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My Birthday is tomorrow! Show some Love guys!

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 8:46 pm
by vistalize ... hare-sheet

Looking to get a set of power tools. Anything is greatly appreciated. Love yall guys

Re: My Birthday is tomorrow! Show some Love guys!

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 2:25 am
by vistalize
Hey I made my mark. Looks like this forum is dead! Hope everyone is alright. Ended up getting me a badass dewalt power tool set. Should arrive by Thursday. Got me a new project now. Collecting power tools and fixing up my house. Also may start fixing up other houses on my free time. Do some pro bono work but do a few odd jobs for a sober living community that requires me to use tools. (For example... one day I got a call saying there was a leak from the ceiling. Apparently the AC unit (the box) was having issues. Anyway that night we couldn't do anything so we had to wait till the morning. I get another call that morning that the whole ceiling had fallen off and the drip pan was over filled. Long story shot the pvc pipe connected to the drip pan was clogged. So anywho i took the water over again and ended up pouring bleach into the pipe to hopefully unclog some of that stuff in there or get it loose anyway. I took a long ass hose and through it through the upstairs bathroom window (5 feet from the AC box) I strapped a powerful head into the end of the hose and told my buddy to go ahead and shoot water into the pipe. Man the shit i saw come out of that pvc pipe while i waited outside was crazy. I thought there was a dead mouse in there so much black shit came out of it. Anywho I ended up fixing that but that was just the start of my problems. The water had totally ruined the ceiling. So I had to cut out most of what was damaged. Well I was able to get some dry wall and patch up everything by myself and charged em an arm and a leg. I also had to work on their last house one time. I had to redo and reline the whole air duct system. Problem was there was no attic for me toi just jump in real quick. So my ass had cut down pieces of sheetrock on the ceiling to find out where the man box unit was (the one that all the air ducts are connected to... after finally finding the box I had to keep cutting the sheetrock so I could get up in there and re position and reconnect a couple of the air ducts ( a couple weren't even connected). I did this for every room from the living room (where the box was located next to the thermostat) to all 4 bed rooms. THAT job had to be the shittiest job i have ever done. Talk about old ass asbestos itching my ass. Sawing out all those holes and then goin back to patch each piece of sheet rock I had squared off. Long story short I made some good money on that job. I left my tools at the house and locked it up. Thinking no one would take it. My whole damn bag of power tools. and tools period. Im talking reciprocating saw, chain saw, impact, a drill, a flashlight, everything u can think of! I never found out who took my tools but ever since then I haven't had the money to get my damn tools. So I had a pretty good idea, my girl thought I was stupid and so did my bro. I was gonna start a go fund me account on my birthday! I mean shit now a days on Facebook they make you choose a campaign and anybody that can donate 5 dollars to whatever. Do these donation companies actually give the proceeds to who they say they are going to? Dont they keep a percentage. I'm pretty sure there are some out there that are down right dirty and pocket all the cash. So instead of making a donation for an entity we really have no idea about I started a birthday present campain through gofundme and posted it on my facebook. At first I figured I would probably make like a hundred dollars. Next thing I know I'm up to 200. The set I wanted was about that price (porter cable) not too bad but not he best. It does the job though. After looking at the deal on Amazon I noticed there was only 2 sets left at that price. I got fucked the next day they were sold out. So I talked to a friend and he said there was a good dewalt one for 300. So I was like ok let me raise it up to 300. Maaaaaan next thing I know I look into my campaign and i had raised almost 500 dollars. 470 to be exact. So I looked through home depot website and wallah there it was for 500 dollars. A full set of dewalt power tools. Everything I needed plus more. Long story short guys God is good and so are some of his people. I have just a little hope for humanity now. lol Anywho I had a great bday. I am about 50 dollars short for the tool. (taxes) but hell I'll be fine. Im not going to get mad at anyone i know we all are jus living day to day trying to try and stay alive and make it some of us pay check by pay check Keep your head up!!! I just wanted to let everyone know I miss yall and its been another year. I hope you guy are ok this forum has been quiet lately. What have you guys been up to? How is everyone holding up. Talk to me.

ps here is the tool set im getting ... /300573552

Idk why but im starting to fall in love with power tools lol. and im excited as hell to start getting back to work on the house. Oh yeah my mom bought me a badass chainsaw too dewalt $200 bucks. My girl got me 2 10's kicker comps and my lil bro got me an amp to power the baby. This is probably the best birthday I have ever had since i was 13 lol.


Re: My Birthday is tomorrow! Show some Love guys!

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:42 am
by assasin
Happy BiRthdaY Tree :drinkz:

Re: My Birthday is tomorrow! Show some Love guys!

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 5:58 pm
by jINKS{OZ}
ah shit sorry Evil, didnt read these forums in a couple of days, sorry i missed your birfday, happy birfday Evil, glad you kicked some houses ass.

Re: My Birthday is tomorrow! Show some Love guys!

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:52 pm
by Jegue
Hey, happy birthday Tree!!

Re: My Birthday is tomorrow! Show some Love guys!

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 9:25 am
by perrinoia
Good bot, waited almost 8 years to post his gibberish spam story with scam links. :popcorn

Happy bday and congrats on being the second wigger in history to get a job. :trolol:

Re: My Birthday is tomorrow! Show some Love guys!

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 9:27 am
by vistalize
Lmao. Thanks guys. Hell yeah I raised 500 bucks for my bday. It was only supposed to be 200 but shiiiiet i ended up getting a bad ass tool set out of the deal so im happy as hell. Been into these tools lately idk why and perri sukkit

ps i still love u for helpin me wit da comp setup ! rockin hard babby

Re: My Birthday is tomorrow! Show some Love guys!

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 9:40 am
by perrinoia
Not sure if I need a translator for ebonics or millennial sexting. :hscratch:

Re: My Birthday is tomorrow! Show some Love guys!

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 12:19 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
hell yea brother. sounds like it going good on your side.