Mod Updates

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Re: Mod Updates

Post by st0ned »

Shit didn't read the ending of that post lol
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

Wanna borrow my t-shirt?

I modified stationtrigger.cs, mobileinventory.cs, and ZappyfixAug2009.cs to fix the bug I previously caused while retaining the fix I previously wrote that caused the bug that I just fixed...

Typing that sentence made my head hurt.

Files uploaded to dropbox, waiting for Death666 or Crow to install them on server.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by SGT ROCK »

perrinoia wrote:Wanna borrow my t-shirt?

I modified stationtrigger.cs, mobileinventory.cs, and ZappyfixAug2009.cs to fix the bug I previously caused while retaining the fix I previously wrote that caused the bug that I just fixed...

Typing that sentence made my head hurt.

Files uploaded to dropbox, waiting for Death666 or Crow to install them on server.

Catch anything besides a buzz???
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »


That's a tiller extension in my hand, not a fishing pole.

I don't fish. I sail.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Real »

Perin IDK if you lift weights or not, but if you did you could be one big mother effer, I was a personal trainer and I can spot these things (no homo)
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

Do I even lift?

When my sister broke her legs, I carrier her, in a wheelchair, up a flight of stairs...


This is a photo of me (left), my twin (middle), and my sister (filling in the rest of the photo).

So yeah, I can lift. :trolol:
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »


He's a band teacher, and one day, I was volunteering at his school, and one of his percussionists asked me if I was "Mr. Tysor's son"...

I interrupted the class and said, "Excuse me Mr. Tysor! This young man has a question for you..."

He was not impressed.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by AnniDv6 »

Where are the bug fixes :ghey:
perrinoia wrote:
Death666 wrote:Testing out some updates this weekend.
Yay! It's about time this buggy mod got fixed!
Death666 wrote:Chameleon assassinate chance raised from 25 to 50%
Not a bug fix.
Death666 wrote:Chameleon Plastique Explosive damage significantly increased.
Not a bug fix.
Death666 wrote:Portable Generator and Deployable Solar Panels have been removed.
Not a bug fix (there's actually a bug to be fixed, related to this one, but y'all said fuck it, and deleted the whole god damned thing, instead).
Death666 wrote:Irradiation Turret projectile changed and no longer requires someone controlling it to fire on enemy players.
Kinda, maybe, sorta, a bug fix?

WTF, y'all?!


Do I need to give you a list of bugs to fix?
  • function PowerGlide doesn't work for shit.
  • GUI Mode Command only lists a limited amount of turrets.
  • Inventory stations can be deployed in crappy areas, that promote glitching under the terrain or outside of indoor arenas.
  • Spawn shields protect everyone but [df]Perrinoia. I got spawn killed like infinity+1 times, last night, but couldn't insult an enemy near it's own base without watching the shield hit animation. I hate spawn shields in the first place, but the fact that it never protects me from campers, and always protects enemies from me, really pisses me off.
  • Air bases, deployable bunkers, and jail towers can be deployed outside of the mission area boundaries.
Do I need to provide instructions on how to fix this shit, too?

I thought I was getting access to the mod, so I could fix this shit myself... Whatever happened to that?
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

In the drop box, waiting for you to install them. :naa:
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by AKA The Titan »

Another map to look at - HerGhostInTheFog. Besides the fact that this map is awful in general, there are a total of five power assets on this map per side, two solar panels and three generators. One generator is not in the base but in the middle of the wilderness somewhere either way above or below ground, preventing the power from ever going out on this map.
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