[mod] Annihilation Pro Mod

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[mod] Annihilation Pro Mod

Post by S_hift »

a while back i tweaked a version of annihilation for the LS clan. it was intended as a practice mod :)


"particle beam: no more shoooting through walls and changed mounted image type
phase distruptor: exposion radius matches the projectile and changed the trail type
disc: longer disc trails and wider disc trails no changes to the weapons behavior just simple visuals :)
chameleon assasin has a little more jet lift just enough to fly with the cham pack on.
os launcher: shortened the flight distance cause its a noobish weapon and it shouldn't be able to fly across the map. its only going to be used as a tool now to destroy uncovered lasers or as a fly swatter"
Annihilation Edited.rar
balance tweaks and graphical changes
(796.81 KiB) Downloaded 169 times
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Re: [mod] Annihilation Pro Mod

Post by perrinoia »

Cool tweaks, bro.
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Re: [mod] Annihilation Pro Mod

Post by Owner »

When i get some time this weekend or sooner il set on up aka server using your link download. Hope its good xD. Knowing you most of the work you do in tribes is great. xD


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