The mess in Syria explained. Partially.

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The mess in Syria explained. Partially.

Post by {LS}RePublic »

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Re: The mess in Syria explained. Partially.

Post by perrinoia »

I'm not even gonna watch the video before posting my conspiracy theory.

Here are the "facts" that I'm basing my theory on.
1) It's impossible to topple Syria due to the size of the ruling family. You'd have to assassinate hundreds of ruling family members before you got some fresh ideas in that seat.
2) That family is backed by Russia and Iran, and a few other powerful countries.
3) There's no proof that the ruling family is behind the chemical attacks on their own citizens... Even several of our allies claim it's actually rebels gassing their own people to convince the USA that we should help them.
4) Donald Trump needed an international incident to distract us from his massive failure to repeal Obamacare.
5) Trump warned Putin (Syria's ally) that he was going to bomb that Syrian air base before he did, so there wouldn't be any Russian casualties. Putin very likely informed Syria, therefor there were zero casualties. They were flying jets in and out of that air base the very next morning, as if nothing ever happened.

I don't think Trump ordered the gas attack as a distraction, but I do believe he wouldn't have given a shit if #4 weren't true.

But the most damning evidence I've seen is the fact that 100% of the images of that "destroyed air base" were identical to decades old video footage of bunker buster missile test sites. I firmly believe that we didn't destroy anything, that night. It was all a PR stunt to increase Trump's approval rating, and by God, I think those Make America Great again assholes fell for it.

It doesn't make any God damned sense, though... These mother fuckers voted for Trump because he was a racist seclusionist, and now they're forgiving the fact that he's failed to deliver on his promises because he's claiming to defend the very people he promised to keep you safe from.

Personally, I don't give a fuck about any of this fake news... It's just as pointlessly distracting as whatever horrible thing the Kardashians or United Airlines might be doing at any given moment.

I want all of this garbage out of my news feed. Bring back the Nigger Navy, that shit was funny.
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Re: The mess in Syria explained. Partially.

Post by Jegue »

ISIS was being defeated, Assad was winning the war, he had just taken Aleppo, he was in a relatively good situation, peace talks were starting, your president was saying syrians had to choose their own ruler... then, Assad suddenly attacks civilians with a chemical weapon, turning the whole world against him. This surely makes a lot of sense.
- <!>Tariq^
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Re: The mess in Syria explained. Partially.

Post by perrinoia »

Exactly. What Trump says doesn't make any sense for anyone but Assad's opposition and Trump himself.
Of course, it could also be Clinton failing really hard at trying to make Trump look bad. LOL
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Re: The mess in Syria explained. Partially.

Post by Aaquib »

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Re: The mess in Syria explained. Partially.

Post by {LS}RePublic »

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Re: The mess in Syria explained. Partially.

Post by (=SK=)Zorak »

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Re: The mess in Syria explained. Partially.

Post by AnniDv6 »

I don't understand it either. When I think about the possibility of rebels using chemical weapons against themselves to trick the United States, however.. that sounds far fetched. I'm assuming there are a lot of eyes and real time satellite footage and independent research on this and I just can't imagine such a broad stroke conspiracy being the go to plan.

Sure it might be easy to point to a conspiracy when you are only looking at the results, but when you try to take that same conspiracy and think about it from the start as if a bunch of people out there are just hoping to all hell that they don't get their big secret revealed because of how fucked they would be and they are relying on not one whistleblower to ruin their entire careers etc... and THAT was the plan they came up with? lol doesn't sound so likely anymore does it?
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Re: The mess in Syria explained. Partially.

Post by Jegue »

That's it, they probably aren't "tricking" the USA. The White Helmets are close to al-Nusra terrorists (al-Qaeda with a different name) and are actually backed by western governments. There are many people to contest this, but the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (which isn't even based in Syria) is the only trusted source of information, while all the evil dictator says is a bunch of lies.

There are plenty of countries with evil leaders and governments around there, like Saudi Arabia, which has exactly the same form of government as ISIS. But in this case, the EU needs a pipeline between Qatar and Turkey, and Assad's in the way, so get rid of him!
- <!>Tariq^
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