Blocking invisibility for players using 1.11

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Re: Blocking invisibility for players using 1.11

Post by AnniDv6 »

Erowid wrote:
Erowid wrote:I am proposing to disable the invisibility transparency for players not using 1.41. They should still get the invisibility perk against turret detection, but should not be able to turn transparent.
If they want transparency they can play on the same level playing field as everyone else with 1.41.
This is probably something we can do, not sure how great it will work with the false positives that sometimes happen when you're running a bunch of stuff in the background while playing. Wiling to try to implement it, but I will have to see how complicated it would be to add that check every time someone uses a beacon.
LunaticChick wrote:As long as we are talking about this issue, let's talk about the over-powered interceptor. Let's vote to decrease the length of time it has to fly or the number of them per game or just the sheer power of it. Having someone using it during a map, especially a small map is a game changer and have noticed ppls drop since trying to defend yourself is pretty much impossible. Yeah, you can try to snipe them if you live long enough to. IMO, this is another issue that needs addressing, just saying.
Interceptor has gone through several changes a couple patches back. It's slower than it ever was in base annihilation, but it also got more maneuverability when it comes to pointing the nose up or down. This was mainly to make it more viable on the Air maps, getting to the ground from way up high or vice versa. Pretty sure I also already slowed down the fire time compared to base Legends. OS Launcher has always been the best way to kill these with sniping them being the harder, but faster way. OS Launcher got a nerf to its speed, damage and because of the speed nerf its range as well with base Legends. This could be why they are so annoying to get rid of now. Not sure what the best fix would be really.
KILROY wrote:Another thought, APC's that can damage Air Bases, to take them out.
Not sure what you meant by this. You don't want bombers to be able to attack air bases? The best defense against bombers is probably just to snipe them since they are a larger and slower target. Deployable rocket turrets also work really well, but you need to be deploying motion sensors for them to get a lock on things. It's one of the reasons I buffed the base sensors which used to be destroyed every map all map making the deployed rocket turrets almost never function.
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Re: Blocking invisibility for players using 1.11

Post by perrinoia »

Lasthope does the version checking for you. You just need to check that variable, and make the beacon do something else that is useful so as not to punish false positives and people with shit computers too bad. Maybe just a temporary sensor jammer?

To combat pesky interceptors, perhaps increase damage scale of OS versus interceptors?

I think Kilroy was suggesting that it should be easier to kill air bases with vehicles. The last time i hosted an animation server, i used "group::iterateRecursive" to apply damage to every part of the air base when any non interior shape part took damage. Thus even shooting the force fields enough could destroy the whole thing. I got the idea from destroyable bunker panels.
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Re: Blocking invisibility for players using 1.11

Post by KILROY »

I was on last night and a bunch of old school players showed, some were using APC's and were frustrated that air bases were just too strong, sitting over an enemy base and just spamming it with different attack weapons taking out all their outside defenses, or just spamming the entry way making it difficult to enter or leave the base.

EDIT: So yes, being able to use an air vehicle to destroy an air base easier was mentioned.

Then this statement came up that STU was missed, always using APC's to kill the enemy. The speed of the APC's was mentioned, wishing to be faster like in the older days, and possibly being able to have them with different weapons, instead of just dropping bombs. Like have a choice of APC's to select from when at the inventory. Maybe even have it that when you press a certain button, it has a burstable turbo boost for a short time.

I even brought up a suggestion about having APC or Scout drag racing, or combined with different maps and obstacles that you had to over come, both ground and air levels, or both. You had to do so many laps to complete the map or fly to a particular area, grab a flag and fly it back to score a point, but each flying vehicle had it's own weaponry to stop the other players.

Sorry, I didn't catch the name of this map, but one of the map's it was mentioned it didn't have repair packs, and was immediately voted to change, which most everyone voted yes.
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Re: Blocking invisibility for players using 1.11

Post by perrinoia »

I remember another mod, with a vehicle station that had categories.

