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Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 9:09 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
yea, no random flag drops. the only fix is fixing the distance mark on how high the flag can go. i thought i wrote something a while back to do this based on where the flag first spawned on the map. it might of been for a different mod i was working on, or something i never finished.

Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 9:57 pm
by perrinoia
Again, that's a bad idea. There are maps where the flags, stations, and the spawn points are not even close to the same altitude.

Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 10:13 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
perrinoia wrote:Again, that's a bad idea. There are maps where the flags, stations, and the spawn points are not even close to the same altitude.
im sure there could be a way to compensate for that though. just run a check on the z axis for stations and add that to the variable.

Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 10:35 pm
by perrinoia
Yeah, it's easy to code, but still not a good idea.

Imagine you've swiped the enemy flag, and are being shot at, a lot... So you boost up in the air, until they can't see you anymore... Then the flag randomly returns itself.

Yeah, fuck anyone who codes that shit.

I'll tell you the only exception... If the flag carrier's altitude includes the letter "e" or "E" (I forget which).

In other words, if the flag carrier has flown so high (or fallen so far) that his/her z coordinate must be expressed in scientific notation... Then it's probably OK to assume they aren't coming back.

Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 10:47 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
i was once in a scrim vs bud clan way back in the day. map was stone henge, and was a pretty good game first 5 mins, then they get 1 point lead on whatever the score was. after this they get one guy to take flag and bounce from oob to oob while rising. this stalled the game for the next 25 min forcing us to lose that map.

cheap strat, should of always been some regulation on it.

it was funny too, because we destroyed them like none other, but were unable to win in the end.

Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 2:36 am
by Firelord
I like the idea about basing it off the datum of the flag and just putting a limit on the distance in the Z direction. Yes, some maps have inventories at different heights than the flag, but there aren't really with that radical of a distance. The height limit for carrying the flag could be larger than any expected inventory would be. OR just have the height limit's datum based on the highest single object. So if a sensor is the highest object on a map, it uses that as its reference. Ideally it would be time based too, so you wouldn't instantly drop the flag (like what would happen if you were just boosting up as a warrior. It would only happen at say 10 seconds of being above it. It would probably be best to do without a warning too so people don't just dip up and below the limit.

Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 5:58 am
by {LS}RePublic
IS it possible to have Auto droids that are programmed to retrieve the flag if its not returned in 5 minutes?. So unless the guy is not in his safe base he'll most likely become a kamikaze victim while in the air :bdance:

Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 7:09 am
by DaJ4ck3L
{LS}RePublic wrote:IS it possible to have Auto droids that are programmed to retrieve the flag if its not returned in 5 minutes?. So unless the guy is not in his safe base he'll most likely become a kamikaze victim while in the air :bdance:
lol, ill attack your base with auto droids.

Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 7:45 am
by perrinoia
DaJ4ck3L wrote:i was once in a scrim vs bud clan way back in the day. map was stone henge, and was a pretty good game first 5 mins, then they get 1 point lead on whatever the score was. after this they get one guy to take flag and bounce from oob to oob while rising. this stalled the game for the next 25 min forcing us to lose that map.

cheap strat, should of always been some regulation on it.

it was funny too, because we destroyed them like none other, but were unable to win in the end.
Sounds like you learned from this, and tricked LM|| The Titan into coming out of hiding.

I bet if you had let Bud think they could cap, buddy would have come back down with the flag.

Another tactic that works against flag stalling, is angel dueling.

If I had been in OZ during that scrim against Bud, I would have gotten in Angel armor, and searched the skies for that WWE wanna-be bouncing off the boundaries fool... If Soul Grabber existed back then, I would have grabbed his soul a couple of times, else I would have body blocked him, forcing him to fall back to the terrain.

Re: OZ vs LM Scrimmage Results 1

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:12 am
by DaJ4ck3L
perrinoia wrote:
DaJ4ck3L wrote:i was once in a scrim vs bud clan way back in the day. map was stone henge, and was a pretty good game first 5 mins, then they get 1 point lead on whatever the score was. after this they get one guy to take flag and bounce from oob to oob while rising. this stalled the game for the next 25 min forcing us to lose that map.

cheap strat, should of always been some regulation on it.

it was funny too, because we destroyed them like none other, but were unable to win in the end.
Sounds like you learned from this, and tricked LM|| The Titan into coming out of hiding.

I bet if you had let Bud think they could cap, buddy would have come back down with the flag.

Another tactic that works against flag stalling, is angel dueling.

If I had been in OZ during that scrim against Bud, I would have gotten in Angel armor, and searched the skies for that WWE wanna-be bouncing off the boundaries fool... If Soul Grabber existed back then, I would have grabbed his soul a couple of times, else I would have body blocked him, forcing him to fall back to the terrain.
hmmm, maybe you didnt see the destroy part. you think we just sat there and continue to destroy them for 25 mins? by the end of the match we had 3-4 guys in angel trying to find the flag. the enemy flag was returned to base the second we noticed our flag wasn't coming down lol (pretty early in the match).

there's really no defense for it. the strat could literally be applied to any map / game cheap as it is. lol, it's like if we got a lead on LM, and then took their flag and hid with it the rest of the match. we could of just sat there and killed them for 26 mins on dc, instead of capping out, and there would of been nothing they could do about it except give up earlier than the 30 min mark.

logic dictates to fix it before it does become a known strat / issue in comp matches.