T1 Annihilation Rebirth Video

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T1 Annihilation Rebirth Video

Post by BeCool »

Hello my friends,
As some already know, I would like to start one last attempt to make our wonderful game Tribes more popular again and hopefully to bring a new impetus to it.
Many sites are already offline, and we and only we can show the game to a new generation of players that there is strong competition when it comes to games. But Tribes (Annihilation (MOD) remains unique! Since there are millions of games many people simply don't know anything about our game. And the name Tribes doesn't necessarily make it more attractive to find it, which gamer is already looking for a game called Tribes. I think if we do just call it T1 annihilation in a video and more gamers will find it.
In order to realize it I need help, no matter what kind, because it is a lot of work, I will be able to do most of it.
I need help by getting cool rec files from you, then as you know my English is not as good as it should be, need someone to help me to label everything correctly in the video. Ideas are very welcome because this is my first time doing this kind of thing. It would be great if we work as a team, it's a project that doesn't have to be done quickly, so don't worry about your time, it doesn't matter how long it will take us, but it should be something special. Also some good screens that we had as a record or a few new ones would not be bad. As I said, it's an idea and a concept so far. If someone would really help me every now and then, it would be great. It doesn't matter how much someone helps and how much time he invests, the main thing is that we do something and it turns out to be cool.
I've already started making videos 20 minutes 35 GB,
you can see which dimensions I mean, then I have to snip to get the best for different scenes. As I said, I do video editing completely myself, effects, editing and all that stuff. Write me your opinions.
:jlol: BE :coolio:
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Re: T1 Annihilation Rebirth Video

Post by AnniDv6 »

This is a good idea. We definitely need more game play footage on youtube of the mod. There are so many crazy plays that happen from time to time.

Anyone that wants to take some recordings of them playing can use this script. When a map ends while playing on the server it will auto drop you and you will have to re-join, but it will take recordings of every match that you play and name them for you. Lemon made it.

Copy and paste this code into your "autoexec.cs" file Inside your Tribes/Config folder or another file that execs when tribe starts.
function DemoDrop::Start()
if ($PlayingDemo)
Schedule::Add("DemoDrop::SetupDemo();", 1);

function DemoDrop::SetupDemo(%address)
if ($PlayingDemo)

$ConnectedToServer = FALSE;

setCursor(MainWindow, "Cur_Arrow.bmp");


newObject(ConsoleScheduler, SimConsoleScheduler);


$recordDemo = true;

myConnect($Server::Address, $Server::JoinPassword);

$AutoName::Recording = "";
$AutoName::AutoDemo = true;
function setupRecorderFile()
//returns time in global $time
$f = AutoName::StripString("("@timestamp::format()@")-"@$PCFG::Name);
$recorderFileName = "recordings\\" @ $f @ ".rec";

//autoname stuff
$AutoName::Stub = $f;
$AutoName::Dummy = $recorderFileName;
$AutoName::Recording = true;
$AutoName::Maps = 0;

echo("Recording to - " @ $recorderFileName);

function AutoName::Stop()
if (!$AutoName::Recording || $PlayingDemo || $AutoName::Maps==0)

%str = "";
//build a list of the maps we played
for (%i = 0; %i< $AutoName::Maps; %i++)
%m = $AutoName::MapList[%i];
%map = $AutoName::Lookup[ %m ];

if (%map == "")
//see if its an lt map
%lttest = String::GetSubStr(%m, 0, String::Length(%m)-2);
%map = $AutoName::Lookup[%lttest];
if ( %map != "" )
%map = %map @ "-lt";
%map = %m;

%str = %str @ "-" @ %map;

%dst = "Recordings\\" @ $AutoName::Stub @ %str @ ".rec";
echo ("k/os: Trying to Copy... " @ $AutoName::Dummy @ " to " @ %dst);

//try to copy the original demo to our new name
if (File::copy($AutoName::Dummy, %dst))
echo("k/os: Deleting old recording");
//delete the old

if ($AutoName::AutoDemo)

//add new map played
function AutoName::onMissionInfo(%server, %missionName, %ServerMissionType)
if (!$AutoName::Recording)

$AutoName::MapList[$AutoName::Maps++ - 1] = String::ToLower( String::Replace(%missionName, "_", "") );

//utility ****
function AutoName::StripString(%str)
%str = string::replace(%str, "[", "_");
%str = string::replace(%str, "]", "_");
%str = string::replace(%str, "<", "_");
%str = string::replace(%str, ">", "_");
%str = string::replace(%str, "?", "_");
%str = string::replace(%str, ":", "_");
%str = string::replace(%str, "*", "_");
%str = string::replace(%str, "/", "_");
%str = string::replace(%str, "\\", "_");
%str = string::replace(%str, "|", "_");

return %str;

function myConnect(%serverIp, %serverPw)
$Server::Address = %serverIp;
$Server::JoinPassword = %serverPw;

//map abbreviations to shorten filenames
$AutoName::Lookup["acrophobia"] = "ac";
$AutoName::Lookup["arcticwolf"] = "aw";
$AutoName::Lookup["Avalanche"] = "av";
$AutoName::Lookup["basatinlt"] = "bs";
$AutoName::Lookup["bastardforge"] = "bf";
$AutoName::Lookup["bastardforgeday"] = "bfd";
$AutoName::Lookup["broadside"] = "bs";
$AutoName::Lookup["canyoncrusadedeluxe"] = "ccdx";
$AutoName::Lookup["canyoncrusade"] = "ccd";
$AutoName::Lookup["cloakofnight"] = "con";
$AutoName::Lookup["dayfall"] = "df";
$AutoName::Lookup["dangerouscrossing"] = "dx";
$AutoName::Lookup["desertofdeath"] = "dod";
$AutoName::Lookup["domino"] = "dm";
$AutoName::Lookup["emeraldvalley"] = "ev";
$AutoName::Lookup["hildebrand"] = "hb";
$AutoName::Lookup["icedagger"] = "id";
$AutoName::Lookup["iceridge"] = "ir";
$AutoName::Lookup["integration"] = "int";
$AutoName::Lookup["jaggedclaw"] = "jc";
$AutoName::Lookup["midnightmayhem"] = "mmd";
$AutoName::Lookup["midnightmayhemdeluxe"] = "mmdx";
$AutoName::Lookup["northernlights"] = "nl";
$AutoName::Lookup["obfuscation"] = "obf";
$AutoName::Lookup["raindance"] = "rd";
$AutoName::Lookup["reliquary"] = "rq";
$AutoName::Lookup["rollercoaster"] = "rc";
$AutoName::Lookup["runout"] = "ro";
$AutoName::Lookup["scarabrae"] = "scara";
$AutoName::Lookup["sidewinder"] = "sw";
$AutoName::Lookup["simoom"] = "sm";
$AutoName::Lookup["snowblind"] = "sb";
$AutoName::Lookup["spincycle"] = "sc";
$AutoName::Lookup["starfall"] = "sf";
$AutoName::Lookup["stonehenge"] = "sh";
$AutoName::Lookup["stonehengepub"] = "sh_pub";
$AutoName::Lookup["stonehengecluster"] = "sh_pub";
$AutoName::Lookup["tesseract"] = "tes";
$AutoName::Lookup["timberline"] = "tl";
$AutoName::Lookup["opensnare"] = "os";
$AutoName::Lookup["firenza"] = "fz";
$AutoName::Lookup["teamside"] = "ts";
$AutoName::Lookup["anthill"] = "ant";
$AutoName::Lookup["fogofwar"] = "fow";
$AutoName::Lookup["citadels"] = "cit";
$AutoName::Lookup["adishbestservedcold"] = "dish";
$AutoName::Lookup["hammerdown"] = "hd";
$AutoName::Lookup["bloodyvengeance"] = "bv";
$AutoName::Lookup["siege"] = "siege";

//patch a few things in to always record (covers almost every situation
if ($AutoName::AutoDemo)
//record demo when clicking join button
Event::Attach(eventJoinGame, setupRecorderfile);
//demo drop on map change
Event::Attach(eventChangeMission, DemoDrop::Start);

function PlayerSetupNext()
if ($QuickStart == "TRUE")
if ($PCFG::Name == "")
GuiLoadContentCtrl(MainWindow, "gui\\Connect.gui");



Event::Attach(eventMissionInfo, AutoName::onMissionInfo);

//make sure we stop/rename in every possible situation
Event::Attach(eventDisconnected, AutoName::Stop);
Event::Attach(eventConnectionLost, AutoName::Stop);
Event::Attach(eventConnectionTimeout, AutoName::Stop);
Event::Attach(eventExit, AutoName::Stop);
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Re: T1 Annihilation Rebirth Video

Post by BeCool »

i have an normal but thats sounds good, THX try it out!!
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Re: T1 Annihilation Rebirth Video

Post by BeCool »

here for Download: i names it Autorecord.acs.cs and put in my TribesHDv8=V=\config\Modules folder, works good, THX!!
have we an way to names the records with an Date?

is nice sorted now all, THX Death for sharing and Link for help me get work correctly,
free :drinkz: for ya ^_^
Last edited by BeCool on Thu Mar 18, 2021 7:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: T1 Annihilation Rebirth Video

Post by AnniDv6 »

You can probably filter them by date just by when they got put into the folder with Windows.
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Re: T1 Annihilation Rebirth Video

Post by BeCool »

AnniDv6 wrote: Mon Mar 15, 2021 5:04 pm You can probably filter them by date just by when they got put into the folder with Windows.
yes this already i have so in my windows.
i saw in console the demorecorder made first the rec as date and rename it in same moment and so
comes finally an Recording2 ... out
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