Mod Updates

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Re: Mod Updates

Post by LunaticChick »

Thanks for the update :taunt:
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by AnniDv6 »

Another patch.

*Added hashtag commands for looking at another registered players detailed statistics.

*Type these in the game chat. This will only work for players who have registered with the profile system on the server.
#ObjectiveStats playername
#CombatStats playername
#RecordsStats playername
#MiscStats playername

Type #help in game to see the full list of hashtag commands the player profile system uses.
If you've never registered before typing #help will show you how to do so.

*Fixed a bug with the bots in the CTF Bot maps that was causing the server to crash when a bot walked between a player and a mobile inventories zappy beam. The AI has been coded not to activate the beams themselves in Annihilation for a long time, but the previous 'practice' maps never really had players, bots and inventories all in one area. When the inventory beam that was trying to hit the player hit the bot instead it caused the crash. The Zappy projectile can no longer harm the bots.

*Added out of area damage to the AI. They now take a bit of damage each time they touch the out of bounds wall (they bounce off it just like players do) and should take sustained damage until death if they do push past the wall.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Scarecrow{oz} »

Actually, the recent updates to the BCTF maps have the bots standing around now. Little or no movement. Not liking that. :ttdown:
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by AnniDv6 »

Sounds like they somehow got off their botmap routine if they were all just standing around. Switching between the practice and bot maps doesn't seem to cause problems anymore for either so it might be something else throwing them off after the server has been running for a few days.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by AnniDv6 »

2/15/2020 Mod Update:
-Added velocity inherited from vehicles for pilots when they dismount.
-Tweaked the Troll armor beacon to apply its area damage better.
-Tweaked the Angel armor beacon to have some damage.
-Tweaked the Tank armor beacon to apply slightly more damage with the smoke cloud.
-Started adding support for a third teleport and made teleports work more often.
-Reduced or balanced the max health of the main Generators, Solar Panels and portable (small) Generators.
-Fixed the health of deployed Solar Panels, mini Generators, Air Base Solar Panels etc. to now be consistent with their normal counterparts.

Wall of text:
So Annihilation mod has always had inherited velocity from vehicles for the passengers of vehicles when they jumped out, but the pilot would just stop dead in their tracks if they dismounted. With the addition of inherited velocity for the pilot it is now possible to jump out of vehicles you are piloting to give yourself a speed boost. This is more in line with Tribes 2 and Tribes: Ascend and it is a lot of fun for flag grabs.

Troll beacon now has two sets of the fireballs that shoot out from you. The original ones now detonate sooner than they used to so if you are for example flying through the air and another player comes close to you the beacon will actually damage the area around you now instead of where you were 5 seconds ago which many times would be 20 meters back. The new set of fireballs looks like Plasma Ammo canisters and take on the roll of the old ones. They don't detonate for a much longer time or until they touch something. So for example you can be flying over something and use the beacon to sort of drop these firebombs on an area. Overall this beacon is around the same damage output and works almost exactly like it used to, it just actually works as intended now.

Angel armor beacon now also casts the Nova Pack attack (without the energy drain) in addition to the emergency stop-in-place it usually does. This is a small area of effect attack that players never seemed to use when it was only from the Nova Pack because you have to get right up next to someone for it to work and it would drain all of your energy. So if an Angel stood exactly behind a Tank and used Nova Pack it was possible to one shot them, but most times you would just get one shot yourself when trying to get close to people because you are in Angel armor after all and after you attempted to use the pack on someone you were a sitting target with no jets for a few seconds. Having this on the beacon and without the energy punishment now makes it much easier to use. Tip: Use the Grapple gun on someone to pull yourself in and then use this Angel beacon when you are hugging them.

