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Re: Banned

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 5:33 pm
by Lawlz
I remember once hearing you couldn't be banned... so how this is a problem is beyond me. If you have, "multiple," IPs just keep doing what you're doing cause obviously most people don't care, and don't suspect you when you're quiet.

Edit: Can you even afford a plane ticket? fight me IRL bro. :roll:

Re: Banned

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 6:15 pm
by justR
If he uses more than disc only, you are in trouble kitteh!

Re: Banned

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 6:36 pm
by Lawlz
justR wrote:If he uses more than disc only, you are in trouble kitteh!
Yeah he might start typing. That shit will bore me to death.

Re: Banned

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:31 am
by '][']-[RiLL3R
What I mean by "proof" is, no one will do a m*therf*cking thing unless there's proof, solid hard proof. Shouldn't you know better to do a demo and/or screen shots when going against admins? Your mistake, deal with it. It's like, you can't walk up to a stranger with a cop and say that he killed someone and get that stranger put away, even if he did do it, you'll still need proof.
Bladez, you're a troll. Some people quit playing Tribes 1 because of trolls like yourself, team kill, base kill, annoy them to shit and back with your spam? Yeah, they're tired of that so they move to Ascend and other games. GROW UP.

Rolo, without proof yours and Bladez posts are shit. Who's going to believe a troll like Bladez without proof? Get it? Got it? Good.
Bladez wrote:Long story short
Exactly, I am betting you are leaving out some major details on how you deserved it, huh?

Sapo is not uneducated or a "permafried retard.". He might be hard to understand for most people but he's not uneducated. The reason he types/talks the way he does is because he's not American. He might flare sometimes but that's because he does not take jokes/sarcasm the way we do, so don't expect him to.

Re: Banned

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:06 pm
by Bladez
I was referring him to being a retard because he clearly doesn't know what HM is if he is accusing me and rolo of doing it when Crow has speced us both long ago and know we don't HM and it's clearly skill which is something none of the admins seem to have.

Long story short meaning i am making it short and brief as i do not want to write a huge paragraph explaining something to a bunch of retard admins.

I am a troll but who isn't in the server? I'm pretty sure people have left T1 because of retard admins and retards like yourself also. As i have stated this post is for crow not the retards that play the server or the retard admins who power abuse whenever they get owned and clearly are not capable of enforcing rules. There's how many people that troll and bk etc? If i'm banned might as well ban half the server for others shit.

As for proof where's the proof of me bking, boosting teamates, bking, or teamkilling as your stating? I have yet to see any proof to justify sapo banning me. It's just all hear say and as we all know we can't believe anything that comes out of someones mouth that has power because they tend to abuse and lie about their stories.

There's a reason i have never been "banned" for trolling or anything else. Crow has seen me do everything and has yet to ban me. It's his server, his rules, his call. Not the shitbox admins he someone gave access to when the power is clearly too much for them. The way i see it is Owner and him should be the only ones that have admin. Any conflicts or problems should be recorded via demo or ss and sent on here for them to review and they decide. I have seen way to many useless admins pick favorites and lets others do stuff while punishing others that do the same thing. Crooked fucks is all i gotto say.

Re: Banned

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 5:07 pm
by justR
'][']-[RiLL3R wrote:Rolo, without proof yours and Bladez posts are shit. Who's going to believe a troll like Bladez without proof? Get it? Got it? Good.
Ok, this is really why I feel your post on things such as credibility is shit (and laughable)

[15:19] [Cafe]f0x|L3g3nD: I know noobmare HM's
[15:19] [Cafe]f0x|L3g3nD: thriller told me to turn mine on.
[15:19] justsniper: ah
[15:19] [Cafe]f0x|L3g3nD: I came clean to HM months ago, I'm not playing with it on
[15:19] justsniper: a few ppl think thriller hm's
[15:19] justsniper: idk either way
[15:19] [Cafe]f0x|L3g3nD: Honestly, when he's not wearing the Cafe tags, he most likely is.
[15:20] [Cafe]f0x|L3g3nD: I told him to never wear my clan tags while HMing.
[15:20] justsniper: theres been a couple times i thought he was
[15:20] justsniper: but i let it go, didn't care to pursue it
[15:20] [Cafe]f0x|L3g3nD: and someones I see him without his tags.

Hopefully this post wasn't shit Thriller. I <3 chat logs.

Re: Banned

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 12:06 am
by '][']-[RiLL3R
For one... The admins are here to make the owner's jobs easier, not harder! You, Bladez! Have not been fulfilling your purpose whilst crying to Crow every time a fart gets stuck sideways! Seeing that "Sapo is uneducated" with what HM is, and you are educated with it, that makes things questionable! (Obvious), might be a better word after seeing that Rolo and Bladez are close and both are enemies of Sapo. Yet! Rolo, welcomed Videl, (KNOWN HMER) into his clan, and then! Mentioned the fact, that he's not sure if Lunchbox "knows what it is" but he (Rolo) goes along with it anyways and still defends Bladez. How should any of us look at it when the certain few start accusing people of HMing and defend their own clan members of not doing such a thing, when nobody even asked them if they were using it anyway? GET PROOF AND EXCLUDE CROW FROM THIS FRIVOLOUS ARGUMENT!

