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Re: Anti-happy mod server side development?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 7:40 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
perrinoia wrote:English is a finicky language... Perhaps you should try telepathy, so the rest of the world understands what you meant.

HM is not Virus, it's a cheat, and a memory hack.

The difference is that viruses self replicate, to make removal difficult, while HM just sits where ever the user installs it.

Your post reads as if you've confused RCMP's analogy with reality, and are bragging about your aluminum foil hat's ability to detect hackers.

No one cares how good you personally are at anything, specifically hunting witches. The goal is to prevent witches from using magic in the server, not hunt them.

i give up guys. think what you want.

and if we were to limit the server to 1.41 we would lose 1/4th (maybe more, and not all of these players might be cheating) of our already declining player base. the honest but sad part is, we would probably still see users crying cheats even with the anti cheat in place. the base server use to limit players to 1.41 / no custom models, but they removed that policy about a year or two ago, and suddenly their player base went up. as well as a new variety of players who don't use the anti cheat. you cant have the good without the bad and expect great results. society just doesn't work that way.

im locking this topic because im done discussing it. if the community really wants to force 1.41, we the administration can provide that.