New Maps By Synsilliusarian

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New Maps By Synsilliusarian

Post by AnniDv6 »

Added re-vamped maps by Synsilliusarian to the server today 8.22.2022.

Find them in the CTF Community Maps category.
(Screenshots below)

Bridge to Nowehre
Cloud IX
Kingdom Of Mist
Mud Buds
Onyx Night
Twilight Horizon
Witching Hour

Change Log by Syn below:


--Rebuilt completely from the ground up--

-Cleaned base object meridian axes, for easy alignment.

-Removed disorganized, sloppy, and misaligned gatedoors.

-Minor base foundation platform redesign. Aesthetically cleaner, less impact on FPS.
(I have discovered proper alignment increases or stabilizes FPS, as misaligned objects leave hard edges leading to higher GPU stress.
Some players still have low end, or old PCs)

-Minor base redesign to accompany 'Tower of Babel' pulse sensors, and access to repair them, should they be destroyed.

-Redesigned base inventory hubs, for balance reasons.

-Redesigned auxiliary inventory hubs, for balance reasons.

-Added indoor turrets to central base inventory hubs.

-Doubled forcefield "windows" in inventory sections to account for Plasma and Nuke splash-through.

-Minor flag chamber redesign, for balance reasons. Chambers are now evenly placed and aligned. Chambers are now identical.

-Relocated spawn points.

-Added .mis file code to denote map author in-game.

-Added sloped exterior structure 'within' the flag chamber to force ghost pack users above the terrain, in an effort to prevent hiding within
the structure beneath the terrain and out of the playable area. This is not normally an issue, as any ghost pack user has access to said areas, however,
the only access to these hidden structures are via the team's flag chamber, which can prevent access if well defended. This can result in an impossible
situation that stalls the game, if for example, a player holds a team's flag and hides beneath the terrain.


Bases are cleaner, more balanced, easier to defend against spawn rushing, and less prone to early domination.

Spawn points are now less prone to camping, easier to re-arm after respawn.

-Sniper bunker
-Fallen walls of Babylon across the battlefield


-Deleted broken spawn points that somehow existed out of map boundaries.

-Relocated one random spawn point per team.

-Added minor structure to the 'Bridge to Nowhere' central objective beneath the terrain, for balance reasons.

-Doubled forcefield "windows" to account for Plasma and Nuke splash-through.

-Added .mis file code to denote map author in-game.

-Everything else.


-Reduced the number of Rocket Turrets per team base from 2, to 1.

-Reduced the number of Flag Indoor Turrets per team base from 4, to 1.

-Reduced the number of Plasma Turrets per team base from 4, to 2.

-Reduced the number of Mortar Turrets per team base from 3, to 2.

-Reduced the number of Inventory Stations per team base from 5, to 3.

-Reduced the number of Objective base Indoor Turrets from 2, to 1.

-Relocated 1 random spawn point per team, to base interior.

-Doubled forcefield "windows" to account for Plasma and Nuke splash-through.

-Added minor structure to accompany single Rocket Turret.

-Added minor structure to accompany single Flag Indoor Turret.

-Relocated Rocket and Flag Indoor Turrets.

-Added .mis file code to denote map author in-game.

-Everything else.
**Cloud IX:


--Rebuilt completely from the ground up--

-Cleaned object meridian axes for easy alignment.

-Due to cleaning of object meridian axes, Team bases and Bridgewalk are now re-oriented in relation to terrain.

-Major base redesign, for balance reasons.

-Bridgewalk shortened by 1 bridge-length, as players complained map was too large.

-Doubled forcefield "windows" to account for Plasma and Nuke splash-through.

*Note: Only Windows adjacent to inventories and spawn points were doubled, to reduce forcefield framerate impact.

-Reduced the number of Plasma Turrets per team base from 6, to 3.

-Reduced the number of Rocket Turrets per team base from 2, to 1.

-Reduced the number of Indoor Turrets per team base from 4, to 2.

-Deleted Elf Turrets.

-Added 1 Vehicle Station and Pad per team base.

-Replaced Large Pulse Sensors with Medium Pulse Sensors, for balance reasons.

-Reduced the number of Pulse Sensors from 3, to 2.

-Vectored Pulse Sensors to account for innate blind spots. (Sensors would not detect Terrain-level targets, due to being lower than the sensor itself.)

-Further enclosed playable terrain area within map boundaries. (In other words, map boundary is now smaller... gatta sound professional yo)

-Encapsulated 'core' catwalk section of Center Bridgewalk, as previous design allowed the placement of turrets beneath 'core' catwalk platforms.

-Added a simple Kill Trigger within 'core' catwalk interior, in an effort to prevent players from hiding within the 'core' encapsulation with the
enemy flag via the Ghost Pack, as well as placing Mobile Inventories to construct 'hidden bases' within said 'core' encapsulation.

-Redesigned and relocated Flag chamber/point, for balance reasons.

-Relocated Terrain-to-Base pads.