P.S. Why are you trying to change the subject from Sapo to me Rolo? That's not even proof, it's irrelevant! Screen shots are what we need for solid evidence. To stay strong as a community, people need to be truthful to thrive! Not falsely accuse one because one is mad at another! T1 is one conglomerate of code and idiots... so stfu and play! Sappy right!?

[15:19] [Cafe]f0x|L3g3nD: What up justsniper?
[15:19] [Cafe]f0x|L3g3nD: you want to play some tribes?
[15:19] justsniper: I wanna play someone's something!
[15:19] [Cafe]f0x|L3g3nD: I came clean to my GF months ago, I'm not playing with it man! I told you the first time.
[15:19] justsniper: a few ppl think I'm gay... not your GF though!
[15:19] justsniper: i'd do you either way!
[15:19] [Cafe]f0x|L3g3nD: Honestly, when you're not acting gay... people most like you.
[15:20] [Cafe]f0x|L3g3nD: I told you to never wear my briefs while HMing.
[15:20] justsniper: there's been a couple times i accidentally wore yours.
[15:20] justsniper: but i let it go, didn't care to pursue new tighty whiteys!
[15:20] [Cafe]f0x|L3g3nD: and hopefully I don't see you with my drawers again. o.O
Hopefully this post wasn't shit justsniper. I <3 chat logs

Another P.S. Everybody knows that <!>SapoIV is a calm, collective and fair admin. So lay off and don't pick fights you can't win.

Re: Banned

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 12:42 am
by justR
Since you're obviously feening for attention since you come in server and idle for a few minutes then drop, here you go.

- unless Crow reads and says otherwise, Bladez (at least one ip address) fate is sealed
- why should I argue with Lunchbox if he says I HM? He says I HM when I midair him too much in arena, not worth arguing.
- Sapo says I HM and that he has recorded me. Waiting for him to step up to the plate?
- I didn't accuse you of HM, if you reread it, Fox didn't accuse you, he stated you do (sorry Fox)
- I don't even dislike you Thriller, but you cheaters are all the same to me. Shift used to cheat, he doesn't now, so he's not a cheater (present tense) but was a cheater (past tense) Videl was trying to make the switch from present to past and failed so it's a moot point now since he's not in my clan
-I'm not changing the subject from Sapo (actually it was Bladez) to you, it was my way of stating you had no business in this thread since your credibility isn't worth a shit as far as this "one conglomerate of code and idiots" is concerned. I mean really, what was the point of your post in this thread? Go reread it. You weren't there. You've barely played at all lately. But keep throwing out your very meaningful opinions, I'm sure I am the only one who feels like they are shit. (internet sarcasm)
- Yeah I don't know what point you were trying to prove editing my chats. I totally took the time to edit them to make you look bad. Except everyone on this forum has played with you and can make their own judgment as to how pinpoint those chats are in their truth.

There you go, you're prob waiting to jump all over this. :) Like I said I don't dislike you, you probably dislike me now, but I know I'm not the first to call you out on here for being a 'tard. Regardless you're still a cheater.

Waiting on those demo's Sapo. I personally would love to re-watch my pubs playing as gin, rummy, and a few other random names doing nothing but railwhore/vulcan whore while sitting at the enemies base and racking up high 70's/low 80's in kills per map, without setting turrets at all. Please do show, can't wait for you to point out what constitutes my possible HM.

Re: Banned

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 12:18 pm
by DaRk
justR wrote:Waiting on those demo's Sapo. I personally would love to re-watch my pubs playing as gin, rummy, and a few other random names doing nothing but railwhore/vulcan whore while sitting at the enemies base and racking up high 70's/low 80's in kills per map, without setting turrets at all. Please do show, can't wait for you to point out what constitutes my possible HM.
I enjoyed watching you troll everyone at their own base. Sorry to ruin your streak.
Ghost wrote:Tacos
This wins the thread.

Re: Banned

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:37 pm
by S']['U
justR wrote:...Bladez joined server as <>< Gay Fish, did his standard introduction of duh, duh, duh, duh, and Sapo did what Bladez is talking about. Muted, took voting privileges away, then kicked him when Bladez voted to kick him, I believe. (not 100% but close enough) Then Bladez comes back into server after the kick as SapoMyBitch and Sapo instabanned him.
I believe I have the demo for this.

In any case... Bladez is a dick.
He's an asshole to everyone, and then claims he has the right to abuse people in the chat box because "That's what it's there for".
However, he ignores the fact that the "vote to mute/kick" option is ALSO there for a reason.
He consistently avoids (passing) votes to kick or mute him by dropping and re-connecting.
If I'm not mistaken, this behavior alone is enough to warrant a temporary ban.

Here's a copy of the chat from a game on Nov 6th, which I sent to Crow.
(Irrelevant chat edited out)


As expected, I got no response. Image

I stand behind SapoIV's decision.
Regardless of the circumstances of of the actual ban, Bladez has been asking for it for a long time.
There is no reason for him to act like this except that he enjoys being a troll.
People that behave like this on the server only drive other players away.
Maybe now he'll be a bit more sociable when he comes back.