New Maps Progress

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New Maps Progress

Post by AnniDv6 »

I am finally starting work on the new map pack for BR! The last one was added December 2011, so it's been a long time coming. I will update this thread with the progress made up to release.

Some of the goals for this update are:
*To add a better variety of maps to the server.

*To change the current method of map cycling BR uses (alphabetically) to randomly selecting the next map from a pool of all the maps with the same mission type (ctf). This means, for example, we won't be playing Broadside followed by Broadside2 every time. It will also be good for server resets and or crashes as the server won't constantly be playing the A through B maps. Thanks to TE-Noxwizard for helping with this one.

*To touch up old maps and add them.

*To remove or make changes to maps that are currently on the server that play badly.

As always I am open to feedback and suggestions including if you want a map removed that's currently on the server or a new one added. If you want a map added please at least try to find it for me first. If you can't find it anywhere chances are I won't be able to either. I will do recreations if the old map was good enough and also make new maps if your idea is good enough and it turns out good.

I worked on 2¢ today, converting it to play better on the Annihilation mod.

Changes made to map:
*Replaced Ammo Stations in the teams base bunkers with Inventory Stations.
*Added an extra Inventory Station to the teams bases inside an "eround" bunker.
*Added four Repair Packs to each teams base.
*Moved each teams Generator to a place where it can't be found or destroyed under normal map play circumstances.
*Added four Plasma Turrets and a Rocket Turret to each teams base.
*Set Both Flags Rotation = False to avoid the Annihilation bug of flags floating in mid air when dropped if the flag was set to rotate.
*Deleted a lot of the extra shapes that weren't needed on the center tower to reduce frame drops.
*Reduced the map Visible Distance and Haze Distance drastically to reflect the numbers used on standard maps i.e. Broadside to lower frame drops.
*Added a Tower Switch that claims ownership of the two Vehicle Pads.
*Added a Repair Pack by the Vehicle Pads.

Pictures here:
(Sorry for the low resolution),su1S8au,rj4xoD ... ,VqMZVOo#0
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f0xL3g3nD :)
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Re: New Maps Progress

Post by f0xL3g3nD :) »

Ghost has been working on some as well, maybe you two should get together on this map pack?
Let's work as a team to get something new, rather than everyone doing their own thing.
Cuz most likely, not everyone's work will be put to use.
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Re: New Maps Progress

Post by AnniDv6 »

Yeah, I would be happy to add any maps people have made to the pack if they send them to me or upload them. They can also do their own thing and get them added on their own, though. I don't know when this one will be finished yet so they might want theirs added before then. I will mostly be doing updates on Thursdays and Sundays because those are the days I have off. Unless I really get the urge to map during the rest of the week that will be the current schedule.

I worked on Gore_Globe today. This is a map that we've had on BR in the past that went through several renditions. I'm looking to bring it back in better condition this time.

Changes made to map:
*Removed the walls that blocked you inside the main room of the Broadside base. The bases are now much less claustrophobic and play more like a normal Broadside base does.
*Added Inventory Stations to the appropriate places that you have access to now.
*Note that there is no elevator to cordon off the top and bottom of the base.
*Changed Generators and Solar Panels to be the same as Broadside.
*Added a few more repair kits than Broadside normally has.
*Changed the Start and Random Drop Points to match those of Broadside. Meaning you have the chance of spawning on all of the floors of the base. This will make it easier to capture the enemy flag as they won't constantly be re-spawning in the same room as the flag.
*Opened up a hole between the iblocks directly above the front entrance. This should keep the map from being too centered around door spam and make it more difficult to block a team inside their base by spamming the entrance.
*Increased the size of the gore globe. It feels a lot bigger now and the spam won't be so bad. All of the edges are also smoothed out so you can skii across the entire circle and knock people all around.
*Decreased the size of the hole in the bottom of the gore globe. It will be a bit easier to not get knocked down into the hole now.
*Moved the center Objective Switch to the underside of the platform it was previously sitting on. It was too easy to set laser turrets up top that were near impossible to kill meaning you could lock down the Objective too easily. An upside down Objective Switch is a lot more difficult to keep control of.

Pictures here:
(Sorry for the low resolution),OhNepJf,5VZicI ... Wj,B5zg25t
lil Tigga {OZ}
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Re: New Maps Progress

Post by lil Tigga {OZ} »

Death666 wrote:
I am finally starting work on the new map pack for BR! The last one was added December 2011, so it's been a long time coming. I will update this thread with the progress made up to release.

Some of the goals for this update are:
*To add a better variety of maps to the server.

*To change the current method of map cycling BR uses (alphabetically) to randomly selecting the next map from a pool of all the maps with the same mission type (ctf). This means, for example, we won't be playing Broadside followed by Broadside2 every time. It will also be good for server resets and or crashes as the server won't constantly be playing the A through B maps. Thanks to TE-Noxwizard for helping with this one.

*To touch up old maps and add them.

*To remove or make changes to maps that are currently on the server that play badly.

As always I am open to feedback and suggestions including if you want a map removed that's currently on the server or a new one added. If you want a map added please at least try to find it for me first. If you can't find it anywhere chances are I won't be able to either. I will do recreations if the old map was good enough and also make new maps if your idea is good enough and it turns out good.

I worked on 2¢ today, converting it to play better on the Annihilation mod.

Changes made to map:
*Replaced Ammo Stations in the teams base bunkers with Inventory Stations.
*Added an extra Inventory Station to the teams bases inside an "eround" bunker.
*Added four Repair Packs to each teams base.
*Moved each teams Generator to a place where it can't be found or destroyed under normal map play circumstances.
*Added four Plasma Turrets and a Rocket Turret to each teams base.
*Set Both Flags Rotation = False to avoid the Annihilation bug of flags floating in mid air when dropped if the flag was set to rotate.
*Deleted a lot of the extra shapes that weren't needed on the center tower to reduce frame drops.
*Reduced the map Visible Distance and Haze Distance drastically to reflect the numbers used on standard maps i.e. Broadside to lower frame drops.
*Added a Tower Switch that claims ownership of the two Vehicle Pads.
*Added a Repair Pack by the Vehicle Pads.

Pictures here:
(Sorry for the low resolution),su1S8au,rj4xoD ... ,VqMZVOo#0
thanks death much appreciated
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Re: New Maps Progress

Post by bo'sdad »

hope you got the maps I up loaded. if you need anything else, I also have the havoc and old <!> server files and maps
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Re: New Maps Progress

Post by AnniDv6 »

Yeah I got them thank you. If you could upload those maps as well that would be great.
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Re: New Maps Progress

Post by bo'sdad »

here are the files from meltdown, they had great maps.
here is anni files
I'm not sure if I still have havoc or not, but I know sand does.
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Re: New Maps Progress

Post by Beavis »

The map Bullseye needs to be fixed or deleted..
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Re: New Maps Progress

Post by AnniDv6 »

Thanks Bo those maps will help a lot. There should be a few good ones in there somewhere.

I didn't post an update on Sunday because I mostly just went through some of our old maps to see if any were worth adding again. I did also work on Bullseye Sunday and created an idea for that map that S_hift suggested to me in PM over a year ago. I'll post more about that one later and post pics.
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Re: New Maps Progress

Post by Owner »

Cool Thanks for the progress report xD

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