-Added 2 Spring pads to terrain, and minor structure to accompany them.

-Added .mis file code to denote map author in-game.


Overall base design idea remains the same.

Bases are now aesthetically cleaner. Less impact to FPS.

Base interiors and exteriors are much more aesthetically clean/pleasing. (They just look cooler!)

Base interiors no longer have spaces aplenty for hiding defenses from Nukes, Mortars and Grenades. This was an intentional redesign
to prevent placement of impenetrable defense. (First-hand testing, as well as in-game observation indicated this was a problem. Need dem beta testas!)

Flag points are now easier to reach from A) opposing team's position, and from B) base interior.

It is now easier to return to the fight, should one fall from the Bridgewalk.

Overall playable area is slightly smaller in response to player feedback. Map is simply much more balanced, and well-made than previous version.

It's just better!


--Rebuilt completely from the ground up--

-Complete and total overhaul of base design. (Players just did not like the previous base design. Some seemed to struggle finding entrances.. blind I guess.)

-Bases are relocated.

-Bases are re-oriented perpendicular to their previous location, and are now further apart. Adds terrain variance. (I don't think I have ever seen this map
terrain used in custom maps, hence the reason I used it. Default base locations leave extreme areas of very nice terrain that is just simply
not used. Therefor, I have situated the bases in such a way to utilize these areas. I personally love this terrain, and hope others do too.)

-Increased the Default gravity from -17 to -20 to match the 'standard.' I have noticed most players in the Annihilation server do not enjoy lower gravity
settings, and it seems to throw many players off.

-Kept bases as mirrored as possible but due to terrain variations, Team1 base sits higher than Team0 base. I have positioned bases as best as possible
to keep the map as balanced as possible.


It's basically a new map, with the same title. I know it's stupid to redesign an already existing map, however,
players didn't just dislike the map, they seemed to *hate* the previous base design, so instead of scrubbing
the map completely, and wasting a perfectly good terrain that is *never* used, the bases were redesigned
completely, and placed in unused areas of terrain. I hope this variation, along with the great terrain itself, gives
the game a bit of a refreshing sense of 'new.'

**Mud Buds:


-Reduced the number of Rocket Turrets per team base from 2, to 1.

-Reduced the number of Mortar Turrets per TEAM0 base from 3, to 1.

-Reduced the number of Mortar Turrets per TEAM1 base from 4, to 1.

-Doubled Forcefield "windows" to account for Plasma and Nuke splash-through.

-Added .mis file code to denote map author in-game.

-Everything else.
Map is much more balanced.
**Onyx Night:


-Removed 2 of 4 Plasma Turrets per team base.

-Replaced 2 of 2 Large Pulse Sensors with 2 of 2 Medium Pulse Sensors per team base, for balance reasons.

-Doubled forcefield "windows" adjacent to Inventory Stations to account for Plasma and Nuke splash-through.

-Added .mis file code to denote map author in-game.

-Everything else.

Map is slightly more balanced.

-Playerbase seems happy with the map. No real changes.

-Added .mis file code to denote map author in-game.



-Deleted 2 of 9 Random Spawn points per team.

-Relocated 2 Outdoor Random Spawn points per team to Base Interiors.

-Relocated 1 Interior Random Spawn Point per team to it's mirrored position.

-Added .mis file code to denote map author in-game.

-Everything else.
Spawn points are now less susceptible to spawn camping.

Spawn points are now easier to re-arm from.

*Note: It behooves me to leave my old sloppy object placement alone, now that I fully
understand exact meridian axis placement... The decimals! Yuck! OCD Engaged.


-Removed 1 of 1 Rocket Turret per team base, for balance reasons.
(After observing and participating in gameplay, Rocket Turret makes it extremely difficult
to get into the base. With player-set defense, Deployable Rocket Turrets, no innate Vehicle Pad, and the
Flag being underground, the Rocket Turret seemed unnecessary.)

-Fixed 1 of 4 Objective Teleport exits, below the Team bases, that somehow existed outside of the map boundary.

-Moved Sensor Tower Array forward, to compensate for missing Rocket Turret.

-Everything else.
Map is slightly more balanced.
Onyx NightSS.jpg
Mud BudsSS.jpg
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Re: New Maps By Synsilliusarian

Post by Forke »

You've been busy.
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Re: New Maps By Synsilliusarian

Post by LunaticChick »

Wow Thanks!
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Re: New Maps By Synsilliusarian

Post by Maniac »

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Re: New Maps By Synsilliusarian

Post by AnniDv6 »

Bump Added pictures of the maps.
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Re: New Maps By Synsilliusarian

Post by AnniDv6 »

Added CTF-B versions of the maps. Find them in the CTF BOTS category.
synctfb.png (59.52 KiB) Viewed 8065 times
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Re: New Maps By Synsilliusarian

Post by Maniac »

*Climax Noises*
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Re: New Maps By Synsilliusarian

Post by KILROY »

Awesome Syn and Death! Thx!
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