Legendz v5.0

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Legendz v5.0

Post by DaJ4ck3L »

Legendz v5.0 is at release stages now. I'm going to be giving it a run on the server this week, and see how everything goes.

Change log (Will be updated further later):

New changes to Troll
-Minigun (Weapon)
-Thumper (Weapon + Used on other armors)
-Armor Value Improvements (For Versatility)

New changes to angel
-Grappling Hook (Weapon)
-Biofeedback Beam (Weapon)
-Nova Pack (Pack)

Random stuff
-Killable Jails + Airbase (will kill deploys around them)
-Flair system (still needs a bit of work)
-Autobuy Loadout for Armors

Many bug/exploit fixes
-Auto Repair Glitch
-Working Command Stations
-Fixed Vehicle Packs
-Fixed Necro Glitches
-Some other stuff too

-Team Deathmatch option
-New maps (Bootcamp bots map + some Ski maps)
-Many bug fixes / Improvements

-Improved spawning postions / bug fixes
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Re: Legendz v5.0

Post by DaJ4ck3L »

More to come on this. Just a very basic thing I threw together half tired. I'll also be releasing a new weapons hud for 1.40 weapon hud users. Still need to make the weapon image for Minigun.

A few notes also, Jail / Airbase were removed for further testing. It has come to my attention also ItemData is reaching it's limits, and I'll need to trim down the data in the mod. Meaning some things may not show up in invo just yet. I will fix this within the next day or two, but asap. Flair system is also out of order atm, so getting rid of that item data for now will clear up some space.
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Re: Legendz v5.0

Post by virus »

Don't forget autoloadouts...
Buy an armor, and it will automatically purchase all the "desired" equipment for that armor. Which, of course, can be altered from that point.

Which will help me because I have no idea what to buy for any of the light armors.
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Re: Legendz v5.0

Post by Puppetmaster »

There's a problem with the command stations not listing a lot of turrets. It makes cameras useless because a lot of times, it doesn't even show up on the station.
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Re: Legendz v5.0

Post by DaJ4ck3L »

Yea not a complete list, just something I threw together to have something lol.

I'll check out turret thing. Could be due to the item data limit. When I get home from work I'm going to trim down, and get a copy with less items on server.
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Re: Legendz v5.0

Post by AnniDv6 »

I am excite. I have a few ideas for this edit as well. Some of them may be bad or impossible, but scroll through and see if anything is an appealing idea.

Teleport pads.
Add a message similar to the current one that is posted when a team mate deploys a jail tower/airbase.

Code: Select all

"Player deployed a teleport pad"
If possible make it more advanced by having it say

Code: Select all

"Player has deployed teleport pad one"
"Player has deployed teleport pad two" 
This will help announce when your team has a new teleport pad up and keep people from going to deploy one when both of them are already set.

For the destructible jail and air bases maybe you could add the same message and mechanic that used to appear when a Deployable Drop Ship's generator was below a certain percent of health.

Code: Select all

"Team x Air base/Jail is now below 50% Health"
"Team X Air Base/Jail will self destruct in 60 seconds"
I always thought that this was a really neat game play aspect of the drop ships because you actually had the chance to go repair them in that last minute which usually led to some interesting stand offs and close calls where you would rush to the aid of the ship only to be too late and get caught in the blast.

Deployable Force Field Doors.
Possibly make the deployable force field doors go down when a teams power is offfline. Lately it's become popular to stack a flag with objects to the point that it's nearly impossible to clear it on some maps. Having the doors go temporarily down while the power is off would add another method for clearing up the flag. One can only particle beam the same defense down so many times before getting bored.

Jump Pads.
Remove them from the list of objects that the Base Cloak sets to invisible. There's nothing more annoying than not being able to see where your teams jump pads are at.

Deployable Base Cloak.
Increase the time that objects decloak for when touched by a player. Currently it's so short that it's pretty much useless and makes setting Defense for your team while the cloak is up a struggle.

Also remember this?
http://www.br.thelandofoz.net/viewtopic ... 30&start=0

Missions Changes.
If possible it would be nice if the random mission change code could be updated such that it knows not to pick the same mission that was just played when switching to the next map. Also if at all possible make it more truly random.

Also don't forget to fix the current display message when voting to start the next map that quotes what the next mission will be inaccurately.

Code: Select all

"Player initianed a vote to start the next mission Scarabrea"
And then the vote passes and the server selects a random next mission, most likely not Scarabrea.

Stasis Spell Animation.
The Stasis Spell should have an animation particle effect around the affected player that loops until they are free and able to move and take damage again. It should be noticeable enough that someone trying to snipe or kill the person can understand why they aren't taking any damage. The blue balls of energy that the ion turrets create could be a good thing to use, or the large shield affect.

Remove the delay on the "Your teams generators have been destroyed by _____" message. This message always pops up after we've already repaired the gens. It's pointless and confusing to have a delay. Decrease it significantly or make the message pop instantly when the gens go down.
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Re: Legendz v5.0

Post by DaJ4ck3L »

Got rid of like 50 Item blocks today. Should fix some of the errors players might have seen the past day or two.

Also, good list death. Will for sure add most of it, if not all. :)
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Re: Legendz v5.0

Post by JeSuS »

definetely interesting non the less, its nice to try out new things. And autobuy loadout is awesome, was running around in troll today and never had to save it haha
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Re: Legendz v5.0

Post by Beavis »

So jail cells can be destroyed? I hadn't even tried. But I will now. thanks Crow.
and btw the Nova pack is cool stuff.
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Re: Legendz v5.0

Post by justR »

They were but they were glitchy (crashed server) so he took them out, at least for now. :(

Officer Mirror's day will eventually come.
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