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Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:12 pm
by Scud
I saw the screenshots and heard stories from multiple sources about the incident involving Karmapixel and Jerry Garcia here: ... topic=1519

I think this kind of behavior in your admins should be addressed.

Re: Karma

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:36 pm
by Matt Fox

Re: Karma

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:11 pm
by LunaticChick
Jerry admits that he killed Karma's invo. to set his own ... bking. Could have put it somewhere else but chose to kill it so he could have his way.

He admits he called Karma a him fucking faggot ... verbal abuse. Not allowed.

Karma boosts him and his decision. And I think justified. I would have slapped him after mouthing off.

Then Jerry goes to the OLD forums and complains since he's banned from these Forums. Anyone else seeing a pattern here that is getting really old?

He also disrespects my clan and myself with: "and take your pathetic skilless drama causing slut with you". Guess he's referring to me and btw, there's an "n" in skillness. LOL ... get a spell checker. I said nothing him to him during that game but feels he still needs to harrass me. Now that is pathetic.

So you all can c&p to him since some of you will.

Re: Karma

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:30 pm
by JeSuS
well i was in there when it happened. Wish i demoed it but what happened was this.

-Karma set something.
-Jerry either shot/moved karmas thing.
-Karma boosted jerry
-Jerry said wtf
-Karma said i am the wrong person to fuck with it
-Jerry said something dont remember wat exactly said but "you dumb fuck" was the description of what he said
-Karma and jerry exchange words
-Jerry switches teams after i told him to leave it alone in private
-Karma was talkign in team chat to [E]-Pat i think and hit the global chat instead
-Karma moved to obs
-Jerry said must be nice to hide behind admin and not bring it on the field(something like that)
-Karma bans him and then said oops wrong key
-I then ask why he banned jerry in teamchat in obs and he said "dont you hate it when you hit the tab key while playing and hitting random keys"(as he is in obs)
-i asked that karma unbanned jerry(dont know if he did)

I am not pointing fingers at who is wrong but both sides would have been better if they just hit the ignore function.

Re: Karma

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:36 pm
by Matt Fox
Double like ^^
(No matter how you see it, its a kiddie fight that Karma used his admin to handle, when it wasn't needed)

Re: Karma

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:01 pm
by Lawlz
I still think Karma is in the wrong for this.
Jerry simply killed his smaller invo, to replace it with a larger one. (A good strategic move.)

Then Karma boosts him and pretty much trolls Jerry, and then proceeds to ban him.
Sorry but, Jerry deff. should not be blamed for this one.

Re: Karma

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:09 pm
by Karma
In response to Jerry Garcia video:
- Now provoked into action I reviewed my options.
- I'm allowed to kick for verbal insulting of an admin.
- I mistakenly selected the banning option instead of kicking.
- Jerry Garcia then got banned. I quickly unbanned him.

Jerry Garcia broke the rules by base killing (with intent) and insulting a server admin as he admits in his statements.

I boosted Jerry Garcia with justifiable cause in attempt to remove him from the scene where he initiated the problem.

In response to Jerry Garcia challenge comments:
I believe without a doubt based on Jerry Garcia performance profile the 1 on 1 would have been a good show. It's looped in speculation now.

This however won't come to past as I moved on to T:A and lost the talent I had in T1.If anybody wants to see it again in T:A join my games and observe.

In response to Jerry Garcia [E] comments:
I won't speak for other members because that's not my place. I won't do anything without reason behind or in front of it.

I know faith did correct in my mistake but, that's another story. It's clear what happened.

Re: Karma

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:54 pm
by Lawlz
So you boosted Jerry, for killing your mini-invo station, and replacing it with a larger station?

That's like boosting someone for repairing your turrets.
Aka, No reason for it.

Then you stated that, "You were the wrong person to mess with."
Why is that? Because you're an admin? >_>

Re: Karma

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:40 am
by lil Tigga {OZ}
cut him a break lawlz this is his first time doing something like this ....... oh wait never mind.

Re: Karma

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:06 am
by Aaquib