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Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:08 pm
by vistalize
Hey bros.

I just wanted to let you guys know on June the 8th I checked myself into a Rehab facility. I wont go into the details but lets just say I was on the verge of either

A. Going back to prison
B. Ending up dead

I made the decision to check myself into a 12,000 dollar program from which I received for free thanks to the grace of God.

The first few days were horrible... I was in detox and stayed there for about 4 or 5 days while they winged me off the drugs I was taking. From there I stayed in the program and found out my insurance had fallen through. My counselor hooked me up with one of the best Sober living houses in Houston and I was granted a 30 day scholarship in the program. Since then I have had my ups and downs. The 3 weeks has been the longest I have ever endured in my life. But again by the grace of God I earned myself a position within the House as a maintenance man where I will receive free housing/food/etc. I truly believe this is my last chance and I am trying my hardest everyday to stay sober. One thing I have learned is to take this shit one day at a time. I still have my days but the guys here are awesome and without them I would probably be back on the streets. I tried to leave 2 or 3 times and these guys just wouldn't give up on me. These guys have become my family.

There were nights when I would cry myself to sleep. I remember the 1st day I attended my AA meeting... the whole meeting I could not stop crying. I truly wanted to die. I felt like I had nothing to live for. My life had become an empty hole which I tried to fill with drugs and alcohol. There was no meaning and there were times when I would take as many pills as I could and drink as much as I could hoping I would not wake up the next day. Through all this I endured. I am now 3 weeks sober and next week I will officially be 1 month sober and will be picking up my 30 day chip. For some that know me this is a big thing for me. I have not been 1 month sober in over 10 years. I truly believe that without God and without the support I have received the past few weeks I would not be alive talking to you guys now. I just wanted to let you guys know I love you all and pray for you all every day. I hope all is well and hope for the best. Tribes has been my escape for years. I want to thank some of you who have helped me get through some hard times in my life. You know who you are. Those that are going through something remember to pray and just take it 1 day at a time. If I can get through it you can too. I love you all and this is coming from the bottom of my heart. I hope to one day be on the battlefield with you again. But right now I am concentrating on getting my life together.

I wish for the best and I hope you guys are doing well.

God bless


Re: Sobriety

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:21 am
by Aaquib
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

Re: Sobriety

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:57 am
by Owner
Brother we and i are happy for you. Best thing you did. I will wish you all luck in the world to be clean of w/e that reason is.

Re: Sobriety

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:42 pm
by Beavis
One day at a time, is the only way you can do this. Good luck brotha. <3Z

Re: Sobriety

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 11:09 pm
by <!>Cat 3000
Good luck, Tree. You're like a brother to me. =(

Re: Sobriety

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 11:55 pm
by '][']-[RiLL3R
I'm really sorry to hear what you went through man, and I'm really happy to hear the decision you made.

My brother went through pretty much the same thing but he made it through and so can you...

Just one day at a time, I wish you the very best of luck, man. :D

P.S. Hurry back so we can play some good 'ol T:1 again! ;)

Re: Sobriety

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 11:38 am
by perrinoia
I had a co-worker who was in one of those programs... Thought he was doing great... Next thing you know, he gets fired for constantly being late and/or sick and steals $600 on his way out the door. Haven't seen the guy since.

I hope you do a lot better than him.

Re: Sobriety

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:03 pm
by vistalize
Thanks alot for the support guys it really means alot and I will continue to do this thing 1 day at a time.

And perrinoia, I am not your co-worker. This is a life or death situation for me. And this is not a "program" I expect you to understand. You were probably on your mom's tit for most of your life. Me on the other hand have lived in these streets and I know how rough it can get. My mother kicked me out at an early age and I have been striving to survive ever since. People like me will show people like you that we do have what it takes and nobody in this world can stop us as long as we keep God first. Pain brings wisdom and trust me I have gone through enough pain for a whole basketball team. I will do this with God's help and continue to strive for perfection. Right now I am in the process of getting my business off the ground. Give me a few years and you will see that I am not kidding about this. Like i said... this is life or death and I choose life.

Re: Sobriety

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:29 pm
by Jegue
Good luck Tree :)

Re: Sobriety

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 4:19 pm
by LunaticChick
So glad to hear you are doing well and made the right decision *big hug*! We will be here when you get back :D