Special Clan Appreciation Thread <3 (not just OZ)

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Nightmare OG
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Special Clan Appreciation Thread <3 (not just OZ)

Post by Nightmare OG »

Since the very beginning of Annihilation, clans were a flagship of this mod and Tribes itself. The drama, yes we all hated it, but it gave annihilation its own story line!!! From S1 and DX and War, to War vs PB and the shenanigans that came from that. OZ and S1 drama, not to mention every clan had its own in-clan drama. You could talk about this to your friends if you know every detail and it is one hell of a story for a video game. One that i enjoy telling (when im freshed up on it)

I would like to take this time to appreciate all those clans that gave their fair share of breathing life into this community to make it as passionate and juicy as it has been. I ask you all to also give shout outs to clans that i have forgot in this list. If you remember an interesting moment, share it!

Shout out to:
-)S(- <- even though your reign without DX was very short lived LOL, if you guys can find it, OZ vs -)S(- settled this.
Assault and Battery clan ( [-*name*+]- ) (Short Lived) EDIT: I was in this clan, lolz
>)B(< (Short Lived)
EW (Elite Warriors)
Presidents Clan
+]-[+ (Gave us DaRk. Arma joined OZ but hes been inactive)
TM (A clan ran by Wise Ass) (Short Lived)
+}NW{+ Nightmare Warriors (my first attempt at running a clan. A failure) (Short Lived)
-]V[- Manslaughter (My second attempt at running a clan. A bit more successful than NW, we actually owned it up in pubs. I miss this clan <3) (Short lived)

That's about all that i can remember. It has been a wonderful 20 years, filled with love, hate, and laughs. Great clan rivalries. Tons of amazing moments and pure fucking carnage. I hope to see more years to come! It's still not over for Tribes!
Last edited by Nightmare OG on Sun Oct 21, 2018 8:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Special Clan Appreciation Thread <3 (not just OZ)

Post by jINKS{OZ} »

Shout out to OZ and S1! foos bring the love!
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Re: Special Clan Appreciation Thread <3 (not just OZ)

Post by perrinoia »

Interesting fact, there is never been a [Df], however there has been a [DF] and a [df]. Deadly Family and Drunken Fools. It was quite confusing and a few people got banned from each others servers before we each realized the other was a legitimate clan.

Also, I'd like to add my other former clans to thr list since you only mentioned 2 of mine.

~GP~ Gabriel's Prophets
[AI] Artificial Insanity

And of course drunken fools and leet mofos, which you've already mentioned.
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Re: Special Clan Appreciation Thread <3 (not just OZ)

Post by LMEcKo »

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Re: Special Clan Appreciation Thread <3 (not just OZ)

Post by Nightmare OG »

Wow perrin lol that sounds confusing as hell. I wish i coulda been there to see the confusing drama Lmfao. Interesting i didn't know you made SPAWN, i forgot all about that clan, i do remember its tag now that you mention it. Good clan! Thank you as well for adding you're own bit to this community and its history! You're an OG bruh
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Re: Special Clan Appreciation Thread <3 (not just OZ)

Post by perrinoia »

The only one of those clans I started was [AI].

~GP~ was the first clan to recruit me (~GP~EcKoMaNiNrEd was the one who invited me to tryout).
When the founders of that clan got accepted into {-o-}, they disbanded ~GP~, so I started [AI] and recruited most of my clanmates from ~GP~.

I hosted my clan's gaming server at this point and was able to see everyone's IP addresses, and quickly learned that most of my roster was one dickhead with multiple names, who was also in multiple clans. Also, one of the members was bongwater, who I had read some drama about.

So I disbanded [AI], but continued to talk to Bongwater. The 2 of us became friends and decided to join *SPAWN*. Then Bongwater informed Akuma that his wife was fat, so he got banned... I put on my diplomat hat and argued that Bongwater should be unbanned because he wasn't lying, Akuma's wife was massive, like a whale, specifically the blubbery part. So I got banned too.

Then Bongwater invited me to help him reboot his brother's old clan, [df]. There was always some interesting drama in [df]. One time EcKoMaNiNrEd made a forum signature with a photo of Jessica Alba strapped to the roof of a car from that movie where her boyfriend chops of his hand because it does evil things... The caption in his signature was, "Raper of bases... ...and other things." Some admin's girlfriend saw it and got offended, and the admin had to ban him. So I put on my diplomat hat and went to work, convinced them to lift the ban if he changed his sig... Of course EcKoMaNiNrEd was like, "fuck em, keep me banned of my next sig will be more offensive." lol
Then there was the time that 2 of our clanmates got the whole clan banned from the ^AU^ server because they weren't using family friendly language in the family friendly server. I put on my diplomat hat once again, and argued that every client has a badwords list that censors the chat hud, so rather than banning everyone each second they should just enable their badwords filter... Maybe even script it into the server. It was useless, as ^AU^Grog turned out to be unreasonable. He did have an awesome version of Annihilation though... Possibly my favorite server of all time. So I was really ticked off that diplomacy failed in this situation.

There was always drama with S1^dickstroker of whatever Salvador Dissoto's gay ass player name was. That guy had a hard on for bongwater like a miniature model of the Eiffel Tower. He challenged [df] to a clan match on nearly a daily basis. We wanted nothing to do with him, as we firmly believed he was a cheater, and a poor sport. Finally, he convinced us to have a clan match by claiming he wouldn't participate. Of course, he connected under an alias, used happymod like a motherfucker, and spawn killed the shit out of us until most of my team quit. Then bragged all over every forum that he beat bongwater fair and square. (Bongwater was never even in the match he just hosted the server, and dicksucker claimed to not have been there either, so it was quite a conflicting story if you ask me).

