UnOfficial Mod Fix list

lil Tigga {OZ}
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Re: UnOfficial Mod Fix list

Post by lil Tigga {OZ} »

virus wrote:With all the evidence brought forth, I'm surprised no action has been taken yet.
oh so your getting paid to mod the server?
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Re: UnOfficial Mod Fix list

Post by virus »

lil Tigga {OZ} wrote:
virus wrote:With all the evidence brought forth, I'm surprised no action has been taken yet.
oh so your getting paid to mod the server?
What the heck are you talking about, Tigga?
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Re: UnOfficial Mod Fix list

Post by f0xL3g3nD :) »

lil Tigga {OZ} wrote:
virus wrote:With all the evidence brought forth, I'm surprised no action has been taken yet.
oh so your getting paid to mod the server?
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Builder armor ain't what it used to be

Post by S']['U »

Before my Bo-ban, (while using builder armor) I was able to carry a small Inventory Station along with my Deployable Transport pack. This is no longer possible.
I seemed to me an INV used to be standard equipment with Builder armor, which would make sense since that's exactly what a builder would need to "build".

I remember buying my "flying favs" which included Builder with a plasma gun, mini-bomber, rocket launcher, builder repair gun, deployable transport and pitchfork.

I could then launch my deployable transport, fly until it was destroyed, then deploy the small INV, buy another transport, launch it, go back to the INV, buy another transport pack, jump into the transport and take off again.
I'll see if I can find an old demo that will show you what I mean...

EDIT: Here you go...

Sometimes I would see one of my guys sniping from a hill and I would land and deploy an INV for him. Now I can't.

The Builder armor also doesn't seem to have as much energy (without an energy pack) as it used to.
I remember being able to repair a heavily damaged APC non-stop without completely depleting my energy. I'm not sure if this was because I was able to carry an energy pack too, the builder repair gun worked faster, or because my energy just depleted slower while repairing.
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Re: UnOfficial Mod Fix list

Post by S']['U »

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Re: UnOfficial Mod Fix list

Post by justR »

Some of these are newer with the 5.0 update, some of them are older and I was too lazy to make a post.

- In arena when you switch to CTF, your scores/midairs go to CTF as well. When you are in CTF and switch to Arena, it's the same thing, your scores/midairs go as well. Not a big issue but the two should be separate.

- Also in arena, mostly on the Arena_Terrain map and B00ze Bootcamp since you spawn on ground or have access to an inventory, you can go down and play in CTF games. (To a lesser extent all sky arena maps since you have to survive the fall.) I think the server automatically thinks you are on Team 1, so you can use those inventories etc. You can also team kill teammates this way, and when you kill the person in arena it shows up as a team kill. I believe you show up as a green friendly indicator to the opposing team as well, (Team 2) so that should probably be fixed. Maybe make it so arena players can't get inside the oob grid, much like people inside can't get out. (Pretty sure you spawn outside oob grid on Arena_Terrain, although I don't know a solution to sky maps and Bootcamp, maybe you die when you touch the ground like in TAC_mod but that doesn't help angels going down there.)

- Also in arena, when you initiate a vote to change a map, if you leave tab up it gives yourself an option to vote yes or no, so you effectively have two votes. Not a huge issue obviously but still a bug.

- On registered usernames in server, I think it should compile your kills/deaths on all names registered to the same email. So if I have rolo and D|rolo both registered to one email, they should be compiled instead of separate.

- Cristy ro and Ghost figured out an exploit where you can run around in Angel and shoot a Particle Beam. I think Christy also figured out an infinite Nuke glitch in Necro, but I'm not sure.

- Half the votes in server are broken. I don't know if there is any consistency to it but a lot of the time votes turn up as 0 to 0 with x abstentions, or 1 to 0 with x abstentions and neither vote passes.

- People should not be able to dodge votes by dropping server and reconnecting. There should be a 5 minute kick anytime someone drops when a vote is initiated against them and they drop server and rejoin.

- You should be able to vote against a player regardless if they spawn or not. The only player who does this is faggot Fish and he likes to join server, not spawn (so people can't vote to kick/mute him) and troll away, thus being pointless for him to join the server as all he is doing is troll anyway.

- Crates should be disabled on the two practice maps to eliminate anyone setting crates on spawn points. Self-explanatory.
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Re: UnOfficial Mod Fix list

Post by DaRk »

justR wrote: - Also in arena, mostly on the Arena_Terrain map and B00ze Bootcamp since you spawn on ground or have access to an inventory, you can go down and play in CTF games. (To a lesser extent all sky arena maps since you have to survive the fall.) I think the server automatically thinks you are on Team 1, so you can use those inventories etc. You can also team kill teammates this way, and when you kill the person in arena it shows up as a team kill. I believe you show up as a green friendly indicator to the opposing team as well, (Team 2) so that should probably be fixed. Maybe make it so arena players can't get inside the oob grid, much like people inside can't get out. (Pretty sure you spawn outside oob grid on Arena_Terrain, although I don't know a solution to sky maps and Bootcamp, maybe you die when you touch the ground like in TAC_mod but that doesn't help angels going down there.)
I believe Team 2 sees you as an enemy. However, like you said, you can kill either team. You can also place deployables (Airbase, etc) outside the map boundaries. Like the other day I placed an airbase at the duel spawn point. I assume this took away from the ability of Team 1 to deploy an airbase of their own.
justR wrote: - On registered usernames in server, I think it should compile your kills/deaths on all names registered to the same email. So if I have rolo and D|rolo both registered to one email, they should be compiled instead of separate.
This would also help for those of us who have DHCP setups with IPs that change often.
justR wrote: - Cristy ro and Ghost figured out an exploit where you can run around in Angel and shoot a Particle Beam. I think Christy also figured out an infinite Nuke glitch in Necro, but I'm not sure.
From what I recall, Ghost was able to use multiple Titan weapons in Angel.
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Re: UnOfficial Mod Fix list

Post by justR »

Another thing I forgot to add was the map rotation definitely needs some attention. Other than certain shit maps that shouldn't be in rotation, and some good ones that should, sometimes some maps seem to restart after that same map ends. (No not DangerousCrossing going into DangerousCrossing 2 or Iceridge #1/#2 or Broadside/Blastside.)

Also those two duel maps on the Private Match server should be transferred to your server Crow. (FoolsDuel and [df] duel)

-Also the objective fix on the B00ze Bootcamp map when the main map has objectives. Also possibly in the future that button/switch you were talking about to have dummies/bots auto-spawn instead of having to click the objective.

And yeah, I don't expect you to fix all this as time wise that would take a lot. Just throwing stuff out there.
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Re: UnOfficial Mod Fix list

Post by JeSuS »

justR wrote: People should not be able to dodge votes by dropping server and reconnecting. There should be a 5 minute kick anytime someone drops when a vote is initiated against them and they drop server and rejoin.

- You should be able to vote against a player regardless if they spawn or not. The only player who does this is faggot Fish and he likes to join server, not spawn (so people can't vote to kick/mute him) and troll away, thus being pointless for him to join the server as all he is doing is troll anyway.
Oh god this is such a sore subject, i believe this was worked on before and they was a problem with the coding to do that... But just ask an admin to spawn him next time
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Re: UnOfficial Mod Fix list

Post by JeSuS »

and tell ghost and cristy ro to stop finding the glitches then we wouldnt have to fix them haha
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