New Maps Progress

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Re: New Maps Progress

Post by S_hift »

You need to be testing these maps in software mode as well to ensure that they are not using too many base objects. Too many base objects can lag even openGL users. The concept is to test the maps in the lowest performance settings possible so that its perceptually fair for everyone.

Maybe send me a copy of these maps?

Edit: Relay and 2 cent need to be tested for too many base objects. Everything else looks quite playable.

Double Edit: Also put a different base object on the ceiling of the grass bowl 2 bases. I would recommend a gate door instead of a blood eagle or diamond sword tower. The tower shapes are too harsh on fps even for most users.
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Re: New Maps Progress

Post by Jegue »

I still dont see them :(
- <!>Tariq^
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Re: New Maps Progress

Post by AnniDv6 »

Some new old maps added to the server:
As I Lay Dying
Down in a Hole

Patch notes for recent changes made while the forums were down:

Code: Select all

*Fixed the map's Halfpipe_Extreme and Shooters_OnTheRocks elevator launch code to not interfere with elevators of the same type on other maps after these maps have been played.
*Moved the generators on the map Airwars to the upstairs gen room inside the base. Added slides at the bottom of elevator shafts 
inside the base to make it easier for heavies to get up and outside the base.
*Fixed the CTF version of the map Siege to use proper CTF scoring rather than objective based points which were causing the map to end as soon as the generator or pulse sensor was destroyed.
*Added base doors to the map Snypress_City on the flag base.
*Decreased visual distance and haze distance on the map Relay Station for better FPS, heavies can now fit under both team's bases.
*Removed map deployed motion sensors which would stay as a solid object after being destroyed and vanishing on the map Doughnut of Death, made map boundaries smaller and more centered.
*Added Repair Packs to the map Colossus.
*Added  Map Markers to the map Challenge 2
*Added more cover to stations in the map  HV Woodstock, removed objectives increased FPS.
*Removed a left over third flag on the map kING OF THE HILL. This flag was causing one team to not be able to deploy turrets around their own base and flag.
*Fixed object ownership for the Bridge on the map Damn Tarts. Capturing the objective was previously causing the entire bridge to be owned by that team, meaning the other team was unable to set defense around their flag on the bridge by their base. The bridge is no longer owned by either team regardless of objective status.
*Removed turrets from Searches End walls, Mirrored the bases and increased FPS. This map should be less of stale mate now.
*Slightly extended the out of bounds grid on the map Tombstone so it doesn't look as strange for 1.4 users.
*Flipped the bridge on the map Dropzone 2005 to the flat side so players no longer bounce up or dead stop when skiing across it.
*Added actual Inventory Stations to the map Elbonia. The inventory code previously used was faulty and wouldn't always work when trying to buy armors and weapons.
*Fixed a respawn point on the map Airstrike which was inside the vehicle bay, added additional Inventory Stations to the flag base and added Repair Packs.
*Inventory Stations in the map Dark Aurora's Objective are now rotated to be in line with the crashed Drop Ship.
*Removed extra towers from the objective on the map Jumpers Place, fixed upside down observer drop point.
*Doubled up the launch pads on the map Halo so heavies can make it to the middle platform and the enemy base easier.
*Added better cover for existing Inventory Stations and put a third station in the gen room on the map Snatch.
*Removed extra side Iblocks on the map AirRaid, moved entire structure up above terrain, increased FPS.
*Added vehicle pads to the map Gore Globe.
*Added front cover and back platforms to get up to flag on the map Martyr.
*Moved generators on the map Half-pipe Extreme to a more noticeable spot.
*Removed excess ammo types which aren't used in Annihilation on the map Bloodbath, also removed the Mine Ammo spawns as each player spawns with mines anyways.
*Fixed bots on the map KWSN Duel. The bot names no longer conflict which was causing certain ones to never respawn, moved the bot practice above the terrain so the bots always die after falling down meaning they will always spawn from the switches now, fixed running bots and gave them weapons, elevator in FFA was speed boost initiated -fixed the same issue that Half_Pipe Exteme and ShootersOnTheRocks was having.
*Fixed the map's HouseOfTheHoly visual and haze distance so 1.4 users don't crash
*Fixed the map's TrollerCoaster visual and haze distance so 1.4 users don't crash
*Fixed the map's Dropzone_2 visual and haze distance so 1.4 users don't crash in the event the fall down to the terrain.
*Fixed the map BotPracticeMk-III elevator issue conflicting code.
*Moved the respawn points on the map Flatlands to be inside the base.
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Re: New Maps Progress

Post by AnniDv6 »

I plan to soon I'm actually still making it down those two lists you linked to earlier. I'll add those ones first though.
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Re: New Maps Progress

Post by Jegue »

The ones from my last post are among those in that list. Ok thanks!
- <!>Tariq^
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Re: New Maps Progress

Post by AnniDv6 »

Those maps have all been added now. Let me know if you find anything wrong with them.
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Re: New Maps Progress

Post by justR »

On the map Tombstone, the generators need to be moved. You can ghost under the inventory area where they are located and destroy them, on both sides I believe. When someone does it and you have inventories down and no one in ghost, rest of the pub is spawn for one side, and it ruins the map/game.
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