Delete Deployable Items

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Delete Deployable Items

Post by <!>blankgirl »

I think it would be sweet if the Pitchfork had an option to delete unwanted/unneeded/unused deployable items. I've had situations many times where it would have been advantageous to be able to delete a deployable platform, blast wall, force field, big crate, etc.

Just a thought,


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Re: Delete Deployable Items

Post by perrinoia »

That's what particle beam is for. J/k.

I do think there should be an option to un-deploy non-forkable deployables, such as turrets.

By un-deploy, I mean delete the object, and replace with the appropriate pack, so you can pick it back up and deploy some where else.

This ability should only work if you deployed the object, are an admin, or an enemy to the object.

What do y'all thank?
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Re: Delete Deployable Items

Post by AnniDv6 »

Make it happen captain
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Re: Delete Deployable Items

Post by Fixious »

I'm all for it. This has come up before. Would be nice if a new list were added to your inventory screen that displayed all your deployed items, then have either the SELL or DROP button kill them.

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Re: Delete Deployable Items

Post by perrinoia »

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Re: Delete Deployable Items

Post by Real »

Good idea but it could get hard to differentiate between objects if you set a bunch of D, e.g: which blast floor out of the 15 I've deployed do I really want to delete. Maybe ondeploy should assign numbers that attach to the players name/deployable, like Real Blast Floor #2, and delete the obj group every mission cleanup or something.
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Re: Delete Deployable Items

Post by perrinoia »

Yeah, the inventory menu would not work like that... It lists items, so to list each separately, each deployable would require a uniquely named item to correspond. Not only have we reached the item data limit, but to do this, we'd have to predetermine the name of every deployed object.

So that idea simply isn't practical, however, if we could free up some item data blocks, I'm sure we could find a similar good use for the left side of the inventory menu, such as selecting weapon modes, perhaps...

But pitchfork converting unforkable deployables into packs is a definite possibility.

I'll code it, and we'll see what happens.
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Re: Delete Deployable Items

Post by Real »

I thought deadtaco had a mem.dll which raised the datablock cap, can't remember though. Either way there are guns that need a change or removal, same with turrets.
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Re: Delete Deployable Items

Post by perrinoia »

Yes, I've read about that plugin. I don't know if the BR server is running that and still hit the limit, or if it's actually hit the limit at all... I just know that I've read posts from Crow claiming that he has either reached the limit or is approaching it. And when I look at the server files, I can see why... There's 3-4 mods worth of crap in there.

You can play with base or renegades style weapons in the arena at the same time that everyone else is playing with annihilation style weapons in the primary mission area.
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Re: Delete Deployable Items

Post by Real »

I'm 99% sure he isn't running it cause I remember talking to him about this a year ago, i don't think we contacted deadtaco though, either way there is a lot of datablocks that can be freed up
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