Tank beacon no longer casts the same emergency shield that Titans use. Shielded tanks were just way too overpowering when indoors and I felt that they really did not fit in with our version of the Annihilation Tank armor, which has extreme mobility compared to classic Annihilation where the tank was extremely clunky and hard to get across the map and into the enemy base. I want the armors to have distinct beacons from each other (except Chameleon and Necromancer, which are probably doomed with the awful cloaking pack for eternity, sorry). It has the same area of effect attack with smoke added in the last couple patches, but now it does a tad bit more damage. This attack does less damage overall compared to the Troll beacon attack, but has a larger range.

Teleports no longer damage or destroy other teleports when they are destroyed. Reduced health of teleports a bit. Made it possible for each team to deploy three teleports instead of two. Next patch is going to integrate random teleporting between the three to spice things up, but for now if you deploy one the second and third will always lead back to one. Ammo tossed into them will always go to the first one deployed for now as well.

Spoonbot Annihilation:
-Now mount packs based on armor instead of all using the Energy Pack.
-Now deploy the Annihilation turrets.
-Created tree files that the bots use to navigate for more maps.
-The 'Painter' bot in Warrior armor now uses a Plasma Gun to shoot enemy equipment instead of pointing at it with the Targeting Laser.
-Fixed the Builder bot repairing friendly equipment too slowly. Can now go and repair Generators by itself.

Wall of text:
Spoonbot had it so one could use the command screen to have a bot deploy a motion sensor, pulse sensor etc. but you had to tell them to do it by using the command screen orders and they would just deploy it as soon as you issued the command and not where you waypointed on the map.

I used that system and instead had the bots deploy the annihilation turrets and then I changed it from being tied to the command screen and just made it a random chance to happen for the bots.

Here is the setup so far. The titan is usually playing heavy on the flag so he typically is around the flag to deploy a force field door. The chameleon is the sniper bot so it deploys sensor jammers and so on.

I am still working on adding the individual deploy restrictions that the turrets use for the bots. That's why the deploys are so crazy right now. At first it was even worse and there would be stacks of 20 plasma turrets. So far it checks the team deploy limit for the items before deploying something and if it does deploy it adds to the team item count. I think I also made it check if there was already a turret in the way, but I may have only had it check for a turret of the same type.

Lastly I am working on adding some teleport triggers that only the AI go through on some of the worst stuck spots on the maps. Try Blastside CTFB I fixed most of the spots on that map.

Known issues with the CTF Bots:
When I made some of the treefiles for the maps I was putting a few of them in the air. The bots sometimes get stuck in a loop trying to jet to one of these positions and then don't have the time in the air to recognize that they hit it so they just try again. I am working on making much better tree files for the bots to use.

Bots deploying turrets..on the air...rocket turrets indoors etc. should slowly get fixed as I add the various deploy restrictions for the items to the bots.

Bots not moving at all or very much after the server has been on for a long time. If you are an admin try using 'Reset Server Defaults'. This could fix it without having to restart the server.

TribesHDv2 With Artificial Intelligence:
Also one more thing I have been working on a new version of the TribesHDv2 config. It now uses images that have been upscaled in quality by an artificial intelligence program.

Here's the tribal war thread about the A.I. upscaling

I will be releasing a version of TribesHDv2 that uses these upscaled textures after I throw in some of the good HD terrain and sky textures and maybe replace a few skins here and there. The high quality versions of some of the weapons that have already been made look slightly better than some of the AI upscaled textures, but the upscaled base textures are super nice. More to come on that later.

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Re: Mod Updates

Post by KILROY »

Thanks Big D for the updates, and like always your time, service, and dedication to the game!
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by LunaticChick »

Wow! Thanks for your time and effort. We do appreciate it :drinkz:
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by DaRk »

Here's my config if anyone is interested. Haven't edited the changes doc yet to show all that I've added. ... p=drivesdk

- Using terrains and base skins by [Groove / Milk-man]
- Added in game mouse sensitivity and Fov changing (see settings for keybind) [Stork]
- netset is enabled with my settings I use
- added speed bar and custom repair/beacon/mine gui [DaRk]
- custom weapon and armor skins [DaRk]
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by AnniDv6 »

Patch dropping soon..

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Re: Mod Updates

Post by AnniDv6 »

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