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Hi I'm SGT ROCK, Morning play and child like behavior HELP?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:02 pm
Hello, I've been playing in your server for a while now, and I enjoy the mod and gameplay. I'm having trouble though. I play a fair game and have tried to learn and observe the servers rules, I have one script, to ski (which is common as I understand), I've made some mistakes along the way I'm sure but... It seems I have a problem mostly during the day/morning hours. I've been froze, booted, and I don't know what just happened... obviously I was kicked/booted. Lunatik was there, Hannibal too. A "better player" (his moniker) welded a blast wall on our base and took apart my other force fields and placed them in front of the door. So I spoke up as I understand this is base blocking and it had been done before where I was accused of it but it was someone else that moved my wall. I globally told what he was doing then Hannibal and I proceeded to destroy the wall so we could get in the base. That's when I got booted. I'm NOT the best player in the game no doubt, I try and I love the game. I played back in the day, mostly CTF, so I've still got a lot to learn here. I don't know if I'll continue to play in this server, it's a shame because I play to win, play for a team win and really enjoy it but it's kinda ridiculous how much crap you take in there, mostly in the mornings. I've played with a lot of you now and you're all GREAT players in there and some are pretty friendly and helpful. The drama I've seen here is just unreal though. I'm just trying to play the game as best I can, now if I can't come in there without battling the drama and some kind of child like behaviour, what's the point? I was happy to see that tribes was still going and players still playing some but it seems some just want to play with themselves. Anybody??? ( I wish I was in a better mood to introduce myself but..)

Re: Hi I'm SGT ROCK, Morning play and child like behavior HE

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:45 pm
by JeSuS
so im confused... Are you banned from the server, or mad at an admin in the br server, or jsut complaining about people crying in server?

Re: Hi I'm SGT ROCK, Morning play and child like behavior HE

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:29 pm
No not banned, just got the boot I guess. It's just kinda wild west in there in the mornings, I don't know who all the admins are and I'm not one to complain really although this morning I just kinda got fed up. It's not just this morning though, it seems to happen on a regular basis. I can take a joke and it's just a game but I only get so much time to play to start with. I got tk boosted this morning, not many players at the time but sometimes it fills up fast, so I set some D up for practice/to learn and it got tk'd, now I watched the player do it, they just went around taking out the D, the base, anything and every thing. I think they had like a -7 score when I looked, 4-6 players at the time. I have a great deal of respect for the skills of the players in there, it's awesome action at times and ya just gotta love it, even if you're gettin yer ass kicked. I'm new back at the game after a GREAT many years but I just played base. I'm not into politics here and not in a clan, I don't know all the admins and I'm not mad at them, I haven't complained in there much. Maybe twice I've spoken up about a TK ? I get to playing the game and I miss a lot of what's said in there at times. I dunno it might have kicked me for destroying that blast wall that was blocking our base, welded mind you. Where I'm coming from is simple, great game or not, it's not fun to play in there in the mornings when it's like that. Just saying whatya do?

Re: Hi I'm SGT ROCK, Morning play and child like behavior HE

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:46 pm
by JeSuS
well when ever you see it get proof that they are teamkilling there stuff and post it here with the persons name and we will do the best we can to sovle it

Re: Hi I'm SGT ROCK, Morning play and child like behavior HE

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:05 am
by Erowid
here is a list of the admins
if you whisper something to them in game, usually they will do their best to help you out in those situations.

Re: Hi I'm SGT ROCK, Morning play and child like behavior HE

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:18 am
by bo'sdad
sarge, I am one of the owners here in br. I am sorry you have had a problem. I have played in the server several times against you and never noticed a problem. an admin is supposed to warn a player three times before taking action against them. If this is not happening then posting it here is the correct thing to do.
here is the list of admins, take some time to look it over, thanks,

Re: Hi I'm SGT ROCK, Morning play and child like behavior HE

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:23 am
Thanks I appreciate the advice, saved the admins page. I really enjoy this mod, there's so much to it, the weapons, shields, turrets, all pretty neat. I've made some mistakes, I'm sure, but never intentionally. I remember problems with admins watching servers back in the day, tkers ruining good games, server hijackers, etc. There weren't many people in the server when I got boosted, might not have been an admin there, I dunno. That guy chased me all over the base (blastside) trying to boost me, it was kinda funny to a point but... I appreciate that I see you all are trying to keep admins set up and keep the gameplay fun and fair. Thanks again for your time and help and thanks for the server, it is a GREAT place to play!

Re: Hi I'm SGT ROCK, Morning play and child like behavior HE

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:52 pm
by TXRedneck
I really appreciate the positive attitude Rock! That's few and far between now days. Not sure who did what or what they were thinking, and more than anything; as bare as things have been why anyone is being kicked or booted is ridiculous. The Admins in br are pretty stand up people; so not sure whats going on.

Is there a chance someone has Admin that shouldn't have it?

I hope these actions stop taking place before people are completely run off.

Re: Hi I'm SGT ROCK, Morning play and child like behavior HE

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:44 pm
by JeSuS
no i dont think an admin did this, maybe a vote did.

Re: Hi I'm SGT ROCK, Morning play and child like behavior HE

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:28 pm
by TXRedneck
That wouldn't surprise me either. :lol: