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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by RairLogic »

JeSuS wrote:first anti you dont even play, you just post here for shits and giggles.

second im not saying "We have the power so we can do w/e we want" so you completely lost where i was going.

Third there are actually a select few admins who have helped stu over the last year(and current) and im not gonna say who they are. Things happened the way they did only because of one person. Dont get me wrong i love when stu is playing so i can shoot at him in his apc. Yes he blews things out of proportions and yes he does deserve a 5th chance.

but again all these people complaining about every little thing doesnt even know how hard shit can be sometimes. Simple
Everyone says i dont play when i was on last night, bo'sdad was even on my team at one time.... Your second point, please elaborate since you said you didn't sound like "having power to do what they want" is how you meant to explain your point but you said the door is there if you can't take the admin's power. And your third point, admins helping a player? Boy, i didn't know only a few admins actually did their job, what do the other admins do then?

EDIT: i was interrupted by my niece by skype when typing but I understand what your trying to say Jesus and its good there is an admin like you that voice's opinions and responds to others' opinions....
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by JeSuS »

i always voice my opinion on anything i see suitable. If i said stuff to everything that is said in these might be considered a forum troll...(get the hint there)
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by RairLogic »

JeSuS wrote:i always voice my opinion on anything i see suitable. If i said stuff to everything that is said in these might be considered a forum troll...(get the hint there)
Troll = In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, , or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response. (i'll give you a hint to the definition of a troll)
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by '][']-[RiLL3R »

Voodoo Lama wrote:
'][']-[RiLL3R wrote:btw it's not Lama it's Llama
Bo's Dad quotes: Who needs to spell when you have power?
Lama is a word, look it up :D
Oh, never knew that. My bad so you're a VooDoo Priest heh.
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by <!>Cat 3000 »

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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by Loghead »

from stu:

I'd like nothing more than to discuss this reasonably, but as it has been pointed out several times, Bo has conveniently closed off all methods of communication with him. Instead he hides his lies and half-truths about me in the Admins Section where he can say whatever he wants without fear of me correcting him, and he continues to disrespect me by posting misleading comments about me in this forum in order to defend his position, which is indefensable.

If he wants respect, he need to act respectable. Lifting my ban would be a good start.

I've already offered to remove all the videos and pictures I've posted that ridicule him if he agrees, ...but nothing is going to change the low opinion I have of him. He earned that.

BTW: For those of you that don't know: Mr. Smith = JeSuS.
It turns out that the only players "disropted" by my comments were both BR admins.
JeSuS wrote:i say ban that Mr Smith guy
Apparantly JeSuS thinks his disrespectful attitude toward me in the video is funny.

Now JeSuS says that I deserve a "fifth chance"....implying that I've fucked up 4 times already.
...And Bo is claiming that I've been given "several chances already" but I can't keep my mouth shut.
My first ban was because Bongwater smurfed, harassed, TKed and baited me in order to create a reason to server-ban me.
Bo repeatedly rebanned me on sight for circumventing Bongwater's abusive ban.
Bo never re-banned me because of anything I said or did... he just banned me because I was there.
How the hell is that a "chance"?
Again, Bo is telling everyone half-truths to suit his agenda.
Since he still thinks my past bans are relevent, It looks like that "starting fresh" bullshit was exactly that.

FYI: It was a BR Admin that was repeatedly circumventing Bong's ban and Bo's re-bans... NOT ME.
..and I recently learned that my unbanning a month ago was NOT because of my IP change.
Someone else had removed my ban but didn't tell me.
I honestly thought my ban had been recinded until I noticed my IP had changed. I then assumed I was able to play because of that.

then, after I noticed my IP was different:


I wasn't using a smurf name, and I didn't hide the fact I was still banned.
Yet Bo calls this "sneaking back in like a lil coward".
Bo keeps claiming I'm some kind of threat to the server peace...
...The fact is I recorded over 50 demos during that time, and had no problems with ANYONE.

If it wasn't for the constant belittling and disrespect I recieved from BR admins, this situation would have never happened in the first place.
A few days before my banning, Fish was pretending to be a noob and was wasting everyone's time by asking stupid questions and for help with stupid issues. (He even fooled someone into "teaching" him how to necro-cap).
I was trying to warn other players that WigBro was Fish, and was told to "Shut Up" by BR admins, including 2Strong, Bo'sdad and JeSuS, who insisted that "Wig Bro" was not Fish:

At the time I thought that they didn't know any better and just didn't believe me, but it turns out they knew it all along and just didn't want me to expose Fish and his new little trolling game.

What pissed me off was that I was getting tired of being disrespected and told to "shut-up" by BR admins whenever I typed ANYTHING into the chat, no matter how inoffensive it was, ...and when I learned that BR admins were allowing Fish decieve people and disrespecting me to protect him, I felt I had a good reason to rub 2Strong's and Bo's faces in it when the truth came out.

If Bo expects me to apologize to him for lying to, belittling and abusing me, then he's got a long wait ahead of him.
As long as he persists in his opinion that I deserve to be permanantly banned for a little gloating, I will continue to publicly disrespect, belittle and humiliate him.

I think he should act like a man and assume some responsibility for causing the situation.
Yeah, what I did was stupid and impulsive, but it's not 100% my fault it happened.
His disrespect toward me just to protect Fish created the situation.

It seems to me that FIsh causes a lot of "drama" in the server ...yet he's NEVER been banned.
Why is that?
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by RairLogic »

JeSuS wrote:i always voice my opinion on anything i see suitable. If i said stuff to everything that is said in these might be considered a forum troll...(get the hint there)
I know i already quoted you but I have 6 posts on this thread (not including the post in which i defined the word troll to you). Also i do not kick up the dirt, STU just did... AND it doesn't take this long to decide on unbanning a player, unless you admins really want him banned for reasons others don't understand....
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by Matt Fox »

Nobody in this community really gives a fuck. about anyones problems

It was a fun 14 years guys, but you BR admins finally made the game not even fun to pwn you little bitches at.

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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by Lawlz »

Matt Fox wrote:Nobody in this community really gives a fuck. about anyones problems

It was a fun 14 years guys, but you BR admins finally made the game not even fun to pwn you little bitches at.

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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by Loghead »

fox you havent played since 98 stfu you would have been fucking 8