Mod Updates

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Mod Updates

Post by AnniDv6 »

Testing out some updates this weekend.

Chameleon assassinate chance raised from 25 to 50%
Chameleon Plastique Explosive damage significantly increased.
Portable Generator and Deployable Solar Panels have been removed.
Irradiation Turret projectile changed and no longer requires someone controlling it to fire on enemy players.

Pushed another update tonight (3/31/15) with some more things to test.
Chameleon plastique explosive damage has been reduced. It will now take five to destroy a blast wall or a jump pad.

The message for chameleon pack failure has been changed to make it less ambiguous as to why it's failing.

The warning messages to chameleons for interference levels from deployed pussycats has been changed for the same reason.

The distance that pussycats begin detecting and interfering with chameleon pack has been increased from 25 to 50. It's important to note that the way pussycats are currently coded has their chance of deactivating a chameleons pack based on the distance of the chameleon to the actual pussycat. The closer you get to a deployed pussycat, the higher the chance it has of deactivating your pack.

The penalty damage applied to players for having the ghost pack active has been slightly reduced from 0.05 to 0.03. The warning message given when attempting to turn off the ghost pack while inside a wall has also been changed to be less ambiguous.

The maximum amount of jump pads per team has been increased from 3 to 5.

The vortex turret has been given a 0.01 damage value which will enable it to correctly pull enemy players in again and rarely trigger the vortex turret damage kill messages.

The particle beam turret killer beam fade time has been increased.

The cost of the Irradiation Turret has been reduced from 3050 to 2250 to match the price of a Nuclear Turret and enable builders to purchase them from their beacon inventories which have a default 3000 credits.

Deployed Missile Turrets range have been increased and now have a separate projectile type from map Missile Turrets. Their rockets travel much slower and deal less damage and are easily avoided by players and mobile vehicles, but not hovering vehicles. Their delay after firing has also been increased. The total amount per team has also been decreased to three.

Deployed mortar turrets, plasma turrets and fusion turrets now have a longer range.

The shockwave cannon kickback has been reset to classic. This chameleon and warrior weapon is mainly used for self boosting as it barely does any damage. You can also boost other players around, but not by much unless they are light armor as well.
4/24/15 Update
Particle Beam standard mode beam is no longer set to detachFromShooter to fix misfire when aiming up or down. Fade time has been reduced back to slightly higher than default to compensate because the beam will follow your crossair after firing without detach.

Laser Turrets beam fade time has been increased from 0.5 to 1.5

Deployed Missile Turrets rockets travel speed has been increased from 25.0 to 45.0 which is still slower than map missile turret rockets at 72.0, but should now be fast enough to actually be a threat to vehicles while slow enough to easily dodge by players who stop jetting. Deployed missile turrets damage and fire rate are also still less than map missile turrets, but they have a higher detection range and the missiles will track you for longer before dying themselves.

Chameleon and Warriors Shockwave Cannon weapon has correctly been updated to the new values. The kickback strength has been increased from the old BR setting of 150.0 to 280.0, default annihilation was 350.0. The muzzle velocity has been decreased from 180.0 to 50.0 and terminal velocity from 100.0 to 50.0 to make it not as viable for door spamming from a distance.

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now displays as the inventory header message while inside the inventory screen now displays for mobile inventory, deployed beacon inventory and airbase inventory names.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Fixious »

Interesting. I've always felt that the Cham nades were already quite powerful. Never heard anyone say they needed a buff. The removal of portable gens is a big one. Definitely puts more emphasis on gen room defense. I can already see Rollercoaster being terrible, though.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

Death666 wrote:Testing out some updates this weekend.
Yay! It's about time this buggy mod got fixed!
Death666 wrote:Chameleon assassinate chance raised from 25 to 50%
Not a bug fix.
Death666 wrote:Chameleon Plastique Explosive damage significantly increased.
Not a bug fix.
Death666 wrote:Portable Generator and Deployable Solar Panels have been removed.
Not a bug fix (there's actually a bug to be fixed, related to this one, but y'all said fuck it, and deleted the whole god damned thing, instead).
Death666 wrote:Irradiation Turret projectile changed and no longer requires someone controlling it to fire on enemy players.
Kinda, maybe, sorta, a bug fix?

WTF, y'all?!