The categories were chassis, weapons, and maybe something else like cargo...

Chassis options were 1, 3, or 5 seater (Scout, APC, HPC)
Weapon options were rockets, chain gun, or mortar, i think.

I think scout could hold 1 weapon, APC could hold 2, and HPC could hold all 3. The pilot would press q or shift q to cycle weapons.

I think this would be a fantastic idea, especially because those weapons are ammo based, so you'd have to return to a vehicle pad to refill occasionally.
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Re: Blocking invisibility for players using 1.11

Post by Erowid »

Death666 wrote:
LunaticChick wrote:As long as we are talking about this issue, let's talk about the over-powered interceptor. Let's vote to decrease the length of time it has to fly or the number of them per game or just the sheer power of it. Having someone using it during a map, especially a small map is a game changer and have noticed ppls drop since trying to defend yourself is pretty much impossible. Yeah, you can try to snipe them if you live long enough to. IMO, this is another issue that needs addressing, just saying.
Interceptor has gone through several changes a couple patches back. It's slower than it ever was in base annihilation, but it also got more maneuverability when it comes to pointing the nose up or down. This was mainly to make it more viable on the Air maps, getting to the ground from way up high or vice versa. Pretty sure I also already slowed down the fire time compared to base Legends. OS Launcher has always been the best way to kill these with sniping them being the harder, but faster way. OS Launcher got a nerf to its speed, damage and because of the speed nerf its range as well with base Legends. This could be why they are so annoying to get rid of now. Not sure what the best fix would be really.

The OS launcher does very little damage to the interceptor, the only time it's effective is when the pilot is in angel armor, and then you're just killing the pilot not actually damaging the plane. The planes are also so fast they have a jitter that makes hitting them mostly luck when it happens.

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Re: Blocking invisibility for players using 1.11

Post by perrinoia »

You can blow it up without actually colliding. I think it causes more damage when it intentionally explodes.

You're right about it being useless, though... i think it even takes 2 or 3 to kill an angel.
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Re: Blocking invisibility for players using 1.11

Post by AnniDv6 »

Pretty sure it only takes one shot when they are in Angel, just make sure to go above them a little. Also Angel has the pack that deploys them so a lot of the time they will be Angels. Deployed rocket turrets got a lot of buffs a few patches back as well. The rockets will track much further than they used to and are faster. Just deploy a rocket turret and then a builder beacon and buy a motion sensor and deploy it by the rocket turret. Maybe we need a flak gun or something. I'll see what I can do though to balance the interceptors more. Having vehicles that are way slower than a warrior can boost around seems off though.

As far as the airbases go I think it would be a good idea to add a timer after one is destroyed that prevents deploying another one for a bit.
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Re: Blocking invisibility for players using 1.11

Post by perrinoia »

Fantastic idea.
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Re: Blocking invisibility for players using 1.11

Post by KILROY »

Yeah, I like! :ttup:
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Re: Blocking invisibility for players using 1.11

Post by justR »

Erowid wrote:
Mr.Fixit wrote:Ha, I'm the one Ero was playing against when he started ranting about this. I play on an old WinXP computer that only runs 1.11 (I've tried other versions and they crash) and I was using the invisibility pack to get around his turrets.

As an invis user, I'm perfectly fine with the other players being able to see me as long as their turrets don't. As a practical matter, I've found that I'm almost never actually invisible even with the beacons active due to either HM or rendering packages or something. Based on their complaints, Ero and Jegue may be the only ones who can't see me. EatLead certainly has no trouble shooting me down with my beacon on.
to be fair I've been ranting about this since 2012

I remember when I used to invisible jail and targeted specifically Ero :D (but I was also always on 1.41)
good times were had!

No bullshit how's the player pool on busy nights? I've been contemplating buying a PC to game again but don't know how active Anni/Base/Arghs duel are anymore since I haven't played in like 3 years :(

p.s. hi2all, hope all is well
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