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Mid Air on STEAM

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 7:30 pm
K, just played the tutorial of Mid Air on STEAM. It's a completely different feel than our current Tribes, and it's kind of hard to read all the little instruction pop-ups in game while doing the tutorial. The tutorial doesn't teach you how to "play" the game, it only teaches you movements your character can do and how to do them. Then after completing that, you need to learn how to aim and shoot using the ring launcher (disk launcher). Once that is done, then how to change or pick-up a repair pack to repair an inventory station, and how to use that inventory station to switch into heavy armor and use this armor to take out enemy turrets and/or their generator first to take the turrets out, and while doing so, how to control your ammo count.

I did like when it told you to switch into the heavy armor, that you could select the load out screen by hitting your ESC key to choose your load out, and then walk up to the inventory station to load out. But I read a bunch of pop-ups relaying if you were someone that was used to the way this game played or a newbie. By playing the tutorial, it seems it was setup for someone who already knew how to do certain things in game, or someone who played any games similar to this tutorial. It doesn't really show someone new to the game "how to play it". I didn't go into a server to play at this point...I started exploring the different screens to see what they did. From what I could tell, the game doesn't allow you to advance to use different things in game unless you gain achievement points. Which means, if I was a newbie to the game and there were players that had been playing the game already, they would be able to use certain things that I would not? And then I saw this screen in where I could advance my character, but I would have to pay to do so?

I hope I'm wrong on that, but if not, this isn't a game for community play. It's to make a profit. Kind of like the hidden or mystery games on STEAM in which they only give you so much time to advance within the game, but you can "pay" to gain more time to continue in game. These type of games don't appeal to myself, and I don't play them. I would rather it be like Tribes when it was released. Pay the $60 for the game. Play solo, in game to learn about it, and then connect to a master server to use what you learned and to learn more in game against others. The only pay-to-play I like, is when I donate money to the server host to help keep the server(s) up for all to enjoy.

Re: Mid Air on STEAM

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 11:18 pm
by assasin
That's the old midair.. Right now there is another one called Midair Community Edition which you can get only through codes given away in discord. Right now it's in beta and as of now we have LT but it's so much active everyday..

Re: Mid Air on STEAM

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 2:09 am
Oh really, didn't know that. Thanks for the update.

Is it also offering pay to advance your character?

Re: Mid Air on STEAM

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 4:23 am
by assasin
KILROY wrote:Oh really, didn't know that. Thanks for the update.

Is it also offering pay to advance your character?
You dont have to pay for anything..
Check out what Death posted here again.. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6914&start=30

Re: Mid Air on STEAM

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 11:32 am
Ah thanks for that assassin. I forgot about that post. I even posted on Been a long few weeks at work...lucky to get 5-6 hrs. of sleep.

Re: Mid Air on STEAM

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 4:51 pm
by AnniDv6
Yeah I dunno that they have any micro transactions in Midair: Community Edition. I know the game itself it free to play, but I haven't even played it yet. Still trying to get a key, but probably won't get in until they are done with beta.