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Re: Anti-happy mod server side development?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 11:16 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
perrinoia wrote:That's what someone with a 1.41 bypass would say... :trolol:
there's not really a good emote for disappointed, but if there was i would use that.


like you were telling flaws in the admin section, if i had to pick a flaw about perr, it's his lack of knowledge when he approaches some subjects. he never has facts, and bases things sometimes based on what other people say. not only is he a part of the problem, but also a victim of the problem. a perfect example on the failings of some social aspects of society.

Re: Anti-happy mod server side development?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 1:34 pm
by perrinoia
That's funny, because I used the perfect emoticon to convey what I wanted...

The troll face indicates sarcasm with a nefarious intent...

When ever you see it, you should immediately recognize that the post was not written sincerely, nor truthfully.

It's usage is akin to ending a sentence with j/k, which means, "just kidding", or, if you go back far enough, you might have heard kids saying, "not for realz, dough... Just for playdough."

Re: Anti-happy mod server side development?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 2:36 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
:bfrog: :sarcasm:

it kind of is an issue though sometimes. best just to get facts before speaking on a subject.

Re: Anti-happy mod server side development?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 3:36 pm
by perrinoia
If you feel that the issue is that serious, then you should automatically kick, or at least lock in observer mode, those who connect with bypassable versions.

Until you start enforcing what you claim to believe, stop accusing those who find it humorous, of causing the problem.

Re: Anti-happy mod server side development?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 6:58 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
all users using 1.41 are clean; is the only thing i wanted to say.

what to do with people on other versions is totally up to the players. anyone using 1.40 and suspect of hm though has really no excuse not to upgrade. and like wise anyone using 1.41 and suspect of hm should really pay closer attention to the plays and facts.

and the issue i described in my last post was more of a personal issue regarding more than just this topic. im sorry if it offended.

Re: Anti-happy mod server side development?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 9:44 pm
by perrinoia
I'm more confused than offended.

It sounds like you're scolding me for joking about hax, while seriously encouraging a witch hunt.

If your server can detect what version players are using, and 1.41 truly prevents HMing, then stop letting people play with other versions and the only accusations left will be the sarcastic ones.

Re: Anti-happy mod server side development?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 6:37 am
Like Crow relayed earlier, there's basically really only 3 multiplayer gaming servers left that players are using, besides all the RPG one's.

If Crow does decide to do something of the sorts. It could take care of many issue's in the server, but it could also hinder players that have older systems. For instance those who still use Windows Vista that have to use 1.30 to play online. Switching the server to just accept 1.41 would be ideal, but with consequences.

Re: Anti-happy mod server side development?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 9:07 am
DaJ4ck3L wrote:
LM|| RCMP* wrote:just because you can't find it on google, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I know for a fact there are many cheats for Halo PC that aren't available through a google search. Think of it like a gaming underground. There are players in game who already use the cheat. Someone asks if they could give them a copy of the cheat, and they send it to them thru email or some other means. Its never uploaded to the mainstream internet, for the sole purpose of protecting it from being reverse engineered. The less people that know it exists, the less likely a patch will be made to prevent it. Isn't that how the original deep web worked? (and i don't mean tor, or silk road or any of that garbage)
I'm not saying it's impossible to make, but I am suggesting that it hasn't been made for 1.41.

The point that I'm trying to get across here is misinformation. Perrinoia is suppose to be a leader in this community, and as such, should be properly informed on what is what. We don't want people going around saying 1.41 isn't a proper anti-cheat when it is. There is no bypass for 1.41, so we don't want to give people doubts by hinting that there is. This only leads to people being wrongfully educated, and wide spread ignorance from one person to another.

Tribes is no big mystery, there is 3 active servers that aren't TRPG, and I play in all 3 of them. If there was a public bypass for 1.41, I would be one of the first people to know in this community. Even a private one I'd probably know about.

And honestly from reading your post, you are part of the problem I describe. Misinformation is just as bad as the real deal, if not worse. Even giving players hope that there might be a cheat gives them a reason to complain and quit.

So what you are saying is the equivilant to, "I have never come across a computer virus capable of actually killing someone, so it just doesnt exist". In my example, all it would take is someone creating a virus to cause a catastrophic data destruction of a power grid, and all the nearby hospitals would be forced to generators, and when those run out, critical life support systems would be disabled, and people would die.

My point is, just because you yourself has not experienced it, DOES NOT MEAN IT IS ALREADY OUT THERE! I mean come on, your pretty much doing what the US government does after every terror attack, saying "There was no credible threat". Puh-lease

Re: Anti-happy mod server side development?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 9:47 am
by DaJ4ck3L
perrinoia wrote:I'm more confused than offended.

It sounds like you're scolding me for joking about hax, while seriously encouraging a witch hunt.

If your server can detect what version players are using, and 1.41 truly prevents HMing, then stop letting people play with other versions and the only accusations left will be the sarcastic ones.
it's not a bad idea, but something like that would need total community support.
LM|| RCMP* wrote:
DaJ4ck3L wrote:
LM|| RCMP* wrote:just because you can't find it on google, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I know for a fact there are many cheats for Halo PC that aren't available through a google search. Think of it like a gaming underground. There are players in game who already use the cheat. Someone asks if they could give them a copy of the cheat, and they send it to them thru email or some other means. Its never uploaded to the mainstream internet, for the sole purpose of protecting it from being reverse engineered. The less people that know it exists, the less likely a patch will be made to prevent it. Isn't that how the original deep web worked? (and i don't mean tor, or silk road or any of that garbage)
I'm not saying it's impossible to make, but I am suggesting that it hasn't been made for 1.41.

The point that I'm trying to get across here is misinformation. Perrinoia is suppose to be a leader in this community, and as such, should be properly informed on what is what. We don't want people going around saying 1.41 isn't a proper anti-cheat when it is. There is no bypass for 1.41, so we don't want to give people doubts by hinting that there is. This only leads to people being wrongfully educated, and wide spread ignorance from one person to another.

Tribes is no big mystery, there is 3 active servers that aren't TRPG, and I play in all 3 of them. If there was a public bypass for 1.41, I would be one of the first people to know in this community. Even a private one I'd probably know about.

And honestly from reading your post, you are part of the problem I describe. Misinformation is just as bad as the real deal, if not worse. Even giving players hope that there might be a cheat gives them a reason to complain and quit.

So what you are saying is the equivilant to, "I have never come across a computer virus capable of actually killing someone, so it just doesnt exist". In my example, all it would take is someone creating a virus to cause a catastrophic data destruction of a power grid, and all the nearby hospitals would be forced to generators, and when those run out, critical life support systems would be disabled, and people would die.

My point is, just because you yourself has not experienced it, DOES NOT MEAN IT IS ALREADY OUT THERE! I mean come on, your pretty much doing what the US government does after every terror attack, saying "There was no credible threat". Puh-lease
no, i know exactly what the hm virus looks like and plays like. i have well beyond that of a retard capacity believe it or not. i also know there's no one actively playing tribes that could produce such a virus. let alone only a very small few actually have the source to the anti cheat.

Re: Anti-happy mod server side development?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 11:16 am
by perrinoia
English is a finicky language... Perhaps you should try telepathy, so the rest of the world understands what you meant.

HM is not Virus, it's a cheat, and a memory hack.

The difference is that viruses self replicate, to make removal difficult, while HM just sits where ever the user installs it.

Your post reads as if you've confused RCMP's analogy with reality, and are bragging about your aluminum foil hat's ability to detect hackers.

No one cares how good you personally are at anything, specifically hunting witches. The goal is to prevent witches from using magic in the server, not hunt them.