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Re: What needs fixed in the server?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:36 pm
by TXRedneck
Limit the deployable's so it's closer to a CTF Mod rather than a Build & Defend Mod. :geek:

Re: What needs fixed in the server?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 7:49 pm
by Erowid
TXRedneck wrote:Limit the deployable's so it's closer to a CTF Mod rather than a Build & Defend Mod. :geek:
be a great idea for the pro mod, but you have you remember the caliber of players in the br server. most of those would be used up defending an airbase rather than the flag.

Re: What needs fixed in the server?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:16 pm
also people play anni because they like to do other things then cap and chase.

Re: What needs fixed in the server?

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:28 am
by LunaticChick
In the Snipers Dream map, sometimes the switch just disappears once one team has captured it and the other team can't get to it.

Re: What needs fixed in the server?

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:37 pm
by JeSuS
No that is from it taking damage and it gets destroyed

Re: What needs fixed in the server?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:32 am
by TXRedneck
SAND wrote:also people play anni because they like to do other things then cap and chase.
I give up on this one. There's too many stalemates and I can't get players from other mod's to come over due to the insane amount of defensive deployables permitted to be set. It's the same complaint. I put in the request and have voiced my opinion and that of many others several times pertaining to this concern. (sticks out tongue) :mrgreen:

Enable a mute/ignore function so those that can't seem to keep their mouths shut can be shushed!

Re: What needs fixed in the server?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:52 am
I tend to agree with TxRedneck on the deployables but... Playing base got to be "who can move the fastest" and that's not really good for a team based game. Ya got two guys zipping around capping and the rest became kind of a senseless exercise. On the other hand there are a ton of deployables, it's a very daunting task to figure out the little attributes each can bring to the game and their different uses, ala the blast wall for shielding laser turrets. Some of them I'm not so sure they even work, the particle beam turret... dunno if I've ever seen one fire, but then they don't last long. Vortex turrets, pretty sure I saw those work a time or two now. Some things really seem to unbalance the play too, opponents moving your shields, to me it doesn't seem right. Players that are really good at the ghost pack or whatever it is can also unbalance a game pretty quick.
But the one thing I think really needs to go is that Jail deal. It's a neat idea and all but it's just a waste of time. You come into the server to play and when someone who's good with that is jailing players right a left it's just annoying. It doesn't matter if it's only for a short time it's not what you're there for. Strategically it takes a player out of the action for a while, so it serves a purpose but.. personally it's just an annoyance and it just allows players the opportunity to annoy others and is a tool for abuse. It's like this IMHO, I got better things to do than twiddle my fingers waiting on that.
While I'm at it I have a question... Sometimes my standard laser quits working, the turret killer option still works. Even after I go to Inv. and change armors, it still doesn't work. If I leave the server and come back it works. Is this due to the disarm weapon, does that disarm that particular wep. for the whole map?

Re: What needs fixed in the server?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:55 am
by Erowid
Tip: always use turret killer mode.

Re: What needs fixed in the server?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:28 am
by Lawlz
s for the whole, "base is about who can move the fastest," that's totally not true. Base is way more team oriented than you could imagine. Not only is the whole sole purpose of base CTF, but you even have people plan out what they are going to do. Even In a Public game, I can get people to do things like taking the flag from me If I have low hp, running opposing routes to stir the enemy, someone clearing the stand, etc etc.

Hmmm, deployables never seem to be a huge problem until you're trying to destroy them inside the base. Anything outside is easy to destroy.
And it's not just the particle beam you have to use, you just need to be somewhat organized in how you do it, or good with pitching with a force field. Even simple things like a Plasma Gun can take out most people's defenses now-a-days. (Unless you know how to properly set it :P)

As for being able to move defenses on the opposing team, why not? You can't sit there and complain that defenses are too strong when you have the option to pretty much move all of it... That's just being hypocritical.

I pretty much agree on the JailGun though, but for a different reason. I think it's stupid you can have a Chem Pack + A Jail Gun. I really think it should be one or the other, so to use the Jail Gun, you'd have to have a designated pack for it. If I wanted I could win every map just jailing people, and dismantling their whole base. (Granted I think I'd be a huge flamer for doing it though.) But I agree, being spammed with a gun where you literally sit the whole map is retarded and kills the server.

And finally... when you're talking about standard laser, are you talking about the Particle Beam? If so, I agree with Erowid.. I would never leave Turret Killer Mode. It takes roughly 12% to kill any armor, and that way you can also take out things like blastwalls, and forcefields without a problem from a distance if need be. (Not to mention you can shoot excessively faster than standard mode.)

Re: What needs fixed in the server?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:27 pm
by lil Tigga {OZ}
ive got an idea lets remove the invos from anni and all other armors for that matter and have people run back a forth capping..... wait i think they have that already how popular is that type of server again compared to br?