Stupid ass missing map file errors *sigh*

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Re: Stupid ass missing map file errors *sigh*

Post by S_hift »

BUMP this is a big issue. the maps being supplied by crow are not in the proper folders. opencall maps are being overwritten by the missions folder in base and vice versa.

edit I'm still having the same problem!!!! HELP ME YOU LAZY FUCKS
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Re: Stupid ass missing map file errors *sigh*

Post by AnniDv6 »

The initial batch of maps that was pushed out with the leak of 1.4 (1.4 was never finished ergo problems) had a handful of map files that were made fubar. These were maps that always worked before this and were broken. If you had these maps and joined a server playing one of the old working versions of that map you would get the .dtf error. There's only a couple, but they have made their way into configs and map packs ever since. I fixed these maps on our server a long time ago (they are still fixed), but I can't do anything about other people having the broken files and not being able to connect. I know there was a tribal war thread about this when 1.4 broke so you might be able to find that as well.

If that's not the problem you might just have files in the wrong places or you are trying to use the 1.4 method of loading files on a non 1.4 config or vice versa.

My base/missions seems to have no open call maps in it and instead there are folders for all of the open calls inside the main directory for tribes.


Inside tribes/opencall there's a zip file named 'custom' with all of the custom shape information for that batch of open call maps inside it and then a 'missions' folder that has all of the actual map files (.mis, .dsc, .ted and .zip files (for the .vols) that are named after each map.

Inside tribes/opencall2 there's a text file (Open Call 2 v3.0), the .zip again (, another .zip (, and the missions folder with the map files.

Inside tribes/opencall3 there's,, and the missions folder.
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Re: Stupid ass missing map file errors *sigh*

Post by perrinoia »

Basically, whoever made 1.40.655 treated OpenCall like a separate mod. Unfortunately, the client's path to each mission must match the server's. So, here's my proposed solution...

If we're trying to convince everyone to have all of these maps and the latest version, perhaps the server should match the 1.40.655 missions directory tree.
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