Eventually [df] branched into other games and forgot about Tribes, and Kilroy convinced me to join LM. The drama didn't end there, of course, as I found myself in the same clan as the lovely Michael Starnes, who had a reputation of joining clans and trying to take them over/improve them (depending who you ask). I decided to put on my diplomatic hat again, and go to bat for this guy. I argued that he could in fact make the clan better as he was an excellent player with a strong following. His exuberance would be perfect for recruiting and scheduling clan matches and whatnot... He had a reputation of clan hopping, but I figured that wasn't by choice. He wanted to be in an active clan, but clans kept going AFK or kicking him out for making a new website or something that the original founders of the clans saw as a move towards a hostile takeover. Anyway, he's in D3RP now, so fuck em!

Just kidding, Mikey might be a wigger with a troubled past, but I still like the guy. :trolol:

I'm sure I forgot some drama along the way, too.
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Re: Special Clan Appreciation Thread <3 (not just OZ)

Post by jINKS{OZ} »

whoo, tht was long...i feel illiterate.
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Re: Special Clan Appreciation Thread <3 (not just OZ)

Post by KWSN*Loco »

It started like this -

Tom Clancy Rainbow Six on the PC unlocked what competitive online gaming is and a childhood friend showed me what it was. Once we discovered how fun this game was we began searching for additional games.

My buddy bought Starsiege Tribes at a local Hastings and told me it was the shit. Burned me copy and off we went.

Randomly joined severs for about a month until once again said friend discovered how to sort by modifications from server list. Played Havoc, UltraRen, Base, Duel, etc. Complete N00B.

Annihilation 1.0 rolls out, shows up first when you sort mods alphabetically. Borg Cube is fucking awesome. I can play tribes and deploy basically a beacon and it builds an entire base. I was mesmerized.

Stalk Svven. Ask millions of questions as a young kid about how mod is so cool. Join *SPAWN*.

I never see *SPAWN* The Void mentioned, he was the leader of Spawn and his right hand man was Gothmogs. Goth was actually a couple, you could never tell which one you were talking to or playing but the wife was the one who would share her input on everything.

I’m on 56k. Make the best of it and start playing troll trained by the great *SPAWN* Ouch!!!

Never see his name come up either, he was the best troll Anni has ever seen.

Get DSL. Ping goes from 350 to 98 and below. Anything sub 100 and was the bomb.com.

Builder - railgun. Play hours on KWSN Bot Practice jetting everywhere while triggering sniper bots. Become one bad mofo with rail.

During all this; caught up thinking this is real life tell Gothmogs, I am going to take Orb down. Young kid, delusions of grandeur of defeating the founders of the mod I loved. Came back and caused a huge controversy when I joined Orb.

Challenge KWSN to match. Great fucking game. I can remember shooting Simo out of the sky while barely visible multiple times. Spawn ended up losing but it was a battle.

Leave Spawn for KWSN. Multiple reasons but really wanted to be better than Simo. Honestly don’t think I was ever better than him but for a time I was his equal. Simo, Anti, Acid Rain, we build a bad ass clan.

I led practice twice a week. We would play KWSN duel and each session first 30 minutes was only using one weapon or technique . Found mine disking from watching base demos, so we would practice mine disking. Next time we would do nades. etc.

Several months of developing defense with blast walls, shields, etc. So many good KWSN members.

kid Buu
Simo of course
So many more I can’t remember right now.

KWSN battles like no ones business and is the best for an extended period of time. Couldn’t be beat. Think only loss we suffered was from -e and I can’t remember their leaders name but god we hated them with the utmost disdain.

Point of clarification here - I INVENTED annihilation spawn game play. I edited the maps and introduced basically LT to Annihilaiton but Annihilation style. KWSN goku tried to take credit but that’s bullshit. We matched GP with Pegasus and Chimera which was a good clan but I had taught all of KWSN the ski routes and using beacons.

GP figures it out about 5 minutes into the app and was fubared because it was nothing but a barrage of spawn armors boosting to their base and capping flags and wrecking shop.

KWSN falls apart shortly after, Simo had to have major back surgery and couldn’t play. Once he left for Orb those of us that were left feigned interest for awhile but eventually joined Orb since that was the retirement home of great players for Anni at the time.

The end

Oh and shout to Perrin! He was there during all these shenanigans and a fantastic player.

SOF is missing from the list above. Also one of the best clans in Anni golden age.
Last edited by KWSN*Loco on Sun Oct 21, 2018 11:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Special Clan Appreciation Thread <3 (not just OZ)

Post by AnniDv6 »

shoutout to -=RD=- (red dragon) a clan I led after leaving *SPAWN* (because it died) and before finding <!>
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Re: Special Clan Appreciation Thread <3 (not just OZ)

Post by Nightmare OG »

omgggggggggggg i forgot SOF how could i!?!?!?!?!? Good ol SOF Jimzilla!!! What ever happened to him? Anyways, I think i remember seeing Acid Rain while scrolling through servers and clicking info 59 thousands times trying to figure out where to play back in the day. I always thought that name was really cool. Great post Loco. Kwsn is a gem of this mods history. Much respect for that clan bro. Awesome Death! I vaguely remember seeing that tag like maybe once in game? But i didnt know it was your clan. Nice! and Nice perrin!

Edit: Added SOF to the list, Jimzilla was a good friend of mine, i miss that dude. *SPAWN* as well because i remember them.
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