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PETITION to remake Tribes 1 with better graphics!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 6:04 pm
by rinzler0089 ... -forgotten

Support Starsiege: Tribes 1 being remade with updated graphics before it's forgotten.

check it out


Re: PETITION to remake Tribes 1 with better graphics!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 2:11 am
by {LS}RePublic
Id personally like to see it running on the CryEngine or Frostbite 3 Engine.

My card is ready.

Re: PETITION to remake Tribes 1 with better graphics!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:57 am
by browneyes
I signed.

Re: PETITION to remake Tribes 1 with better graphics!

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 8:23 am
by perrinoia
They lost me at CPMA.

Also, the goal is 100 digital signatures? Who's gonna look at 100 names and say, "Wow.. That's enough people to generate revenue"?

Also, that open letter to Hi-Rez is littered with grammatical errors.

Personally, I don't want a remake of Tribes 1... All I want for Tribes 1 are functional game downloads and rebooted master servers. Besides the setup time, it wouldn't cost them any more than they already spend, considering they pay for the master server domains but don't use them, and they pay to host game files that are incompatible with modern operating systems. And if it requires support to keep running, I'm sure we can dig up enough volunteers to keep a master server running.

Instead of campaigning for a whole new game, we should be campaigning for upkeep of this game. All it takes is for them to point that domain in the direction of one of the community master servers, and repack the full game download in an installer compatible with modern operating systems.

But since this topic is about creating a new Tribes like game from scratch, here are my demands!

No more anonymous tom foolery! Account registration, steam integration, whatever it takes... I don't want to worry about IP addresses and usernames, anymore... I want to deal with account IDs!

No more client-side shenanigans! The game should have an integrated torrent tracker, to distribute community generated content, such as maps and skins.

And no more dedicated server bologna! Rather than displaying a list of empty servers in the lobby, you should see a list of people who want to play. Filter the list by map and mod preferences. Then invite the remaining players to a match (players currently in-game won't see the invite until they return to the lobby, and invites will auto-expire). Filter only ones who have accepted the invite, and when the ideal player count for the prefered mission is reached, a host is automatically selected and the game begins!

Lastly, and obviously, state of the art graphics would be nice, but considering I've played every version of Tribes and stick to Starsiege: Tribes... Graphics are not a priority for me, although, it might be for noobs.

Re: PETITION to remake Tribes 1 with better graphics!

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 3:33 pm
I'm with you on this Perr, but I don't like the ideal of having to wait to play. I did and still do this with Online Gamming

* It's a free download I believe now....I paid for my membership back in 1995.

Most people who get on to play a game want to do just that, play, not wait for others to gather to join a gamming server to play. I like the ideal of a server currently ongoing in which you can just join it to play. Not go into a server and all of a sudden an admin decides they want a tournament and switch the server over and choose two captains and then try to select teammates, but only a select few get to play and the rest stay in obs or have to drop because they now cannot play a game they came online "TO" play.

I do agree with scrimmages, but this used to be done through teams and it's members, and a server was set aside to do this. With as old as this game is, but still very good, it's harder these days to find this in some areas due to mixed feelings on how some of the players want to play the game. Some just want to play, some want the challenge of two skilled teams to play each other, while some want the challenge to take on the better team. Also, with the lack of servers now hosting, you don't have many choices.

Maybe changing the resolution to better graphics might attract people who never looked into the game, or even attract those who never knew about the game to try it, or bring back old players again, especially now since internet connections are better than they were when Tribes first came out, and graphic cards are better than they were when Tribes was introduced back on November 30, 1998.

Re: PETITION to remake Tribes 1 with better graphics!

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 7:03 pm
by perrinoia
Yeah, ok... So you'd rather join a server mid game, fucking up the teams, pissing off half of the players in the server, who quit, fucking up the teams more?
You'd rather choose between playing with a cunt like fish, or play in an empty server?

Honestly, the only con to game lobbies is the amount of time that it takes people to click the ready button. Especially if you don't fuck it up like Halo, and choose the map after matching players... Every Halo game starts like 2-3 players short because those who voted for a different map quit while the game is loading, and then the game starts with uneven teams.

No, I definitely would prefer to mark my clan mates as favorites so they always get sorted to the top of the list, and filtering out all of the undesirable players like fish, and people who want to play KWSN Duel, and then click a button that indicates I'm ready to fight the remainder of the list and let the wicked smart computers figure out the rest of the matching parameters and start a friggen evenly matched game.

Did that sound passively aggressive? Oh well. I've been watching Archer all day.

Re: PETITION to remake Tribes 1 with better graphics!

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 7:47 pm
No, when I join a Tribes server I look at the teams due to still being in obs, and I join the team that needs the most help. If both teams are even, I stay in obs till the match is over or someone drops, that's just common sense and good sportsmanship, but yes, I would want teams to be pre-selected. The problem with this, is after you select the teams and join a server to play, what happens when someone drops or get's dropped from the server and the teams are now unbalanced? You mentioned it yourself with people dropping due to a map vote for Halo while it was loading. I've been dealing with this issue since 1995 and Kali. They have the same issue's with dropped players. Especially one on one scenarios.

As for everything else you mentioned, I said I agree with you. There should be a system in place that you have to use in order to play on the server, if you don't use the system, you don't play. This will hopefully keep a better gamming server for those who do want to play, instead of dealing with those who just want to make trouble, like Fish. Registering with the server is one of those options that was mentioned before. There are others I would like to see in place also that I believe you brought up yourself one time in a thread that I would like to see in place, and I think Crow or Death666 replied to put it in place, but no one took it seriously.

I think we should start thinking about what to do and make these changes ASAP to keep a more pleasing gamming server for all to be able to play on, and continue to play on without those who want to cause trouble in game. Agreed?

Re: PETITION to remake Tribes 1 with better graphics!

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:21 am
Assinei !!

Re: PETITION to remake Tribes 1 with better graphics!

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 7:11 pm
by perrinoia
Yes. I agree. I've written this script many times, but never implemented or saved it, for some reason.

Re: PETITION to remake Tribes 1 with better graphics!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 10:08 am
by Devil
very interesting post indeed. and quite doable too. if i was better, more proficient and speedier on the code side i'd say a player ranking system would do well for that sort've thing. i won't talk about smurf accounts tho...