didn't like that i removed them from arena. :P

also to answer the vulcan / minigun. that was given just for that very reason. snipers are already op, why not give people like eat lead a decent gun to use too? for the lighter armors i nerfed damage from bullets, so they not insta kills, and u still have to pour into them. for me, and how i kill vulcan / minigun users, is same way i kill a pbeam / rail user, lock onto them first and get the shot off.

Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 6:39 pm
by DaRk
I'm going to have to agree with Crow on the LOS issue. I see no problem with the way it is now. S_hift has always had a hard time seeing other players point of views since I have known him. Another thing, he likes anything that makes rape easier. At times I don't like the spawn shield myself, but I would rather have that than 3 or more titans raping a base with players unable to defend this, because they die too fast to do anything, and any damage they do isn't effective because the titans pick up the repair pack of their dead body. Some maps are terrible for this with one point of entry and limited station arenas. I still like S_hift and enjoy playing with/against him. He's had a few good ideas and has contributed to the game (maps, skins, etc).

One thing that I would like to see changed again, would be making airbases destroyable. I do remember that this was removed due to client/server crashing issues. Just curious if this can be done without the crashing issues and what other people think as well.

Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 7:33 pm
by AnniDv6
Eh this seems like a non issue or at least far down on the list of things that could be improved or fixed. Maybe I'm just not getting exactly what this would change because I can't imagine the average player even noticing.

Are we talking about shooting through an inch or two of the terrain when lined up slightly below a hill and shooting through a wall when slightly to the right or left of it? Please explain

Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 7:46 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
pretty much, let's use bside as an example. when killing d on bside you might have to be slightly to the left of the door, to shoot the d with pbeam. your laser will hit the door, but the damage will still be done to the d. laser turrets use a more strict los, and will only shoot you if your players is clearly visible in their los. pretty much, with the way pbeam is now, you can kill d around corners because the laser turret cant hit you, but the pbeam can hit the d. if we patched out the los, and made it so the laser has to hit the d too, then the turrets would also be able to hit the player. essentially making most d unkillable by the pbeam. the best example would be to take a pbeam, put it in standard mode, and see how many d spots you can hit with a standard pbeam.

and yes dark, i also have known shift long enough to know what he's like. i look past his issues and still consider him a friend. most of the time. :lol:

he has also given me some good ideas in past, that did get put into mod, or helped me think of ways to do things. also he makes cool maps for us!!

Re: S_hift's Opinion

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:16 pm
by justR
What's the deal with the portal gun not being in this edit?

p.s. I think my biggest issue with server right now is the maps/map rotation as a bad map kills pubs, but that's already on your guys radar