Mod Updates

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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Azul »

perrinoia wrote:Dude, everybody has been using it since it became a sniper weapon. For the past couple of weeks I haven't been able to tell if I was lagging or in stasis, constantly.
I don't know what mod you are playing but this isn't the case. Only 9% of the time is someone even using Necro without going for the flag, and out of that 9%, only 1% of the time does a Necro have stasis equipped.

Now stasis is completely useless....its really difficult to land, slow to recharge, and with the victim having full immunity, why would anyone use it?

Why did stasis get a huge nerf over deathray?

If you don't want to make it a sniper-like weapon fine, but at least increase the rate of fire and the projectile.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

Where are you getting these statistics?

Site your sources, buddy!

I just tried it myself, and you're correct (about the nerf, not the stats)...

Out of like 50 shots, I successfully hit one target.

My target underwent gender reassignment surgery the one time I hit them and again when it wore off.

I think their skin also changed from their preferred skin to base skin, but didn't restore when stasis wore off.

Also, the target was still able to shoot me despite being in stasis.

I think the new projectile speed is about the same as the original, which would be fine if you didn't need to get a direct hit... There's 2 options to fix this: Either expand the explosion radius or increase the projectile speed.

The reload time is definitely way too long, since it's currently nearly impossible to hit a target, but if you fix the aim problem, perhaps this will balance itself out... Might need a little tweaking to find the sweat spot that's fair and balanced.

Personally, I'd scrap the whole thing and start from scratch.

I had a concussion grenade idea that could replace jailgun/tower, disarm spell, and stasis spell!

Here's how it would work:
  • 1) It won't actually cause any damage, but it will compare your damage level and shield strength to the explosion's damage value to determine whether or not it has any effect on you, at all.
    2) Any player "damaged" by the explosion will play a death animation. The animation lasts about 4 seconds, and then they'll pop back up like a prairie dog.
    3) They'll be forced to observe themselves for those 4 seconds, then they'll regain control of their body survived all 4 seconds.
    4) They'll drop any mounted items (weapon, pack, flag), and anyone who contacts their unconscious body can steal their ammo and other weapons, just like if they were dead.
So, if I were replacing the jailgun, this weapon would basically be a grenade launcher that uses ammo, and if I were replacing spells, it would simply conjure the same projectile using energy, instead of ammo.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by AnniDv6 »

There was a byproduct of the super short Stasis reload time which let you keep someone in a constant Stasis by shooting them again and again so that when they did come out of Stasis you would put them right back in. The new freeze time and reload time keep this from happening indefinitely. With this latest patch I also fixed it so that people cannot use suicide and/or #arena to get out of Stasis and so it simply was not an option to keep something like that in the mod. Stasis is the type of thing that makes people drop if it happens to them too often and there is no counter to it.

As far as not being able to hit sniper shots with the Stasis spell I question what the point of that would be in the first place. It works better as a close range weapon (think Jailgun) where your intended target doesn't even know you're there until you use it. Try it against enemies using a deployed teleport. Try using it on someone right after they jump off a platform on an air map. You can even phase shift pack directly behind someone sniping and they will have no idea you have appeared behind them. I've also used phase shift + stasis since this patch to stop flag carriers. I think you guys just need to get a bit more creative, honestly. Watch how long exactly it freezes them and use that the next time to prepare to attack right as they can take damage again.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

I agree that it sucked to get stuck in stasis, but it also sucks to use stasis.

The tactics you're describing work well against bots. Not against players who use jets and know that when you disappear, you will reappear where you were looking.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Lawlz »

The only obnoxious thing about stasis was the extreme range / perma-lock you could accomplish with it.
Granted this is a mod which everything has insane range, but stasis was on par with the jailgun's level of obnoxious. A good tactic yes, but albeit a rather meh one. I'd just take out the sniping aspect and reload time like you said and it's pretty dope then.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Fixious »

Encountered an odd bug the other day. I ghosted through a wall but the health regen never kicked in. After dying and doing it again, it seemed to work fine.

Also the Phase pack has no shape when you drop it.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

It's 2 dimensional. You can only see it from one side.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

Ok, that shit is broke.

What I meant was the shield hit shape file used as the item image cannot be seen from certain angles, but you've demonstrated it can't be seen from any angle.

That is weird.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Jegue »

Defenses are too weak, stasis spell is now completely useless and the gens are unnecessarily strong. The rest is fine, imo.
- <!>Tariq^
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