Do I need to give you a list of bugs to fix?
  • function PowerGlide doesn't work for shit.
  • GUI Mode Command only lists a limited amount of turrets.
  • Inventory stations can be deployed in crappy areas, that promote glitching under the terrain or outside of indoor arenas.
  • Spawn shields protect everyone but [df]Perrinoia. I got spawn killed like infinity+1 times, last night, but couldn't insult an enemy near it's own base without watching the shield hit animation. I hate spawn shields in the first place, but the fact that it never protects me from campers, and always protects enemies from me, really pisses me off.
  • Air bases, deployable bunkers, and jail towers can be deployed outside of the mission area boundaries.
Do I need to provide instructions on how to fix this shit, too?

I thought I was getting access to the mod, so I could fix this shit myself... Whatever happened to that?
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Real »

Vortex Turrets should be fixed too, those are my favorite part of the mod, and I'm being totally serious. Those things make me laugh harder than anything else. I'll help fix some stuff too if you'd like. I think I already have the mod on my other HDD.
Also increase the range on pitchfork by 5-10 feet, I like to use it on offense
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

Oh, don't even get me started on defenses... LOL.

Anything you can move with pitchfork should not have any deploy restrictions. For instance, deployable crates AKA turret covers... It takes me like 15 tries to find a spot where it's OK to deploy the damn things, and it's never anywhere near where I'm gonna move it, anyway. And when I do finally deploy it, I've usually deployed it so close to myself that I'm stuck in the fucking thing and can't move until I fork it anyway.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, you've got flame turrets, which not only have a maximum LOS distance, but also a minimum, and they're pretty fucking close together, so you have to find the sweet spot between too close and too far, every god damned time.

My suggestions:
  • Increase the minimum distance for crates so you don't get stuck on them (should be at least the height of the crate).
  • Increase the maximum distance for deploying anything you can move with a pitchfork, to the maximum range of a pitchfork.
  • Snap deployable crate position/rotation to the target object if target is a turret.
As far as increasing the range of the fork, I think it's pretty over powered as is, when it comes to dismantling defenses. Might as well rename it "Crowbar", because it almost gets used for destruction more often than construction.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by AnniDv6 »

Fixious wrote:Interesting. I've always felt that the Cham nades were already quite powerful. Never heard anyone say they needed a buff. The removal of portable gens is a big one. Definitely puts more emphasis on gen room defense. I can already see Rollercoaster being terrible, though.
Previously it took at least 10 cham nades to destroy one blast wall and you can only even carry 5. Even if you were really good at being sneaky and scavenging you really couldn't make much of an impact on defense. This buff is taking it to the other end of the spectrum. A single cham nade will destroy a blast wall, deployed platform or jump pad. Obviously this will probably have to be scaled down until it's at a sweet spot, but it should be interesting to see what happens. Now would be a good time to test how well pussycats work. Sunken defense still can't be destroyed by explosives.

Removing portable generators and deployed solar panels is meant to stretch defense across the flag and the generator again. Most of the maps have multiple repair packs and players can drop repair kits on generators and inventories. That said some maps will play better than others and new strategies will have to be made.
perrinoia wrote:.
I agree with everything you say and I hope that you get access soon because you will be able to put these things in better yourself. Poke crow some more. For flame turrets just jump up look down and deploy.
Real wrote:Vortex Turrets should be fixed too, those are my favorite part of the mod, and I'm being totally serious. Those things make me laugh harder than anything else. I'll help fix some stuff too if you'd like. I think I already have the mod on my other HDD.
Also increase the range on pitchfork by 5-10 feet, I like to use it on offense
I thought those were fixed already. Do they still not pull people in? I'll look into it.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Fixious »

Any ETA when the updates will go live?
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

The new updates are already live.

Vortex turrets do pull people in, but not nearly as strong as they were in classic Annihilation, where you could put two or three in a room and watch enemies get trapped in a mini game of tug of war.

They were completely broken in one of the later builds, when builder mode and charge up particle beams were introduced.

Now they are about as strong as one of my nieces trying to show me their newest toy in another room. I feel it pulling me, but have the option to ignore it, if I choose, or simply go with it so I can find it and destroy it.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Real »

Yeah Vortex turrets are useless, they need a much stronger pull like in classic anni
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

The kickback strength in every version of Annihilation I can find is -300. What is it in Legendz?
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